Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

We Were Down…

I don’t suppose anyone missed me or our main site (Hambones.org), but we were down for a while. Tim came back into the computer room last night to work on something and came back immediately to the kitchen (I was making bread) and said “Hambones is Dead.” I walked into the computer room and could smell stuff burning. Ack! Anyway, a few parts and several dollars later, we are back online.

I’ll try to blog a little something else later, and also try to check on some other blogs. With the holidays and everything going on, I’m a ways behind on reading all of your lovely blogs and leaving comments. 🙂

Have a great day!

  1. Stacy Said,

    I wondered what happened to you when I was checking around this morning. Glad you are back!

  2. Bev Said,

    I went looking for you this morning, too and thought that maybe my ISP was being difficult. I’m glad to see that it was just a temporary glitch. I don’t know about you, but I start to panic when I can’t reach my site. 😉

  3. Wendy in MD Said,

    Can I miss you retroactively? 🙂 I’ve been sick and operating at half-mast this week myself. Here’s hoping my throat and your servers are back to 100% soon!

  4. Claire Said,

    I did actually miss ya! I kept checking this morning in between classes and couldn’t get on!

  5. Susie Said,

    Glad everything is back to normal. I feel like I can’t breathe when I can’t access my blog. 🙂

  6. Barb Said,

    I know that must have been frustrating. If my computer went down, I’d feel completely disconnected. If I smelled things burning, I’d panic! Glad you’re up and running again. This is no time to be having computer problems.

  7. Dianne Said,

    Oh no – that’s frustrating. Glad it’s been resurrected and that your site was backed up properly!!

  8. Dawn Said,

    well you know *I* missed you! 😉 glad you’re back up & runnung.

  9. mamichelle Said,

    Glad you’re back, Stacy! I know what you mean about trying to get to your blog and others!!

  10. Gail Said,

    Well, you know I did miss it too since my blog was down as well! I should be doing other things but here I am again!

  11. Suz anne Said,

    even I missed you !! I thought it was a problem on my end !

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