Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Holiday Drinks

Coffeemate Holiday CreamersYou can always tell when it’s the holiday season at my house, because I start going nuts, buying these flavored coffee creamers from Coffee-Mate. Last year, I was a total gingerbread-aholic, only buying the Gingerbread flavored creamer. This year, after trying the Peppermint Mocha drink at Starbucks, I decided to “branch out” and get the Peppermint one as well. I like both of them, and love having all of these flavors at the holidays. I haven’t tried their Eggnog flavor yet, because I’m not a huge eggnog fan. Last year, I bought a small container of eggnog-flavored soy milk and it was just so-so. Not sure I’ll go that route this year. I’d much rather have flavored coffee or hot chocolate!

When it gets to be fall and winter here and it’s chillier, I love drinking “warm” drinks. I have just recently picked up coffee (about 2 or 3 years ago), but I have always loved hot chocolate. I make my own mix and give it out as Christmas gifts to friends and family, and we always keep some for us to have in the winter. Gail and I used to make a spiced tea mix, and I might want to go back and dig out that recipe and make some of that this year, as well. Gail also makes a good cappuccino mix, and I have a toffee coffee mix from a good friend of mine that is really good. I also will drink hot tea this time of year, which I never do during the summer months. I like having a cup of hot herbal tea at night (decaf, of course) when it’s cold and I’m wanting something hot to drink.

So, that’s today’s Question of the Day: Do you have a favorite drink you like to drink this time of year? Something seasonal or brings back memories, or just something you like the taste of. Maybe it’s a certain flavor of coffee, hot chocolate, hot apple cider, hot tea or something else? What’s your favorite?! I’d love to know 🙂

  1. Gail Said,

    Oh, almost all you listed I like! I love spiced tea or hot tea with honey…..lately I’ve been using cranberry pomegranate tea bags and they are good. I love any flavored coffee and my cappuccino mix….I’ve been mixing it with something else this last week so email me if you want to know.
    We always have hot apple cider or something like that on Christmas morning; sometimes it’s apple juice with red hots or apple juice/cider with mulling spices.
    I don’t drink coffee as much in the summer, except on Sunday mornings when I take it to Sunday School and that’s my breakfast but I will drink a cup of hot tea all through out the year. Hot drinks are just especially good this time of year though!

  2. Dianne Said,

    I tried to get away from hot chocolate – I was consuming A LOT last year and of course I needed to add milk and whipped cream. So I’m trying to stick to coffee as my sole treat (except for an occasional latte and shortbread) BUT I do like a tich of flavored creamer alone wtih my half-n-half to sweeten it a bit. I might just run out at lunch and pick up one of these to try.

    Fun post as always 🙂

  3. Laura Said,

    Mmm. I LOVE hot chocolate. LOVE it. Like a little kid. As you know we aren’t coffee people (still working on it, but it’ll be a long process) so whenever we go coffee places, we order hot chocolate.
    At work, though, I drink tea in the mornings, much healthier. And I love tea in all varieties – hot, cold, iced, w/ lemonade, whatever! The only thing is I like the actual tea part… I don’t care for herbal teas.

  4. Susie Said,

    Oh my! I will be trying that Gingerbread Coffee-Mate! Yummmeee! 😛

    For my favorite Christmastime drink, I’d have to say my mother’s special hot apple cider is the best. It’s spicy and sweet and just warms the soul.

  5. Simply Dawn Said,

    I love carmel latte’s this time of the year. I found something a few weeks ago, not sure of the full name, it’s a toffee flavor that I’m loving 🙂

  6. Dawn Said,

    hot apple cider with a touch of cinnamon (at home) and i treat myself to some caramel apple cider at Starbucks every once in a while. =) it’s warm down here of course, so i keep being tempted to try one of the frappucinos from Starbucks in the Peppermint Mocha or Gingerbread flavors but then i see the caramel apple cider on the list & can’t resist. =P

  7. mamichelle Said,

    I was thinking of alcoholic drinks! LOL Like a pomegranate martini! Or some rum in my egg nog. I’m not a hot beverage drinker.

  8. Stacy Said,

    HOT CHOCOLATE! And sometimes, very rarely, but sometimes I’ll go for apple cider.

  9. Claire Said,

    I like spiced tea. It’s so warming and comforting. Although I don’t like tea, my mom had some spiced chai and I can handle that. So, I may be teaching myself to drink that as well! Oh, and coffee is always good. I like the new Folgers Vanilla Biscotti flavor. You should try it if you do coffee.

  10. Sherry Said,

    OHMIGOSH this is just TOO weird! I JUST posted about my day today, and about my love of flavored creamers! (I wrote about a different brand — but still!) I wrote about my favorite drink this time of year as well! Jinx! lol And I am making a hot chocolate mix to give out at the holidays too! It’s all just too weird!

    BTW I drink vanilla tea with different flavored creamer this time of the year! And sometimes hot chocolates w/ the creamers too!


  11. Cam Said,

    I love hot chocolate, with marshmallows. I need to make some for Saturday night–to sip while I have my half-hour to myself with the Christmas lights!

  12. Bev Said,

    I always get non-alchoholic egg nog this time of year and I love spiced (or mulled) tea. I had some one time when we were living in Germany and it was fantastic. Our landlord brought it to us Christmas Eve with a tray of Christmas cookies. I wish I’d been thinking and had asked them how they made it. I’ve never tasted anything quite like it.

    My family used to make hot toddies and buttered rum drinks at Christmas for the adults, but since we’re not much into drinking we don’t keep that going. I can’t drink because I’m allergic to alcohol, but I do get into the mood to make a honey mead this time of year and the DH drinks it and I will make him a mulled wine occasionally.

    Other than that we really don’t have anything special for drinks. Guess we’re just kind of boring. 😉

  13. Suz anne Said,

    Starbuck egg nog latte for me !! Yummmmmmyyyyyyy

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