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Posted by Stace

June recap

Some more things going on around here… mostly just for me and my poor memory!

June actually seemed to go by pretty quick. Now July is here, and typically, July and August are my least favorite months of the year. BY FAR! I will be so glad when September gets here! Holidays, football, birthdays, September through New Years is my most favorite time of the year!

* Tim got the stove installed early on (it was ready for me to use on Saturday June 8), and I quickly began work on christening it. The first thing I used the oven for was homemade pizza. I have had to learn to use the smooth top ceramic burners, but I think I have it figured out now. They seem to take longer to heat up, but boy once they do, they stay warm. I made sloppy joes for Tim a couple of weeks later, and my recipe calls for simmering the mixture for 20 minutes. Once I got the mixture to a boil, then lowered to low, it was more than a simmer. I actually had to turn the burner off for a few minutes, just so it wasn’t bubbling furiously 🙂 I really like it though, and have been using it a lot. It’s so much better for baking things. Before, when I’d bake cookies, brownies, bread, etc, I’d get uneven results. Sometimes things would be overdone on the outside and still doughy in the middle. Now, I get a very even bake. I don’t think the oven is technically convection, but it does have a fan in the back, and I hear it running even after I’ve turned the stove off. It’s a Whirlpool Gold with Accubake, and Tim says that means it is convection. Whatever it is, it sure is a heck of a lot better than my 20 year old stove!

* I’ve also pulled out my Cuisinart ice cream maker and made a couple of batches of ice cream. Nothing like homemade fudgy brownies and homemade vanilla ice cream in the evenings!

* In spite of the new stove, we’ve still been eating out occasionally. We sometimes go to Corner Bakery after church on Sunday mornings. A couple of weeks ago, we broke out of our routine and got crazy and went to IHOP! We still enjoy going to the little Mexican place by our house, Cazadores. We went last Saturday night, and Tim got something new, the paradilla (spelled??) platter. Basically a huge platter, like a fajita skillet but not sizzling, filled with all kinds of meat. Chicken, beef, shrimp, chorizo, short ribs, pork, lots of stuff. It was really good. He brought home two take out containers of meat and fixings, and got several more meals out of it! We’ve been doing a Friday night date night at home a couple of weekends in June. One Friday night we went to Pizza Hut and got pizza, and came home to watch tv. Another night we ordered Five Guys over the Internet and ran in to pick it up. Nothing like greasy fast food on a Friday night!

* I read about 18 books in June! That might be a new record for me! I am still using GoodReads to track what I read. I’m doing really good this year and hope to read close to 100 books. My all time high is 104, which works out to 2 books per week, at 52 weeks a year. It would be nice if I broke that record, but I probably won’t make it. Of the books I read in June, my favorites were probably the 3 books in the French Twist series by Sandra Byrd (Chrisitan chick-lit) and my least favorite, I nearly abandoned, and wished I had. I got a digital download from the library of Wedding Night by Sophie Kinsella and I disliked it quite a bit 🙁

* Also in June, Tim played a lot of golf! On the first day of the month, a Saturday, he went with some golfing buddies over to a course in Louisiana called Black Bear. He had a really good time, but I had a long day. I think he was gone about 11 or 12 hours. He also played with his buddies on two Saturday mornings at 7:22. Nothing like getting up early on our one day to sleep in!

* Tim also helped our neighbor Ms Maridine with her computer, and also with the locks on her house. We saw her quite a bit and she took us out to lunch at the Strawberry Cafe to say thank you to Tim for all his hard work. We went over and helped Elizabeth one night at her new house. We took Fred with us on Father’s Day to Linda’s house, so we could visit with Tim’s dad on Father’s Day. We had a nice visit that day, and Fred enjoyed the trip. Also, I took Fred to see the new pulmonologist Dr. Westbrook twice, on two Mondays in June. He has one more appointment (I hope!) on July 15th. We also went on June 30th to a get-together at Tim’s Aunt Annie Myrl’s house. Mitchell’s sister in law Mary and her daughter Cheryl were here from New Mexico. I don’t think I had ever met them, so we went to visit and catch up with Tim’s dad’s side of the family. We had a really nice time 🙂

Let’s see… there’s probably more that happened in June, but that was the highlights. And of course, the anniversary of my mom’s passing, it was eleven years this June. And Fred closed out on his house around the end of the month. House paperwork and errands kept us busy for a while, but thankfully we did everything remote and didn’t have to make a trip to Hattiesburg.

We have the annual Fourth of July get-together at Tim’s Aunt Becky’s house tomorrow. We’ll go down, and take Fred, he enjoys going with us every year on the Fourth. I made brownies to take, as usual. Maybe one day I’ll get brave and take something new!

I’ll try to update more often, wanna keep up with all what we are doing and what’s going on. Even though I do stuff on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, I think the old blog is still the best venue for keeping track of the little and big stuff. Here’s hoping I can do better in the future 🙂 I’m sporadic, at best, these days, LOL!

Posted by Stace

Election Day

Today is election day in our country, incumbent Barack Obama against Republican governor Mitt Romney. We got out and voted this morning, and it only took a few minutes. There are reports that there are long lines, a few here in our state and a lot more across the country. Hoping for a good outcome!

David was here all last week, hanging out and visiting friends in Jackson. He stayed with us from Monday-Saturday. Wednesday night was Halloween and we had a great time this year! Kathryn and Jeremy came and brought Katelyn and Sam. Katelyn was a witch this year, and Sam was Captain America! Tony and Stephanie brought the twins, Leila and Rylan, and also Ramsey, and Jackie came too. Jackie stayed here and gave our candy for us while we went out, in two shifts (the older kids got here earlier and headed out first). Leila was a mouse and Rylan was a dragon. They’re just two, but got the hang of saying thank you and bye quickly, and Rylan starting having too much fun ringing doorbells! I made witches brew and vampire juice (both punch drinks), mummy dogs, witches brooms and taco soup for the adults. Tim and I had a great time, and we hope everyone else did too!

We went out and ran errands Friday night, and then picked up Chick-Fil-A on the way home. Such is date night sometimes around here, aren’t we exciting?! 🙂 Saturday, we ended up vegging. Stayed home and watched movies, popped popcorn, ordered pizza and caught up on stuff on the DVR. Sunday was church, and we dropped off our Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. They have some missions speakers for the next couple of weeks, so no new series at church.

Sunday the time changed, so we got that extra hour back. It was awesome, probably my favorite day of the year, hahaha! Sunday afternoon, I went grocery shopping, and Tim stayed home to watch football. I was shocked, Saturday and Sunday, daylight, no rain, and he didn’t even venture towards the golf course 🙂 He’ll slack off until early spring and then go back hot and heavy, I’m sure!

Sunday night, I made steak sandwiches and Monday I made a new soup, sausage and kale with white beans. Today we’re making a practice run for Thanksgiving, trying our first turkey in the new smoker that I gave Tim for Christmas last year. We’ve tried chickens, ribs and pork tenderloins in it this year, and they’ve all come out delicious. I’m hoping the turkeys will too. We could buy a larger container for our propane thing and he could deep fry them, but I’m thinking the smoke flavor will be great, so I’m hoping it comes out. We’ll be able to do turkeys for Thanksgiving and Christmas to take to family get-togethers. We’ll need to try a ham soon 🙂

Monday morning we got up and walked, back to our normal morning schedule, now that it’s light in the AM and not pitch black dark. I don’t know how much longer we’ll be able to walk in the AM. It’s been in the 40’s, and later this week, it’s supposed to be in the 30’s overnight. I don’t want to get sick, so we usually walk during Tim’s lunch break when it’s really cold in the AM. Tim got on the treadmill Monday afternoon, he says he’s going to do that again this winter. He tried to guilt me into getting on, but I fought that with all I had 😀

Today is election day. We’ll probably watch some of the results come in tonight, as well as some stuff on the DVR. Just another blessed day around here!

Posted by Stace

What… October!!

Wow, August drug its slow self and it seemed like September would never come. Now, I’ve blinked, and September is over 🙂

October, November and December are my favorite months. Holidays, birthdays, fall and the change of seasons and food. I’m ready!

Ok, a quick update. The toilet saga was obviously sooopo newsworthy! Otherwise, the weekend was fairly quiet. Lots of rain on Saturday and Sunday. We only ate out once (Friday night, at Mr Chen’s), and I’m working hard on a menu for the week. Today is still dreary, misting outside, and the high is only supposed to be 64 degrees. Highly unusual for us (it will be back near 90 before the week is over). So, I’m making potato soup and homemade bread for supper tonight! I’ll love it, and Tim, well, he’ll tolerate it. He’d much rather have a steak or meatloaf 🙂

Our sports teams were so disappointing again this weekend. Tim has been in a bad mood for two days, since the Eagles lost (0-4 now), the Saints lost to the Packers yesterday (0-4 now, boo), and even the Ryder Cup team lost on the last day. They started Sunday with a lead and blew it. Tim is not happy, very grumpy for Tim.

I’ve walked twice today – a little over 7 miles. I’m beat! Beau is sound asleep, and I wish I had time for a nap! I think tonight will be an early one for me.

Finished a good cozy mystery last night, Murder Most Maine (3rd in the Gray Whale Inn series) and started another good one, Mary Magdalene by Diana Wallis Taylor. Looking forward to all the new shows that are waiting for us on the DVR and the fact that I’ll have Dancing with the Stars: AllStars to watch tomorrow! 🙂

Was happy to find milk on sale this week at Kroger for 2.99! It’s the little things that make me happy 🙂

Unhappy to not see very many free books for my Kindle today. A while back, I seemed to find a ton of new, free books for my Kindle on the first day of the month. Now, it seems like most of the ones they are offering I already have. Now, mind you, I definitely do NOT need more books. I have a couple hundred I have still not read, I buy a few from time to time, and I can get them from the library. I just love to get good free Christian books for my Kindle. 😀

Hope everyone is having a great day!

Posted by Stace

Price Check

It seems like grocery prices just keep going up and up. I totally sound like my mother these days! I used to roll my eyes when she said things like “I remember when I could buy x in the store for y price”. Now, I always find myself thinking or even saying things like that out loud! And recently, Tim and I were talking about the price of gas, and especially how much it spiked after Hurricane Katrina back in 2005, and now, it’s more than double that. So, I thought for posterity’s sake, and because I love numbers, I would start trying to do a random posting of the price of items. Mostly because I think years from now, it will be easier to go back and see how much things cost!

So, for this week, here’s what I’m price checking:

Milk – last paid 3.78 a gallon for skim (at Kroger)

Gas – it was 3.44 on the sign at Kroger, and we usually use the regular 3 cent discount with card, or the 10 cent discount I amass for every $100 I spend in groceries

Eggs – 1.83 for one dozen large

Cream Cheese – regularly 1.69 a brick at Kroger, it was on sale a week ago for 1.00 each, so I stocked up. I remember when this stuff was like 79 cents a block 🙂

Ground Turkey – can’t remember how much I paid recently, and can’t find it on the sales receipt. But I try to buy the 97 or 99 perfect fat free ones from Honeysuckle brand from time to time

Ground Chuck – just bought a package of a little over 2 lbs, and it was 8.34. I don’t buy a lot of red meat, but I do buy some in the fall/winter for burgers for Tim

Greek Yogurt – Chobani brand at Sam’s, 32 oz container, 4.68 (it’s more at Kroger)

Bisquick – 5 lb big box at Sam’s, 4.94 (Tim loves biscuits and these are the easiest)

I’ll do more, and hope to remember to do this from time to time… I’ve actually gone back on my blog looking for prices of things. Oh, another biggie that we talk about it that when we were dating and first married, we would go to Sonic and get their brown bag special (2 burgers, fries/tots and drinks) and it was 5.99. Now, I think it’s 8.99 or something awful! Eating out, even at fast food places, is not cheap. I need to price check those too!

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Posted by Stace

A Little of This…

and a little of that!

Today is Friday, and here’s a few bulleted things going on:

* Yesterday I went to the dentist. Glad to get that checkup over with for another 6 months! Up next is the *other* doctor, in the late fall. That’s the one I really dread!

* Yesterday was my mother-in-law’s birthday. We had to call several times to catch her, she’s a very popular and busy lady on her birthday 🙂 Beau did his singing/barking rendition to Happy Birthday on the phone, always a hit. We will get to see her Sunday after church, for a belated birthday lunch.

* Today I took Beau for a walk. Not back to daily, but better, that’s three times this week. Tim’s foot is better, since he played golf yesterday. Better enough for golf, not for walking in the subdivision with me and Beau, LOL!

* This morning, I let Beau out back and he saw a squirrel, I heard his bark. Yes, he has different barks for different things, and yes, I can tell them apart. Then I heard what sounded like the snake bark. Sure enough, he’s got a snake coiled up next to the fence, and I finally got him to back away, so the snake proceeded to slither into some shrubs nearby. I screamed (bloody murder, at the top of my lungs scream) for Tim, who came with a hoe. For a change, he actually killed this snake. Thank goodness! Usually, he says they are “good snakes” and leaves them alone.

* I’m knocking another item off my to-try list this morning. I’m going to try to make homemade flour tortillas. I hope they turn out!

Got a semi busy weekend ahead. Tim is back to playing golf, we have a Saints preseason game on TV, and then the family birthday lunch for Linda on Sunday. Then Tim has to work all Sunday night on a big project. Busy bee!

Posted by Stace

Tim and the Tomatoes

We’ve been trying to grow tomatoes in the summer for Tim, for about 3 years now (I don’t eat them!) The first year, I think, we put the plant in a planter on the deck, then last year, we plopped it in the corner of the big flower bed in the back yard. I so wish we had room for a nice big veggie garden, but our yard is tiny. We’re thinking about putting in a rectangular bed next year, behind the fence (which is technically not our property). However, we have some tomato plants back there this summer, and they are doing a LOT better than the one we planted inside the yard, in the flower bed. Go figure!

Anyway, I heard on the news that this year is a great year for homegrown tomatoes. I guess because of the mild winter/warm spring or maybe with all the rain we’ve had the last couple of weeks. Either way, that’s definitely been true. Tim’s plants are doing great. One day last week, he had six tomatoes, ready to eat!

Tim's Tomatoes Summer 2012

He’s been making us some salsa, and he’s been eating a lot of tomato sandwiches. He’s really enjoying his bounty! I’ve been growing herbs, and I’m hoping to blog about them soon, maybe later today 🙂

Posted by Stace

July 4th

Another year, another 4th of July celebration in the books. This makes the 17th year that we’ve gone to Tim’s family get-together on the Fourth. Well, except for maybe 2 years, we were on vacation and didn’t make it those times. His mom’s siblings and their families and friends all get together, and it’s Tim’s favorite time to go visit his aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. We always have a great time going. It’s held at his Aunt Becky’s house, and she has a pool, so the kids love going. We’ve never stayed until late, but I’ve always wondered if they do fireworks 🙂

We left before lunch to drive down. I made my mom’s lemonade cake this year to take. I always take a dessert, it travels better, I think 🙂 There was tons of food. Tim’s uncles and even Terry get together early on the day to grill up a ton of chicken, and it’s always delicious. This year, there seemed to be even more veggies than usual. Everyone’s gardens must be doing well!

After we got home, I had expected Tim to head to the golf course, but he surprised me and stayed home. We watched a lot of tv and just hung out inside, in the air conditioning! We got a short rain shower in the early evening – the first rain we’ve had in at least 3 weeks. I’m hoping for more soon 🙂 Someone in our neighborhood started shooting off fireworks (don’t they know it’s banned in our city and has been for over 20 years?!), and of course, it upset Beau. He does NOT like fireworks, he starts barking furiously.

It’s always weird when a holiday falls in the middle of the week. It was back to work for Tim, and back to a normal routine for me, on this Thursday. Gosh, I hope Christmas is not in the middle of the week this year, I better go look that up! 🙂

Posted by Stace

New Recipes

I am trying to get back into a groove of trying new recipes. Sometimes, I feel like I cook the same things over and over. I do try to break out of my rut, eventually. 😀

I entered a few new recipes that I’ve made in the last couple of months in both my local recipe software (MacGourmet, that I bought last year for my new MacBook and just LOVE!), and also on the recipe section of our website (here). I’ve tried to be better about taking photos. It’s funny, because when I transferred photos, I had two distinct themes:

1. Food
2. Beau

(So expect a couple of Beau photos soon!) Anyway, here’s a few of the new things I have tried lately. I tried to give credit for where I had found them (I think these are all online), and hope I got them all correct. I tend to troll for recipes, print them out or file them, and not always cite where I found them. Ahem.

* A change on regular banana bread. This is more of a dessert, since it has chocolate inside and a great chocolate glaze on the outside. Banana Chocolate Walnut bread recipe here.

* One I made back earlier in the winter, for quick enchiladas in the crockpot. I have a recipe very similar to this that I do in the oven, which is also just basically black bean enchiladas. It was nice to do them in the afternoon and have them ready at suppertime, just having to fix some sides to go with them. Crockpot enchiladas here.

* A honey oat bread in my bread machine, here.

* A tangy, strong vinaigrette for a spinach salad – here.

* A copycat recipe for Bourbon chicken. It was good, but not quite like the Bourbon Chicken at our favorite local chinese restaurant.

I also went back and entered a few recipes for things that I have made for years, or haven’t made in years, that were on recipe cards and not in either of my software systems. One is my mom’s chili, which is just a guideline. No measurements, she didn’t measure much of anything! Another is for a “pantry cake”, a quick snack cake that doesn’t use eggs or butter. It doesn’t have a frosting so Tim does not like this one. What a shame, I had to eat almost the whole thing all.by.myself!

Chili recipe here

Chocolate Snack Cake recipe here

I am hoping to try a couple more in the next few weeks. If they turn out good, I’ll probably make another recipe post 🙂

P.S. Sorry for all the different sizes on the photos. I just didn’t feel like going back and making them all the same size. Sheer laziness, I tell ya! 🙂

Have a great day!

Posted by Stace

Harry & David

I’m a complete oddball, because my favorite thing to shop for is… food! I actually love to grocery shop, love to go to Sam’s and stock up on food and household supplies, and when we travel, I love to go to new grocery stores. Yes, I’m weird, and I know it 😀

When we went to the beach before Labor Day, I got to get in two food stops. We went to a Publix to shop for food for the beach house for everyone while we were there. This particular Publix had a nice organic section in the produce and several healthy options on the shelves. I didn’t buy anything here, but I easily could have 🙂 In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever been to a Publix chain store, or if I have, it’s been a couple of decades.

My other stop is one of my all-time favorites – Harry & David. Whenever we travel and go near an outlet mall that has a Harry & David, I always want to stop. Years ago, I would browse a lot and not buy much. These days, I have finally realized that I don’t get to go very often, so I better buy while I’m there and it’s available 😀 We normally only go near a Harry & David every 2 or 3 or sometimes 4 years, so it’s a nice treat for me to go in and find something new to buy, or pick up an old favorite. One of our all time favorites there is their tomato and pepper relish, which I use to make a dip for football season. This year, I made a pointed effort to get mostly new things, and so I am trying all new stuff this time!

Here’s the link to the last post I made about this, two years ago: click here

And here’s a photo of the stuff I bought this trip, I actually did pretty good and didn’t go overboard! 🙂

P.S. In case you’re interested and can’t see from the photo, I bought: Multigrain Tortilla chips, Sesame Garlic tortilla chips, Moose Munch decaf coffee, Raspberry scone mix, 2 kinds of salsa (habanero and black bean & corn), one jar of queso, one jar of cherry preserves and one jar of cherry butter. I like apple butter, so I hope I like the cherry kind 🙂

Posted by Stace

Spam & Recipes

But not recipes for Spam!

A couple of random thoughts this morning:

1. I don’t understand people who leave spam on my little blog. I mean, it’s not a high traffic blog, nor does it have anything controversial or even overtly interesting on it. I’m SO grateful for Akismet though – the spam filter I installed a while back to catch all of this nasty spam. I’m constantly amazed and disgusted at the kinds of spam that Akismet catches. Ugh. At least it doesn’t get out there, but I hate seeing it all on my moderation page.

2. I’ve been trying to get back into a cooking groove. For a while now, I’ve just been making things that are easy, or things that I’ve made many times before. I’m making a concerted effort to try new things. Most of them have been winners, although some have been better than others. All of these are new to me, and all are from places online. I have tried to give credit from the website where I found the recipe, but sometimes I don’t always write it down or print it out. I have just entered several recipes on our family website, in the Recipes section. Here’s a sampling of them:

Sausage Calzones, with homemade dough – here

Pizza Pot Pie – here

Butter Honey Wheat Bread – here

Homemade Taco Sauce (here), which I used in this Skillet Taco recipe

I am going to try a new recipe today for a homemade spaghetti sauce. I’m on a kick lately to reduce sodium and cut down on the processed food I buy and use. So many additives in the canned stuff, packet mixes, etc, as well as that nasty high fructose corn syrup. I hope it turns out ok, because I sure do like using jarred spaghetti sauce, it’s so easy!

Posted by Stace


Ok, I’m obviously running out of things to blog about! I am constantly drawn to food blogs, recipes, cookbooks, grocery stores, food, Food Network, shows on the Travel Channel about food, etc. To say I love to eat is a gross understatement. To say I love to cook is apt on some days, and on other days, couldn’t be farther from the truth.

Today has been a good day. I’ve cooked twice, LOL! I made a loaf of banana bread and some potato soup for supper. We had sandwiches for lunch, and I had oatmeal for breakfast.

How about you, what did you eat today? Do you have something that you eat every day or something that you have on certain days like Saturday or Sunday?

Leave me a comment and let me know!

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Posted by Stace


Some various, random and assorted items:

  • I’ve posted a few new recipes that we’ve tried recently (and liked) over at our family website’s recipe section:

    Fall Fruit Crostatas (a Rachael Ray recipe)
    Crockpot Turkey and Black Bean Chili (which was named Black Bean and Pumpkin Chili at Taste of Home, but I renamed it because of the pumpkin, Tim is not a fan, but you can’t taste it!)
    Coffeehouse Cookies (using leftover Halloween candy)
    Crockpot Spinach Artichoke Dip (football food, baby!)

  • I’m reading a series that I’m already thoroughly enjoying, and I’m only 2 books into the 5 book series. It’s the Chronicles of the Kings series by Lynn Austin. They are about King Hezekiah in Judah and I’m loving the writing, the stories, the characters, the lessons and insights quite a lot so far.
  • We’ve rented a couple of movies lately, after finishing up Season 3 of Alias at Netflix. We’ve had three hits and one miss. Hits: Arsenic and Old Lace (classic with Cary Grant), GI Joe: Rise of the Cobra (we thought it was fun!), and The Proposal (predictable, but cute and a good ending). The Miss: Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (with Matthew McConaughey, he had an awful character and I just didn’t enjoy it, not enough good to counteract the bad).
  • I’ve finally gotten my pansies planted. And I want more, but do not want to plant them. I’m ready for perennials and evergreens, everywhere! 🙂
  • Had my first cup of apple cider tonight. Wish it was cooler, but I’ll take what I can get. Up soon, some hot cocoa 😀
  • My fantasy football team is horrible. I hate to sound like a poor loser, but it’s just no fun losing all the time and being humiliated week after week. Quite the downer.
  • Our Saints are still winning, albeit not as convincingly as before. 9-0 is unheard of for our team, but we’re loving it!
  • Spending too much time farming at Farmville on Facebook. I thought this fad would have passed by now and I would have moved onto something else, but no, still enjoying it 🙂
  • I need new shoes. But I HATE to go shoe shopping. Hate it, loathe it, detest it. I wish I could live my life in tennis shoes. Or flip flops. But they don’t look right with my church clothes or most of my casual clothes 🙁
  • Nov
    Posted by Stace

    Salsa Man

    You know, they say that men make the best chefs!

    I actually like to cook, and I cook the vast majority of our food. Tim is great about helping out if I ask, although I try not to do that too often. He works really hard to provide us a great life and part of my job is to take care of the house and cooking (easy, huh, I know — I’ve got it made!). He does like to grill and he will always fix food for us when I’m sick or not feeling well. He makes a mean breakfast too!

    The other day, he told me that he wanted to make some homemade salsa. We have a neighbor who makes some and brings it down for Tim… it is really hot and spicy and I can’t eat it. But Tim loves it! He said he wanted to try to make some, so I got him some fresh tomatoes, jalapeno peppers, bell peppers and onions at the store over the weekend. He left out the cilantro, as an ode to me who dislikes it intensely! The first batch was really good, we thought. And now, just a couple of days later, he’s made another batch. This time, he’s trying canned tomatoes versus fresh (which we know won’t be as good, but this time of year, a lot cheaper and a lot easier to come by). He’s still tinkering with his spices and proportions, and he hasn’t measured the first thing yet, so a hard and fast recipe is not going to happen. I’m just really enjoying tasting the results and watching him have fun in the kitchen 😀

    So, tell me, who does the cooking in your house? Vote or leave me a comment and let me know!

    [poll id=”18″]

    Posted by Stace

    It’s a Cooking Thang

    I go through phases of enjoying cooking, and loving cooking, and then some days, not so much. I love to eat, don’t get me wrong. I didn’t grow up learning how to cook. My mom didn’t teach me much, so I’ve learned slowly, over the years, through trial and error. My mother-in-law has taught me to make many things, including things that my husband likes and grew up with. I’m very blessed to have married a man who is not at all picky (a lot less than me), and who is willing to try most anything. There’s things that Tim does not like to eat and flavors he’s not fond of, but he’s always willing to try something once. That makes my job so much easier, and so much more enjoyable. I like trying new dishes, and I like making his favorites – it’s a win-win thing for me.

    My love of cookbooks and recipes goes hand in hand with this whole line of blog-babble! 🙂 I love cookbooks and always have. I would have dozens more, except I ran out of room for them years ago. One day… one day, I’m going to have a lot more room for books and cookbooks! In the mean time, I “collect” recipes via the Internet, cooking blogs, message boards, forums and many, many favorite food and cooking websites. I print them out, I email them to myself, I bookmark them. I don’t have a great system for the ones I want to try. But, through the years, I have worked hard on a system for recipes that I have tried, and that we’ve liked.

    Over a decade ago, I started using Mastercook. And when we talked about setting up our family website, the two main things I wanted were a place to share photos and a place to share recipes. The photos have migrated to other areas (mostly, Flickr and my local drive), but the recipes live on. We had an old recipe system on our website that I liked fairly well. Then… the spammers found it. And they started entering recipes that contained links to spam, and nudie pictures and drug sites and everything else unsavory under the sun. Sheesh, people, get a life! Some of us enjoy cooking and recipes, leave our recipe site alone!

    So, my darling webmaster/guru husband installed a new, more secure system on our website a couple of months ago. He converted all 350+ recipes into the new system, those entered by myself, family and friends. I had to go into each recipe and edit it, but that is all done, and we’re now enjoying the new system. Our old system didn’t do photos, but the new one does, so I’ve been happily snapping photos of the food I cook, to add to our recipe database! And, having the new system has also spurred me into trying new recipes …. “so I can enter something on the new recipe system!”. Tim gets a kick out of just how much of a geek I can be on any given day!

    Here’s a few pictures of the food I’ve been cooking lately:

    And you can find our recipe system here. If you get a chance to visit, I hope you like what you see! 🙂

    Posted by Stace

    Bulleted Update!

    Still not into blogging much lately. I do believe I prefer the “micro-blogging” of Twitter and Facebook more than this format. Or at least lately. I’m not ready to abandon my blog though.

    My attempt to try to keep up, at least a bit. Here’s a few bulleted items, things just.right.off the top of my head! 😀

  • Been reading some. I’ve read 36 books so far this year. That’s low for where I usually am this time of year. I’ve been spending time doing other things, I guess! You can see the list of what I’ve read in my sidebar. Or you can connect with me at GoodReads, I track what I read there, and do a quick rating and blurb, too. Currently working on a big stack of books from the library
  • I love the library! Went to B&N the other day and although I enjoyed looking around, I left empty-handed. I love the library, FREE!
  • We’ve been watching a lot of movies lately. Tim has started on his annual “re-watch last year’s football games” 🙂 We record the Saints games and burn them to DVD. He watches them all before training camp. Speaking of which, the Saints have moved their camp back to New Orleans (from nearby, close to our house), so we won’t be able to go this year.
  • I’ve been recording movies off different TV channels onto the DVR for us to watch. Some classics from TCM, some Hallmark movies and a couple from Starz or Showtime. We are getting a free promotional package on those right now, but not really finding a lot to watch.
  • I had never seen the 30’s movies about Nick and Nora Charles, but had always heard about them. We watched The Thin Man and After the Thin Man a few days ago, cute movies. We also pulled out our trilogy of Bourne movies and watched those. I wish I could convince Tim to watch Lord of the Rings with me again!
  • Tim “suggested” that we up our Netflix rentals (he “needs” the DVR to record golf, like the US Open and British Open, which is this coming weekend. HA, priorities!). We just changed from one-at-a-time back to a whopping three-at-a-time plan. I plan to scale us back as soon as all the fall TV shows start in September
  • Going in and out of motivation on exercise. I tried the 30 Day challenge on our new Wii Active and didn’t make it till the end. I got through 3 weeks of it though! I plan to take a little rest and hopefully get back into it. I have been doing decent with my walking. I had a “don’t want to exercise at all” week last week, after the July 4th holiday. I’m trying to do better this week. Got back onto the treadmill yesterday, which was tough 🙂
  • In addition to not being in the exercise mood, I haven’t been in a cooking mood much lately either. I mean, I cook and we eat, but I haven’t tried a new recipe in months. I’m just making old standbys. We’re eating a lot of easy stuff – tacos, burgers, spaghetti, etc. Just haven’t been in the mood to try anything new. And I hate heating up my kitchen this time of year. If it were cooler, I’d want to bake. I have really been wanting to make cookies or brownies or a cake lately. That insatiable sweet tooth, I guess 😀
  • Saw my first UFC fight. Not the highlight of my summer, but it made Tim happy!
  • Went to the Dollar Store the other day and bought 2 boxes of candy. We’ve already eaten them and now I need to go back! 🙂
  • Loving the rain! In the month of June, I think we got one, 10 minute rain shower. I am SO tired of watering my grass and flowers. Moving the sprinklers around the yard is a pain and I hate doing it. In July, we had only gotten one shower, but this week looks so much better! We got rain yesterday and today, and for that, I am truly grateful!
  • OK, well, that was a whole lotta nothin! I hope you’re having a great day out there in Internet-land! If you’re on Twitter or Facebook and we’re not connected, be sure to leave me a note. I’m definitely spending more time there lately than here 🙂