Well, mercy me. Will wonders never cease! Two different bloggers, Karen (from over at Write from Karen), and Christine (from over at Are We There Yet?), have both nominated me for a “Thinking Blogger Award”. I am totally speechless, very surprised and rather humbled by this gesture.
After I picked myself up off the floor, I stopped and thought… do these incredibly smart and sweet ladies really think that this is a “thinking” blog? It’s a very boring, very mundane kind of blog. I blather on about very little. This is by design. I’m a very non-confrontational kind of person in real life — I don’t debate politics, religion, my beliefs, world affairs, the economy, the tax system or even global warming (although I do talk some about global warming!) with friends and family, much less on my blog. I named my blog “Exceedingly Mundane” because it’s just that – extremely low-level and boring. I talk about food. I do memes. I talk about books I’ve read. I talk about my dog and how he likes to chase bugs, birds, lizards and squirrels. I talk about Tim and tell everyone what a wonderful guy I found who somehow, miraculously, puts up with me every day. I know I’m boring. I know I’m not a thinker. I prefer light and fluffy. I like escapism.
And yet, they nominated me for this. Thank you ladies. Thank you for thinking so highly of me and for nominating me. I am truly honored. As per the rules of the Thinking Blog Awards, I am to do the following:
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.
3. Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote.
On to my nominations:
1. Southern Girl at Southern Girl’s Guide to Almost Anything – Southern Girl is a hoot and she constantly reminds me of what it is to be Southern, to be a female sports fan, to be a tv/music fan. We share a lot of the same interests, including our photos for Project365. Some of her posts make me laugh and some of them make me think – like one she posted last week about the book/tv show on “1000 Places to see before you die“. It really made me think – I tried but couldn’t come up with 100. Her list made me look up a lot of places I had never heard of and learn about some new places on our planet.
2. Susie at Susiepie.com – Susie is constantly writing engaging, intellectual, moral and incredibly well written posts. She does a great job of showing me things on the Internet that always interest me, but that I would never, ever have found on my own. She and I share a very similar interest in books and authors, and she is always giving me wonderful book recommendations 
3. Dianne at Unfinished Work – Dianne writes the most incredible posts. About her life, things that happened in her childhood, her recent break from blogging and her spiritual retreat. She’s always making me think, think about my life, about my faith, about my family, past and present. Just in the last week or so, she’s written three incredible posts that really made me stop and really think about my life (read them here, here and here). I love seeing that she has a new blog post up, I can’t wait to go read it and see what she is going to say next!
4. Deb at Sugarfused.net – Deb constantly amazes me with her photographs. I want to be like Deb when I grow up. I want to have her eye for taking photographs, her knowledge on camera modes and perspective and photo editing software. I want to shoot one picture in my life with my digital camera that would stand up to the photos she posts on a daily basis. I stand in awe of her talent. She constantly challenges me and makes me think about the photographs I take, how I take them, and how to set them up. And, she makes me think, gee, will I ever be as good as Deb?!
5. my sister Gail at More Than a Song – last, but not least, my sister Gail. Gail and I think alike. We know the same people. We like a lot of the same things. It’s a no brainer that I love her blog and that it makes me think – although, a lot of the time, I think “why didn’t I think of that first?! LOL 