Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

All Wrapped Up

It’s been really, really cold here the last couple of nights. I think we might have even broken a record, or come really close to it, one night. We don’t normally get to around 20º at night, but we have several times here lately.

Tim usually lets Beau out for his nighttime bathroom break before he goes to sleep. He told me that he’d started “tucking him in” when he gets on his bed to go to sleep, after coming in out of the cold. So, you know me, that sounded like a Kodak moment if there ever was one, so I had to get a picture of Beau, all wrapped up πŸ˜€

Beau, all tucked in

Beau, all wrapped up

Oh, and I’d like to add that I’ve tried this before, tucking a towel over him to wrap him up. He gets up and shakes it off, or pulls it off with his mouth. He seems to only tolerate it from Tim. He loves and adores Tim and will do anything he asks of him. Me, not so much. Beau is definitely Tim’s dog! πŸ˜†

  1. Stacy Said,

    What a little cutie!

    Vader doesn’t like to be covered up either. But, that’s usually my job. I wonder if he’d let Jeff…

  2. Cam Said,

    How cute! I used to do that too, with Reagan. He seemed to like it initially, but it would be shaken off within minutes.
    It’s been cold here, too, in the upper 20s at night.
    Enjoy all the cover-snuggling!

  3. Dawn Said,

    =) your pup is awfully cute.

    but ummm… in the 20s?? yikes. and i was whining about the upper 30s… you’d never think i spent the first 25 years of my life living in New England. =P

  4. Dianne Said,

    Oh that is too cute! Beau is such a cutie!

    There’s no tucking our boy in, as he snuggles at the foot of our bed – under the covers of course. But he’s all daddy’s boy when night time rolls around, must be a guy thing!

  5. Debi Said,

    Awww! What a sweetie! Our cats would definitely never go for that.

  6. Barb Said,

    Now don’t laugh, but when I read, “Me, not so much, ” I thought well gee, Beau would do anything for Tim but Stace wouldn’t. OK, go ahead and laugh. It takes me a minute sometimes. LOL

    What a sweet, sweet dog. And it’s so cute the way he’s lying there all snuggled up. I swear, it gets so cold here that there are times I’m tempted to hold Chelsea over the toilet. There’s just something not right about making an eleven pound little dog go out into the frozen tundra to pee.

    Sweet, sweet post.

  7. Kathy m Said,

    Cute picture, but I think your dog looks a little annoyed. Like you are interrupting his beauty sleep. LOL!

  8. rach Said,

    How cute. He looks really cozy snuggled under that blanket.

    Our dog Bruno, a black Labrador also loves my husband. Sometimes, I complain that Bruno favors Jules’ more even though I’m the one who gives him a bath, takes him for walks and feeds him. He gets really excited, wagging his tail wildly when Jules gives him attention or makes the gesture that he’ll give him a walk. He wags his tail for me but it’s just different when it comes to Jules. But it’s just a ‘friendly’ complain. I’m sure Bruno loves us both. πŸ™‚

  9. Suzanne Said,

    that’s cute, Nevada loves my soft blankey!!

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