Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Miss Me?

Did you miss me? No, of course you didn’t. No one except a few family and friends knew that we were gone 🙂

We have been out of town on vacation since the weekend. Tim’s parents celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary a week ago, and as our present to them, we all went on vacation together as a family. There were eleven of us in all – us, Tim’s parents, brothers, one sister-in-law and our four nieces and nephews. We went to the Smoky Mountains (Gatlinburg, TN) and rented a large cabin. We had 4 bedrooms, a game room, two living room areas, 7 TV’s, 2 decks, a grill, a hot tub, jacuzzi and a bunch of other amenities. We had a great time! We went out to eat a couple of times, grilled out at the cabin, and had some wonderful meals together. We did a little shopping, some sightseeing, and Tim and I did some hiking/sightseeing in the Great Smoky National Park while the others went to a petting zoo and go-kart track with the kids (our nieces and nephews). I think Tim’s parents really enjoyed our trip, and I know we did 🙂 We loved getting to spend time together!

We got home just a little while ago, and have already retrieved Beau from what I fondly refer to as “puppy prison” (aka the kennel where we board him). I ran to the grocery and picked up some milk, bread, OJ and a few things to tide us over. We definitely don’t need to eat much for a while. I feel like I could not eat for a few days. Beau, on the other hand, appears to have not eaten at all while we were gone. Tim and I both thought he looked noticeably skinnier. He looks really thin and scrawny again 🙁

Now, I have to start working on transferring my photos I took, updating my Project365 blog, and starting on that mountain of laundry we brought home. Hope everyone is having a great week!

P.S. I experimented with the “pre-post” feature and posted a couple of blog entries while we were gone. I’m so happy it all worked so well 🙂

  1. rach Said,

    Hi Stacy. Nice to have you back. Belated Happy Anniversary to Tim’s parents. My parents also celebrated their 35th Anniversary recently. I’m glad you had a lovely vacation with the family.

    I’m sure Beau felt lonely being away from you which can account to his lost of appetite. Hope he’ll have his appetite back now that you’re reunited with him.

  2. Heidi Said,

    Welcome back! We visited Asheville and the Smokey Mountains several years ago. We did visit the TN side too. I have fond memories of that trip. Glad you had fun!

  3. Cam Said,

    I DID miss you and I’m so glad you’re back! 🙂 But I’m even more glad that you had such a fun time with the family. Yay!
    Happy un-packing! 😉

  4. Southern Girl Said,

    Hey, *I* missed you! 😉 And ooo, how exciting — you went vacationing in my old stomping grounds! I grew up just about an hour or so from Gatlinburg and we used to go a couple times a year when I was a kid. It’s a beautiful place, the Smoky Mountains…the most beautiful on Earth, IMO. 😉 We’ve never rented a cabin though, but some friends of ours often do so I’ve heard it’s wonderful. I’m so glad you all had a good time, and I can’t wait to see the pictures!

    Poor Beau — I’m sorry he didn’t have a good time at the “spa” (that’s what WE call the kennel around here, to help Jake feel better about going. *g*). Hopefully he’ll bounce back quickly.

    I’m glad you’re back!

  5. Stacy Said,

    Well, I wasn’t worried until you didn’t post today. Then I got worried. You always post earlier in the day and I usually enjoy your banter from my desk at work. No entertaing thought for today. Boo! (yesterday’s phone question was quizzed to eveyone in the office)

    Glad you had a wonderful time! I can’t wait to see your photos. You know, Murphy (where I went to high school) is right there. Did you get to drive through there on your way??

  6. Susanne Said,

    Sounds like a wonderful trip! Forty years, that is so amazing.

  7. Lynne Said,

    Sounds like you had a really great time! Pre-posting? Didn’t know you could do that. Sneaky!

  8. Desert Songbird Said,

    I missed you! Of course, I knew you’d be back, but I bet Beau was wondering about you.

    Glad you had a great family time. Am anxiously awaiting the photos!

  9. Lauren S. Said,

    Glad you had a good trip! I am sure your dog was glad to see you again!

  10. Carrie Said,

    Welcome Home! So glad y’all were able to get away and enjoy yourselves. :o)

  11. Susie Said,

    Welcome back! 🙂 I certainly did miss you, even though we were gone most of the weekend too.

    I’m sorry that Beau is looking skinny, but I’m sure he’ll enjoy being fattened up again! 😉

    It sounds like you all had a blast on your trip and I’m so glad.

  12. Dawn Said,

    did so miss you! glad you’re back. hope your boy gets back to normal real soon. i know how worrisome that can be.

  13. Coach J Said,

    Welcome home. I didn’t realize you were gone. (Sorry!! Forgive me?) I like Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge. We have to save our pennies to do everything I want to do there. 🙂 But I think it’s just about time we go back. We want to go tubing on the Little Pigeon River next time we head there.

  14. Judi Said,

    I missed you. I kept thinking the whole time…”she is only 30 minutes away, I can’t believe I don’t get to meet her……dirtbag!” LOL! Just kidding, you are too sweet. I hope you had a FABULOUS time!

  15. Debi Said,

    You most certainly were missed! Welcome home…and I’m glad you all had such a good time!

  16. Kim Said,

    I’m glad you had a nice vacation. We love the Gatlinburg area. I would really like to go there for our vacation at the end of this month, but I’ve been outvoted, so we are headed to the beach. I’m sorry your two boys are feeling under the weather.

  17. trista Said,

    As you can cleary see, you were missed. Welcome back. I don’t envy you all the laundry and unpacking, but the time spent with family would def be worth it! What a wonderful anniversary gift!

    I am sure Beau is the one that missed you both the most.

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