Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Soup’s On!

Chicken Taco Soup, Afterwards!Yesterday was really cold. We barely hit 40º and I was chilly all day. I had already planned my menu earlier in the week, and had checked the weather (being the slightest obsessive-compulsive planner that I am!) and had planned to try a new recipe for soup for Friday night. It turned out really good! I found this recipe over at Miranda‘s blog, via the Slow Cooking Thursday meme that Sandra sponsors each week. Thanks Miranda!

The recipe is for Chicken Taco Soup, and I have entered it, with my comments, over on our main site. Click here to check it out πŸ™‚

P.S. Sorry about the picture! Tim was ready to eat and I didn’t even think about taking a nicer looking picture of our bowls filled with soup. Only afterwards, when I was going to dish up the leftovers for lunch today did the thought cross my mind …. Gee, I should have taken a picture of this yummy soup for my blog! :mrgreen:

  1. Southern Girl Said,

    Mmm, that sounds – and looks! – really good! This is definitely soup eatin’ weather, isn’t it? *g* We fixed a big pot of soup Thursday night and have been eating on it the last couple of days. It’ll probably take us right into the first of the week. It’s not anything fancy — just a case of opening a few cans and dumping leftovers in the fridge into a big pot, but it sure was yummy. πŸ˜‰

  2. Dianne Said,

    I wish I had time to indulge my OCD planning tendencies . . . I miss that in my life right now. But then I can enjoy it vicariously through bloggers like you!

    Soup looks great. I have a recipe for chicken tortilla soup that I’ve been meaning to post. Looks similar to this. Seems like soup is mostly what I feel like eating when it gets cold (and it’s cold here too!)

  3. Susie Said,

    That does look very delicious. I may snag that recipe! πŸ™‚

  4. rach Said,

    I’ve never had Chicken Taco Soup before. But since I love tacos, I’m sure the soup is equally good.

    It’s a rainy Sunday afternoon here. Another storm but not a tame one compared to previous ones. We didn’t have power for the whole morning but glad the power is back so I could check blogs of friends.

    My husband is downstairs making cream puffs. It’s his first time to make them. I’ll find out later if his endeavor is a success. πŸ™‚

    Take care.

  5. Cam Said,

    It looks so good! I’m checking out the recipe.

  6. Dawn Said,

    that sounds awesome Stace. you’ll have to let me know how it freezes though since i would only be cooking for one…

  7. Sherry Said,

    Looks super awesome! Will have to add it to my list of “must try”!


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