Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Booking Through Thursday

Booking Through Thursday Meme

This week’s question is very timely, considering I blogged a little about this yesterday! From their new website, here:

It happens even to the best readers from time to time… you close the cover on the book you’re reading and discover, to your horror, that there’s nothing else to read. Either there’s nothing in the house, or nothing you’re in the mood for. Just, nothing that “clicks.� What do you do?? How do you get the reading wheels turning again?

Well, since I got back on my reading kick a couple of years ago, I can honestly say that I have never reached the point where I don’t have something lined up next to read. I have a pretty good TBR pile here, and I have a huge list on my PDA of books to check out of the library. So the literal “don’t have a thing to read” dilemma has not happened to me. However, the “nothing you’re in the mood for” thing does apply to me! I actually have that a lot. Including yesterday. I had finished the last library book, and knew I wanted to work on some books from my bookshelves that are languishing there, feeling lonely and gathering dust. I just didn’t know which ones and what I felt like reading.

I am actually quite a “moody” reader, I admit. I tend to get in moods where I do or do not want to read certain kinds of books. This is really apparent for me when it comes to series books. I love to read series books, and I must read them in order, but I have this odd little quirk about not reading them back to back most of the time. I seem to get sort of burned out if I read a series of 3, 5 or even more books in consecutive order, with nothing else interspersed in there to change the mood or flow. (I think I must have a short attention span and need to switch things up. This also applies to any book over about 350 or 400 pages. I balk. I can’t do it, just too long!) I just don’t enjoy series books as much like that, if I read them back to back to back. So, I slide other books in there and work along on my series, without getting burned out on them. Does that make sense?

  1. Eden Said,

    I’m definitely a mood reader. I’ll read like mad for days and there will be a stretch where I just can’t stand to look at a book.

  2. twiga92 Said,

    I’m quite the moody reader also. I agree with the whole “short attention span and switching things up” concept. That is very me. I can’t read series books back to back either. I have to read other books in between the series books.

  3. Melody Said,

    Hey Stacy! I’m like you…my reading depends a lot on my mood! Glad we have the TBR pile to choose from, hehe.
    Happy reading.

  4. sherry Said,

    I think it has happened to me once, or maybe twice. I’m a very moody reader too — but at the moment, I have dozens of books for every mood in my TBR pile!


  5. Literary Feline Said,

    With all the reading challenges I roped myself into this year, I don’t have a lot of time for mood reads. I’ve actually found that that is not a big problem for me. I thought it would be and occasionally it is, but not for the most part.

    I go on kicks where I like to read series books back to back, but if there are a lot in the series, I take breaks now and then just to break up the reading. I’ll read something else completely different after maybe the third or fifth book and then get back into the series when I’m feeling ready.

  6. Debi Said,

    Well, darn. I forgot to play yet again.
    I can’t ever imagine not having anything to read here. We’ve got hundreds, yes, literally hundreds of books, that I haven’t yet read in this house. I think I could find something to fit just about any mood. Of course, I went and signed up for all these darn challenges, plus I have so much reading to do for homeschooling, that now I really don’t get to pick up just anything. Not sure these challenges were such a good idea.

  7. JennaG Said,

    I rarely feel burned out with reading. If I don’t feel like reading, I just don’t. The desire has never failed to come back. Congrats on all your book wins!

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