Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Menu Plan Monday

Menu Planning Monday

Laura is on vacation this week, and so is not doing the Menu Plan Monday this week. However, doing the menus really helps me, so I’m going to go ahead and at least sketch one out for this week. The weekend is a bit up in the air, but hopefully we’ll end up cooking at home some. We ate out a lot this past week and weekend while Tim was on vacation and we were running around most every day. I have to really curtail my eating out or those extra pounds will really start showing up soon! 🙂

Here’s the general idea:

Monday – Turkey pot pie, mashed potatoes, corn (probably using this recipe as a guideline but using leftover turkey from last week’s Herbed Turkey Breast)

TuesdayMaple BBQ Chicken Sandwiches, Roasted Sweet Potato Wedges

Wednesday – Light Night before Tim weighs in at work. His choice – either eggs, Gail’s Crockpot Oatmeal, cinnamon toast OR tomato soup and grilled cheese

Thursday – Spaghetti with meatballs, broccoli, homemade bread

Friday – either Date night or possibly a new recipe for a chicken taco soup

Saturday – TBD

Sunday – Game Day food, probably Buffalo wings and chips and dip

  1. Gail Said,

    How did your turkey breast turn out? Mine was only so-so last time.
    I feel sort of at a loss that Laura is off this week! I’m working on my menu too because I think it helps keep me on track with shopping and cooking.
    My roasted sweet potatoes are the best aren’t they!

  2. Gail Said,

    Ok, I did mine…..we might be the only 2 looking at these today but you can check mine out now

  3. Sherry Said,

    MMMMMMMM turkey pot pie! One of my new absolute scrumptious favorites! I think maybe another one is in order — leftover turkey or not!

    Oh — you probably already know this — but JUST IN CASE YOU DON’T — this is in regards to your husband’s meal before weigh in — cheese is a bad idea. Cheese sticks with you and sometimes shows as an extra pound or two at weigh in. (At least this is what my Weight Watchers leaders have told us over the years!) If you already knew this — just feel free to ignore 😀


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