Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Popcorn & A Movie

We’ve seen a few movies lately that have been on my want-to-watch list. Granted, they are older movies that we never got around to seeing or renting, but still… they were movies on my list that I wanted to see. :mrgreen: You know, we haven’t rented a single movie from the rental store (and no, we haven’t signed up for Netflix yet either!) since we got our new TV! We got digital cable at the same time, along with our cable company’s offer of free HBO. So, we have like 15 HBO channels at the moment and have just been watching movies there, or on our cable system’s “On Demand” feature. One day, we’re going to go wild and do a Pay-Per-View movie! Woot! 🙄

Anyway, we love to watch movies. I’m perfectly happy to watch them at home. I like to rent them or have them where I can stop for bathroom breaks, to answer the phone, let the dog out to go to the bathroom, stop and fix popcorn, etc. Tim is the polar opposite of me. He likes to go to the theater, spend lots of money to sit there and eat expensive popcorn and diet Coke, and not be interrupted in the big dark theater. I guess that’s why we’re such a good pair, we like different things and are both fairly willing to compromise. I go with him (we saw Casino Royale at the theater on his birthday, two thumbs up, good movie!) and he stays home and watches movies on HBO or DVD with me.

I was in Target the other day and saw this microwave popcorn popper. I have been wanting to buy one of those electric, air-machine popcorn poppers, but I just honestly don’t have room in any cabinet or pantry shelf for it. So, I compromised and thought I would give this thing a try. We really like it! I put some plain popcorn (Orville Redenbacher brand, thank you!) in it, no oil or salt, and pop it in the microwave. I wanted to start doing this because I thought this would be healthier for us than the microwave bags. I don’t know if that’s true or not, but I feel like it’s better for us 🙄 We do spray some fat-free butter on it, and then sprinkle on some toppings, but still, I think it’s probably a little better for us 🙂

Popcorn Popper & Seasonings

So, in summary, the purpose of this post was to say that I have been trying to have “popcorn and movie” night lately. We’ve watched some movies I have had on my list for ages, and I’ve popped us a big bowl of popcorn. We’ve seen “The Perfect Man” with Hillary Duff and Heather Locklear (cute and sweet and pretty clean), then “Transporter 2” (just like the first one, mindless action, but we like it!), and then a couple of nights ago, we finally saw “Cheaper by the Dozen 2” on HBO. I am planning on us watching “Polar Express” on ABCFamily Saturday night, but we’ll see if I can get us to stick to that plan. Tim is not big on planning stuff to do at home on the weekends.

So, that’s today’s Question of the Day: Do you like popcorn with your movies? Do you pop it at home, and if so, do you do microwave popcorn or something else? Also, what was the last movie you saw that you liked?

Have a great day!

  1. Overwhelmed! Said,

    Stacey, I do like popcorn with my movies, but only if I’m at the movie theater. When I’m at home watching a movie, I usually don’t bother. The brand of microwave popcorn that you’ve show looks pretty tempting. 🙂

    So, I wanted to remind you that it’s Friday, which means it’s time for my Favorite Ingredients Friday recipe exchange! !

    Any chance you’d like to submit a recipe this week? 🙂

  2. Gail Said,

    My internet is back, but we’ll see for how long this time!
    Well yeah, we like popcorn with movies! When we pop it at home we use those microwave bags but I really like your little gadget! I would think that would be healthier too.
    I think the last movie we went to see at the theater was “One Night With the King”….our church went as a group; LOVED the movie and would recommend it.
    Don watches TCM all the time as you know and I can’t keep track of the movies he’s seen; some of those channels have been on a Jimmy Stewart kick lately and we love him. We both recently watched “White Christmas” and I LOVE it!
    “Sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters” yep, I’m singing to you!

  3. Laura Said,

    I love movie popcorn and a fat cherry coke. But do you know that is the only part of theater movies that I like? I don’t like the crowds, the inability to pause, the “away from home” thing, the price…
    My husband likes movies better than I do. I rarely have 2+ “free” hours. I always feel like I could be doing something else more productive. I am one of those people who will watch 30 min of a movie then turn it off and watch the rest later. Drives K nuts but I think he is getting used to it. So most of our movie watching consists of watching while we’re eating (yes, 20-30 min at a time) or in the evenings before bed (again, 20-30 min at a time).

  4. rach Said,

    Oh yes, my family loves popcorn. A movie at the theatre is not complete without popcorn and soda. My husband and son likes either cheese or barbecue and I like it plain or sometimes with butter. I certainly like the sound of your fat-free butter popcorn.

    At home, we usually have microwave popcorn. We often have Orville stocked at home for movie nights.

    Recently, we watched the whole Season 1&2 of Grey’s Anatomy on DVD. We immediately got hooked and felt very sad after watching the last DVD episode. Can’t wait for Season 3 to air here.

  5. Becca Said,

    I love movies at home with popcorn. We recently got a reclining sofa and curl up with a movie and popcorn and soda. Nothing like it on a rainy weekend here in Oregon. I am bucking for one of those popcorn makers that you have on the stove that you turn the handle and it makes wonderful popcorn, I think it is called a Whirlypop! It looks like a fun way to make popcorn! Mitch likes the whole movie theater experience, but I just find it really expensive! And yes I just signed us up for Netflix and love it!


  6. Stacy Said,

    We eat popcorn with lots of salt when we actually make it to the movies, which is so rare lately since hubby is working weekends and I can’t handle one during the week since I have to get up the next day.

    We eat “homemade” chocolate chip cookies when we watch movies at home. (By homemade, I mean we take the squares, put them on a tray and put them in the oven.)

    And to answer your other question…Jeff bought me Pirates on Tuesday when it came out. LOVE IT! Last movie in the theater that I liked…it’s the last one I remember watching there…Snakes on a Plane. Hubby refused to go, so I watched it by myself. Love it!

  7. Cam Said,

    I love popcorn! Had some tonight. We get the microwave kind…butter lovers.
    The last movie we saw at the theater was “Walk the Line”, which was really good.
    The last movie we rented was “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape”, which is one of my new favorites. 🙂

  8. Cam Said,

    Duh, I forgot to comment on the movies you watched! I’m glad you’ve been watching some that you’ve wanted to see! Is Polar Express really going to be on tomorrow night?? I’ve been wanting to rent that for G. If it’s on TV we can record it for him!

  9. Susie Said,

    You know, making popcorn the natural way like that sounds like a very good idea. I think you’re right, too – it’s got to be healthier.

    I have some really fond memories of eating popcorn that was made in a special green pot (I wonder where that thing is?!) when I was a child, before the microwave bags came along. I think we miss out on a lot sometimes with all the technology we have these days. Although I probably won’t be giving away my microwave anytime soon. 😉

  10. Sindee Said,

    Hi Stace!
    Your blog is looking great. Yep, I like the popcorn with the movie too. lol
    Hope you enjoy a full weekend of good movies! {{Hugs}}

  11. Sherry Said,

    I am just about to switch our cable to another company who is offering free HBO for a year! Woohoo! I will also have digital cable for the first time and on demand. I’m so excited!

    The kids and I usually do movie and popcorn night. Sometimes we use the microwave bags and other times I will make it on the stove. I like to add the cheddar flavor to mine and sometimes the parmesan garlic. The kids mostly like theirs plain!


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