Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Cheesecake Bites

I’ve blogged before that my favorite fast food type place is Sonic. Tim and I both love their food, plus we love how convenient their food is packaged. It makes it a lot easier to travel with their food the way they wrap it up and the containers they use. We often pick up their food on the road when we are traveling around or going back and forth to visit family. Which we did this past weekend, and I decided to splurge and try their new cheesecake bites:

Sonic's Cheesecake Bites

They were good! Nice and gooey and the strawberry dipping sauce was nice to have with them. We usually like to try most of the new monthly or seasonal offerings that Sonic has. We’re usually not disappointed. I will say though, that I was hoping to see something like they had last year or the year before – a gingerbread shake or blast. I LOVED those things and got several of them the last time they had them. Sigh, I guess I’ll just have to hit Starbucks instead!

  1. Gail Said,

    Haven’t heard of these yet……..I thought I would get Sonic this past weekend, Don asked on Sat. if we wanted hamburgers for lunch and we actually drove into Sonic, made the circle around and came back out because he decided he wanted a deli sandwich from the local place instead! Rats, I was SOOOO close!

  2. deb Said,

    I haven’t seen these either but it’s been several weeks since we stopped in at Sonic. Scott loves the jalepeno cheesebugers and I could eat my weight in their onion rings lol! I’ll have to look for these next time we go 🙂

  3. Southern Girl Said,

    Sonic is ONLY the greatest restaurant in the world. *g* Sadly, there’s pretty much next to nothing on the menu that is really an option for me anymore, but maybe someday I’ll splurge and have a cheesecake bite or two. Whoever came up with those is a genius!

  4. Becca Said,

    We just got a Sonic here and I tried their strawberry cheesecake shake and it was so good, but so not good for me, so we are making it a treat. I might have to have Mitch see if ours has those, they look so good!


  5. Susie Said,

    At the risk of being crass, I have to tell you what Jeff and I have dubbed those things (going by their looks alone): Vomit Bites. They look chunky, and well, I don’t care for cheesecake, so I’ll stick to the cheese sticks and onion rings when I go to Sonic this holiday season! 😀

  6. Melessa Said,

    I had to try these too. Yummy! Red Robin has gingerbread shakes this year, I don’t know if you have those in your area or not.

  7. Cam Said,

    I’m not listening! I’m covering my eyes! I did not just see this!

  8. Bev Said,

    My son’s in JROTC and one of their fund raising projects this year was $10 for a whole bunch of little coupons for use at Sonic. We both love going there, too. I’m going to have to try those cheesecake bites the nest time we’re there. I’ve been seeing the ads for them lately and since cheesecake is one of my favorite things … 😉

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