I haven’t played Sindee’s By the Way Sunday meme in a while, so I thought I would catch up with the last two week’s installments. Some great seasonal questions she has been posting. Thanks Sindee!
~I Know It’s Christmas~
By the way…
Complete these sentences…
I know it’s Christmas when I hear…Christmas commercials on TV and Christmas music on the radio or Music Choice channels on our cable system
I know it’s Christmas when I see… our tree and Snow Village up in our house π
I know it’s Christmas when I feel… a bit stressed about going shopping and getting it all wrapped π
I know it’s Christmas at my house when… oops, see above… when our tree, Snow Village and outdoor lights are up!
I know it’s Christmas in my town when… we see our neighbor’s decorations and lights. Just love to turn down our street and see it all lit up!
And here’s last week’s questions, which I wanted to go back and do… more seasonal fun!
~Let It Snow~
By the way…
Does it snow where you live? If not, have you ever seen snow in person? Well, we get maybe one or two light snowfalls where I live, per DECADE. Tim and I have been married 10 years and we’ve had snow once or twice at most. I think we’re about due and I’m hoping we get a little this year!
Do you like snow or do you consider it a nuisance? Oh, I love it! I get cold, but I love to go out and play in it, take pictures, watch the dog play in it, try to build a snowman, throw snowballs and make snow ice cream. I’ve done those things so few times in my life (maybe 5 or 6 total, in my lifetime), that they are all tremendous fun for me. π
Do you have any experience with shoveling snow? Nope, never shoveled a lick of snow. Don’t have a clue how!
Have you ever built a snowman? Tim built one during one of the two snowfalls we’ve seen together. I helped a little bit, but mostly took pictures!
If you had a choice would you prefer Christmas with snow or without? Oh, definitely with. What little snow we’ve had in my life has never been near Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.
If you could hit anyone with a snowball right now, who would it be? (all in good fun) Well, probably Tim, but I’d love to toss some snow at our new dog Beau and see what he would do. I feel relatively sure he has never seen snow and I’d love to see how he reacts and what he does! π
On a related note, I do have one memory of snow from my childhood. I can remember standing at the double glass sliding doors on the back of the house I grew up in, looking out at my two older sisters out playing in the snow. I wanted to go out, but I had these cumbersome metal leg braces on, and my mother wouldn’t let me go out and get in the snow with them on. I can remember standing for so long at the door, and the glass was so cold, and I just wanted to go out and she kept saying “you can’t go out, Stacy”. I was soooo upset!