Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast Meme

Friday, December 1, 2006
Feast One Hundred & Twenty

Have you ever flown in a helicopter?
No, but I would LOVE it! 😀

What color is your warmest coat or jacket?
A very old gray parka type jacket. It’s very warm, but it doesn’t look all that great!

What is your favorite rainy day activity?
Curling up with a book and some coffee or tea and reading in my big chair by the fireplace. Sheer heaven.

Main Course
Describe your hands.
Yucky, I don’t like my hands. I wish I had gotten my mom’s hands, but only Suzanne got those. I have short stubby hands, all wrinkly and freckled, short nails that I bite or that break off. Icky, I’m telling you, icky.

If you could eat only one nut for the rest of your life, what nut would you pick?
Tough choice, but probably walnuts. I should pick pecans, they are huge here, but I think I would have to go with walnuts.

  1. local girl Said,

    Soup: Sometimes practicality has to win out over style! If I was freezing my butt off, I don’t think I’d care what I look like! LOL! Happy Firday!

  2. Caylynn Said,

    Nice feast. I like your salad – reading is a great way to pass a rainy day.

    Happy Friday and have a good weekend. 🙂

  3. Barb Said,

    Nothing short of an emergency could get me inside a helicopter so you’re a lot more adventuresome than me for sure. And I’m getting a kick out of everyone’s descriptions of their hands. I don’t think I’ve come across a single person yet who likes her hands!

    Boy, your salad sounds wonderful.

  4. deb Said,

    I don’t like my hands either. I always wanted “piano” fingers lol

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