Exceedingly Mundane

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The Jane Austen Book Club by Karen Joy FowlerI finished another book last night, “The Jane Austen Book Club” by Karen Joy Fowler. I wish I had something positive to say about the book, but I really didn’t like it very much. I didn’t hate it, but I just didn’t like it. It was a bit of a struggle for me to get through. Maybe I wasn’t in the mood for that type of book right now (I really do tend to be a moody reader), but mostly I think I just didn’t like the characters all that much or the way the author wrote. Or the plot, for that matter.

The book centers on 5 women of varying ages (and relationship states) and one man in California who band together to read the works of Jane Austen, exclusively. They don’t read works by other authors, just Austen. Maybe it is because I have not read most of her books (of which there are few, only 6 books), but I really don’t think that is it. While there is sufficient talk each time about the book and characters, that is not what didn’t appeal to me. It’s the actual book club members, their lives and forays into their past (distant or otherwise) that I just didn’t like. To me, these weren’t very likable characters, not endearing to me in any way. Maybe I didn’t relate to them. Who knows, but now, I do know, this is not the book for me. I don’t know if Fowler has written other books, but I don’t think I’ll look for any. I have plenty of other books I know I want to read, most by authors I know I enjoy. Life is too short to read books we don’t enjoy. I did finish it. I persevered, to be sure. I struggled at times, but my philosophy is “never surrender” 😀

For the record, I’ve read 37 books so far this year, for a total of 11, 534 pages. Up next is the first “Southern Sisters” mystery that I bought last week in the library sale. It’s called “Murder on a Girl’s Night Out” and I’m looking forward to it – light, cozy and enjoyable. 🙂

Happy Reading!

  1. Heidi Said,

    I tried to read that book and gave up. It wasn’t at all what I thought it was going to be. Good job pushing though it!

  2. Sherry Said,

    Me too! I didn’t finish. And it is such a disappointment too, because the premise of the book is awesome!

    Ah well. They can’t all be Gone with the Wind.


  3. Cam Said,

    Ugh, if it’s related to Jane Austen in any way, that has to be why it was so bad. IMO, she’s one of the worst, most boring authors ever. I’ve never hated reading anything more than her works! So this book would not seem like it’s much fun, if it has anything remotely to do with her.

  4. Dianne Said,

    This had intrigued me so thanks for the heads up. Don’t want another “Time Traveller’s Wife” on my hands!

  5. Susanne Said,

    You’re the opposite of me. If I can’t get into a book by 30 pages or so, I abandon it. Too many books, too little time to waste forcing myself through something I’m not enjoying.

  6. Lynne Said,

    I’ve seen this book, but have no interest at all in reading it. Glad to find out I’m not missing much.

  7. Jennifer Said,

    Oy…you lost me at Jane Austen 😉
    Actually, her books were fine…but they’re a little hard for this gal to follow 🙂 I like my English to be modernized, ya know, for easy reading 🙂 I’m not sure the novel you just read jumps out at me, either…if all they read was Jane Austen, what dull characters they must have been! 😉 I am of the “abandon ship” policy when it comes to dull books…I admire you for finishing it!! 🙂

  8. Debi Said,

    Sorry you didn’t enjoy your book! I just finished one that I just didn’t like either. And I think it was for much the same reason. The main character just never grew on me. I know you were “supposed to” like her, but I just couldn’t relate to her. I hate that I wasted my time on the book when I could have been reading something better. Oh well, huh? Better luck to both of us on our next reads!

    By the way, I tagged you with a book meme, if you feel like it.

  9. Barb Said,

    When I start a book and realize I’m not liking it, I put it away. Too many good books and too little time! I just don’t read books I don’t like. Funny. I’m such a fan of Jane Austen I might have tried this one. I think not now. Doesn’t sound good.

    So thanks for the warning. LOL

  10. Shawna Said,

    I am so afraid to buy books because I’m afraid I won’t like them! I’ll spend an hour deciding between 2 to 3 books just to but one! Thanks for the review.

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