Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

When was the last time you…

Swiped from… hmm, someone else’s blog (can’t remember who). I had it filed away for quite a while now. You know, “saved for a rainy day”. Well, that would be today! 😀

When was the last time you….

1. kissed someone? This morning (Tim the World’s Best Husband)
2. drank coffee? about 10 seconds ago 😀

3. read a book? Last night before going to sleep
4. cursed? Does “danggit” count? If so, last night
5. had a nightmare? Hmm. Not sure, I don’t remember my dreams or nightmares that often

6. checked your email? Sheesh, about 2 minutes ago! Mine is always up, so I check constantly
7. had a crush? I STILL have a crush on Tim 😆

8. drove a car? Yesterday. Haircut, lunch out, errands, grocery shopping
9. rode a rollercoaster? Wow. Long time. Probably the late 90’s when we went to Disneyworld. I do NOT like rollercoasters, but Tim made me ride Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, Tower of Terror (although that’s not really a rollercoaster, but still, it was scary!)

10. took a nap? I luvs me a good nap. Probably in the last week or two.
11. went to the movies? This past Saturday, went with Tim, Don and Gail to see “Amazing Grace”
12. drank alcohol? A very long time. College.
13. went to a party? I went to my niece’s 2 year old birthday party in January, does that count? 🙂
14. said “I love you’? This morning, to Tim and Beau

15. cooked a meal? Last night. I cook a lot, I like to cook!
16. exercised? Yesterday morning, we walked 2 miles in our subdivision

I won’t tag anyone, but it you play along, be sure to leave me a comment so I can come check out your answers!!!

  1. Stacy Said,

    My last kiss was this morning too…but mine was from Vader. He gives the best Eskimo kisses…I’m glad I taught him that. You tell him “kiss” and he’ll go nose to nose with you! (Jeff wasn’t home!)

    This was a fun meme!

  2. Dawn Said,

    i played along! =)

  3. Lauren S. Said,

    That was fun! I don’t know when my last nap was, but I sure would like one right now! My hubby has been gone since 4:45 this morning (to catch a flight), so I feel like it is much later than it is! I may steal this meme from you next week sometime! Have a great day!

  4. Gail Said,

    I don’t like rollercoasters either but I loves me some Space Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain and Tower of Terror! Way too much fun!

  5. JennaG Said,

    Loved your answers. I like to cook too! I hate roller coasters–I always have to go to the chiropractor when I get back home!

  6. rach Said,

    I was at Dawn’s blog earlier and read her answers to this same meme.

    I’ve seen those rollercoaster rides you mentioned on TV and they look terrifying. The largest rollercoaster we have in the Philippines is nothing compared to what you’ve tried.

    Take care Stacy.

  7. Trista Said,

    ok, I a few days behind, but I did play.

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