Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

QOTD – Refrigerator “Art”

Ok, so if you remember, we bought a new dishwasher and refrigerator a couple of weeks ago. I love, love, love both of them and am still very enamored of my shiny new appliances. Yep, I’m that kind of girl. Appliances make me all giddy 🙂

I debated for a while about whether to leave my shiny new fridge all empty and clean looking, as it was in this picture here, or to put some of my pictures and magnets and memorabilia back on it. I finally decided that I had to put some of it back. I love looking at my family photos and I do make it a point to get magnets from when we travel to fun places. So, I put some of the magnets back on the front, and pictures on the side. I tried not to have it as cluttered as the old refrigerator I had before.

That’s today’s “Question of the Day” – are you a person who likes putting things up on your fridge, like notes, pictures, schedules, your kids art work, magnets, etc? Or are you a clean refrigerator kind of person, and yours doesn’t have a single thing on it? Leave me a comment and let me know!

Oh, and in case you are interested, here’s what I have on mine now. The front, with just a few magnets from our travels:

Front of the new Fridge, with magnets

And the side by my countertops. I fix my bowl of cereal here in the AM and like looking at all of the photos of family and friends. There’s also a couple of reminders about doctor appointments, my weekly menu and a schedule for the local minor league baseball team 🙂

Side of the new Fridge, with photos

  1. Laura Said,

    As far as I’m concerned, the fridge is just another way to display photos in my house. And that’s always a good thing. 🙂
    I LOVE magnets, and I can’t imagine anybody who doesn’t.

  2. Heidi Said,

    A clean fridge outside might look “better,” but I really feel that my kitchen wouldn’t be homey without pictures on it.

  3. annie Said,

    Thanks for the good news on the blender, I am going to actually read the booklet because I have fried two in a few days maybe I’m doing something wrong… don’t want to fry 3!
    Um, the recipe has potatoes in it and I forgot to add onions so I’m going back to revise now because I just put all this in my crockpot and realized my omission anyway, I usually make rolls and if I need something else I will make green beans or broccoli for another color (I’m weird about colors/like I don’t like the whole meal to be one color etc.)…
    Now for my answer to your QFTD…
    I like a clean fridge, but it seems to attract notes and pictures and stuff… I wait a while and pitch them. It never is completely empty of stuff, but I try to keep it to a minimum.

  4. Karen Said,

    I like a clean fridge, but I don’t think mine ever will be! It’s the only place in my kitchen to put all the family pics and little notes and drawings from the kids. I agree, it does make a kitchen feel homey, so I don’t mind.

  5. Carrie Said,

    My fridge is *artsy*, LOL. I have pictures the girls have made for me hanging up. They’re all hanging by my favorite magnets. I usually keep my menu plan on the front of the fridge. I also keep a magnetic notepad on the fridge.

  6. twiga92 Said,

    I like to have stuff on my fridge – pictures of my friends’ kids, my niece and nephew, my parents’ prayer card. I think I have a picture of it in my Flickr acct.

  7. Shayna Said,

    You know, it DRIVES me crazy to not have anything on my fridge. Thats one of the first things I do whenever we move somewhere new. I find all our magnets and whatnot and put them up. We pick up a magnet for every state or country we visit! So we have QUITE a few. And on the occasion I get pics drawn by my little guys, they get put up too!

  8. JennaG Said,

    Mine is full from the top to about half way down–pictures, magnets, important notes, etc. My kitchen would look funny without them.

  9. Lauren S. Said,

    I generall do not like clutter, but fridge is covered! It has photos, phone lists, my children’s art, alphabet magnets, etc…. I thought that’s what a fridge was for!

  10. Gail Said,

    My fridge has stuff all over it, photos, notes, etc. But you knew that already! I see some of my family on the side of your fridge…hey move us front and center! I mean what were you thinking!
    I still “need” a new fridge……..got any pull with anyone who’ll remain nameless here, which really isn’t necessary because he doesn’t really know what a blog is and heavens forbid if he should actually read one of ours!

  11. Lynne Said,

    I think the only things I have on my refrigerator are a monthly calendar to keep track of work schedules and a couple of pictures of Shelby when she was little.

    You must have one of those look-like-stainless-steel-but-really-is-something-different-so-that-magnets-can-stick refrigerators.

  12. deb Said,

    I have magnets and photos on the front of my fridge. Also, coupons and oil change reminders ;~)

    I want a new refrigerator, too!!

  13. Melody Said,

    Absolutely, Stacy! I put magnets on my fridge!!! 😉

  14. Stacy Said,

    Cover it. It’s more fun that way 🙂 Gotta give it a little personality!

  15. Susanne Said,

    Mine goes the cluttered route very quickly. My pics are on cupboard doors. My fridge gets coupons on the side. On the front is hubby’s work schedule, the kids dish washing schedule . When they were little they were each allowed one pic each on the fridge. On the other side is my grocery lists.

  16. Becky Said,

    I like to have a “clean” refrigerator in the front. But the sides are definitely mini art galleries with a few school reminders and menus thrown in for good measure!!! Can only go about halfway down or the little man will wreak havoc! 🙂 Our fridge is similar…only we don’t have the nice water & ice dispenser! But, we do atleast have an icemaker inside…it drives me nuts filling ice trays!

  17. Mandalyn Said,

    I love putting pictures and art work on my fridge! It feels more comfortable to me that way!

  18. sherry Said,

    I have my ta do list and a list of paper for the kids’ daily chores on front and a dry erase calendar on the side.

    Sometimes it is full of the kids’ “art”, however.


  19. Kim Said,

    Another great question, Stacy! I have a handful of magnets across the top front of the freezer door, then just below that, two 8.5 X 11 magnetic frames with each daughter’s artwork in them. Down on the refrigerator door, I have a magnetic towel holder and magnetic paper towel holder. I ordered them from Amazon several months ago and LOVE them. It’s so handy having a dish towel on the front of the fridge. (I’m also VERY particular about what my towels look like). On the side by the counter, I have magnetic hooks with my pot holders and a magnetic timer.

  20. Cam Said,

    Oh my, ours is covered on all sides. Magnets & photos on the freezer door, photos of family/friends on one side of the fridge, and notes/phone#s/misc. stuff on the other side.
    TWO sets of magnetic alphabet letters & numbers ALL OVER THE PLACE, which get moved around constantly by G. And a couple of his drawings are always in rotation.

    I think a fridge without magnets/pictures/personal stuff is just sad.

  21. Laura Said,

    I’m not a fan of clutter but I would have to say that I still use the front of my fridge as a type of command centre. Important papers and menu plans! I also love magnets.

    Love your new fridge!


  22. Debi Said,

    Oh…I am soooo jealous! You’re fridge looks perfect! Not cluttered, but still homey. Ours is a complete, I mean COMPLETE disaster! For one thing, we have no less than 5 sets of alphabet magnets on the front (though we do all have fun writing messages to one another). Then add in the photos, the artwork, the wipe-off calendar, the appointment slips for the things that don’t yet make the calendar, etc. Yep…COMPLETE DISASTER!

  23. mamichelle Said,

    Well, since I got my new stainless fridge, I’m now a clean front fridge girl. I used to have it covered with family photos.

    The side of my new fridge has a calendar and a little clip of appointment cards and that’s IT! My dh was the fridge nazi who said not to put anything back up. Now that I’m used to it, I actually like the look of it. It was fun for a while though…

  24. Dianne Said,

    My fridge is as cluttered as the next one! I wouldn’t know what to do with an uncluttered one. YOurs looks so nice and shiny but the magnets look good – not cluttery!

  25. Judi Said,

    Mine is offensively covered with child art and pictures. I really should scale down!

  26. Karla Said,

    I used to be a “NOTHING ON MY REFRIGERATOR…EVER!” girl…until my darling daughter was born. Now it is covered from top to bottom with her art work and photos…and I LOVE it! 🙂

  27. trista Said,

    Our fridge is similar to yours, only the opposite. Our front looks like your side, and our side looks like your front. We have a dry erase board calendar so that we can keep up with all of our dr. appt and stuff. Other than that, photos and art work on the front. Then some of our fav rest magnets, and magnets from vacations are on the side. P.S. Your fridge looks much tidier than ours on both sides. 🙂

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