Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

A Few of My Favorite Things

I’ve got that song from “The Sound of Music” in my head… raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens. I heard a Christmas version of it yesterday (by Rod Stewart) on one of my Christmas CD’s:

My Favorite Things by Rod Stewart (From the NBC Collection Christmas CD)

Anyway, it got me to thinking about some of my favorite things at Christmas time.

I absolutely love pulling out all of my Christmas decorations. I love to open up the ornament boxes and go through my ornaments. We get one every time we go somewhere on vacation, and of course, we have some that are very sentimental for different reasons. Sometimes I buy one in the summer (on vacation) or I buy one after Christmas and then put it up. So, each year when I open up my Christmas boxes, I get all excited to find a new ornament or decoration, or remember one that has special meaning to me. I really am just like a kid at Christmas when I open up the boxes and start to pull everything out! 😀

I have several Dept 56 Snow Village pieces as well, that I put out during the holiday season. I guess you could say that I was “collecting” them for a while, but then I ran out of room to display them, so that put an end to my “collecting” of Snow Village. 🙄

One thing I decided I really like a few years ago are snowmen. So, I started “collecting” some of those. Now, I use the word “collecting” very loosely – I don’t acquire massive collections of anything. I just find some that I like or have room for (which is always the overriding factor) and then once I reach my limit, that’s it. But, over the years I have collected Snow Village pieces, carolers and now snowmen. The snowmen are currently my favorite and these little guys make me smile every time I see them:


Then, there’s some others on my tree and scattered around the house:

Snowman Ornaments on tree Snowman ornament on the tree Snowman on my Mantle

So, that’s my Question of the Day: What are some of your favorite things at Christmas? Do you have a certain theme or decoration that has special meaning for you? Do you have a favorite decoration or stocking or angel on your tree that is a favorite you love to put out every year? Leave me a comment and let me know!

  1. Laura Said,

    I’m like you with the ornaments. Although we only have maybe 4-5 “meaningful” ones right now. It’s still fun to pull those out and “rediscover” them. My mom’s tree, though? I have an ornament for every year I’ve been alive, and my brother has one from every year since he was about 7. THOSE are wonderful.

  2. Claire Said,

    My favorite is the nativity scene that Mama gave me last year…but I leave it out all year long, so it doesn’t count. Let’s see…the first ornament I put on my apartment tree is one that an old lady in my church gave me directly off her tree. I cant’ really pick a favorite because we got an ornament each year. I have a crystal ballerina that I love to put in front of lights so that she sparkles. Since I picked out most of my ornaments, except when I was really little, I like them all!!!

  3. Southern Girl Said,

    Aww, I love your snowmen! We have a collection of snowmen in one of our downstairs bathrooms — I’ll put up pictures when I do BooMama’s Holiday Tour of Homes next week. : )

    Besides snowmen, we have several Nativity scenes that we really love, and they’re scattered all over the rooms we decorate for Christmas.

  4. Barb Said,

    Your snowmen are adorable, Stace. I collect Santa moons. I don’t have a lot – they’re hard to come across. And one of my favorite this is playing Christmas CD’s all day long. I only have one Nativity but it’s the entire Willow Tree collection and I absolutely treasure it. I leave it out year round – it was a gift from my husband.

    What a cheerful, uplifiting post!

  5. Simply Dawn Said,

    I love my angels my aunt made me for my first tree. I look forward every year placing them on my tree. And, I love my snowmen. Guess it’s because that’s something we don’t see around here. Come let it snow this year 🙂

  6. Cam Said,

    I absolutely love that trio of snowmen! Beautiful! We don’t have room, nor storage space for things like that, but if we did, I’d have to get those. 🙂 They do bring a smile!

    My favorite thing is getting everything out and “rediscovering” it all. I especially like the special ornaments we’ve gotten each year, especially the past 4 years.
    I also love our nativity set!

    I need to do an entry about all this and not hijack your blog! 😀

  7. Gail Said,

    I love my nativity set, and my tree and ornaments, and most anything Christmas!
    I might not have that cd that you have this song on! Hmmmm
    Do I have any that you want?!! We can always do a little trade thingie, shhh

  8. mamichelle Said,

    Hi Stacy!
    We do the same with collecting on vacations, etc. I love snomen too. I have a huge Snowbaby collection but, like you, ran out of room.

    I hate going through the boxes and decorating. Do you wanna do mine? The boxes are sitting in my hallway since the weekend!

  9. mamichelle Said,

    I don’t think I have a photo of my snowbabies but will definitely take one this year and post. I didn’t even put them up last year! Poor things.

    Thanks for stopping by my place! And any time you want to decorate is fine with me! 🙂

  10. Shawna Said,

    I love snowmen, and I have one almost exactly like the tall one on your picture. My favorite snowman piece is one with four snowmen standing on top of each other. Each snowman is about 2 inches tall.

    My most favorite decoration of all though is white Christmas lights. I hang them up in my living room and up the stair case. Then, I sit by the glow of the lights and just breathe in the relaxation!!!

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