Wow, August drug its slow self and it seemed like September would never come. Now, I’ve blinked, and September is over 🙂
October, November and December are my favorite months. Holidays, birthdays, fall and the change of seasons and food. I’m ready!
Ok, a quick update. The toilet saga was obviously sooopo newsworthy! Otherwise, the weekend was fairly quiet. Lots of rain on Saturday and Sunday. We only ate out once (Friday night, at Mr Chen’s), and I’m working hard on a menu for the week. Today is still dreary, misting outside, and the high is only supposed to be 64 degrees. Highly unusual for us (it will be back near 90 before the week is over). So, I’m making potato soup and homemade bread for supper tonight! I’ll love it, and Tim, well, he’ll tolerate it. He’d much rather have a steak or meatloaf 🙂
Our sports teams were so disappointing again this weekend. Tim has been in a bad mood for two days, since the Eagles lost (0-4 now), the Saints lost to the Packers yesterday (0-4 now, boo), and even the Ryder Cup team lost on the last day. They started Sunday with a lead and blew it. Tim is not happy, very grumpy for Tim.
I’ve walked twice today – a little over 7 miles. I’m beat! Beau is sound asleep, and I wish I had time for a nap! I think tonight will be an early one for me.
Finished a good cozy mystery last night, Murder Most Maine (3rd in the Gray Whale Inn series) and started another good one, Mary Magdalene by Diana Wallis Taylor. Looking forward to all the new shows that are waiting for us on the DVR and the fact that I’ll have Dancing with the Stars: AllStars to watch tomorrow! 🙂
Was happy to find milk on sale this week at Kroger for 2.99! It’s the little things that make me happy 🙂
Unhappy to not see very many free books for my Kindle today. A while back, I seemed to find a ton of new, free books for my Kindle on the first day of the month. Now, it seems like most of the ones they are offering I already have. Now, mind you, I definitely do NOT need more books. I have a couple hundred I have still not read, I buy a few from time to time, and I can get them from the library. I just love to get good free Christian books for my Kindle. 😀
Hope everyone is having a great day!