Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast Meme

Friday, December 08, 2006
Feast One Hundred & Twenty One

Which language would you like to learn and why?
Well, I took French in high school and college and have forgotten most all of it. French is a beautiful language and I’d like to learn it, but the practical side of me would have to answer Spanish. We have a growing Hispanic population in our area, and it would be much better for me to learn some Spanish.

What’s the funniest thing you’ve heard or read so far this week?
A movie we watched the other night, I guess 🙂

Which movie was so bad you couldn’t watch the whole thing?
Reds and Any Given Sunday spring to mind

Main Course
If there were a holiday in your honor that didn’t use your actual name, what would the day be called?
Procrastinator’s Day 😆

Name one movie which is coming out soon that you would like to see.
Probably The Holiday with Kate Winslet, but realistically, I’ll probably have to wait to rent it.

  1. deb Said,

    I’d like to see The Holiday, too. I love Kate Winslet!

  2. Laura Said,

    I think I would like to learn Italian. I think it’s the prettiest language (and since I already know Spanish, I feel like I’m halfway there because they are SOOO similar).

  3. rach Said,

    I’m also interested in learning Spanish. Procrastinator’s Day – I can very well relate to that. Same here, also looking forward to watching The Holiday.

    I also posted my very first Firday’s Feast.

  4. Dawn Said,

    i am *really* holding out on learning Spanish. but that’s kind of a controversial topic, so i will just leave it at that. 😉

    LOL @ Procrastinator’s Day!

  5. Jenny Ryan Said,

    Yay, Spanish! (says the Spanish teacher/tutor) 🙂

  6. tiggerprr Said,

    Yep, I’d totally celebrate Procrastinator’s Day. When I get around to it.

  7. amy Said,

    I never saw Any given sunday but I remember hearing one thing about it and it makes me not want to see it

  8. paperback writer Said,

    I sort of want to see the Holiday as well. I don’t know why.

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