Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast Meme

Feast One Hundred & Thirty Eight
April 6, 2007

When you travel, which mode of transportation do you prefer?
Although I love the convenience of flying and getting somewhere quick, I hate the hassle of airports, rental cars, etc. I really would rather drive. Tim and I mostly drive on our vacations, and we love getting to spend the time together. However, we’ve about exhausted all of the places we want to go within a day’s driving distance from our home. Time to start hitting other parts of the country 🙂

Have you ever met a blogging friend in person?
No, but I certainly have several that I do want to meet!

When was the last time you were really, really tired?
Hmmm, I can’t really remember. I know when we went to Washington DC a couple of summers ago, and we walked one entire day, from the Capital to all of the monuments and memorials on the Mall, to the White House and other places, we were completely exhausted. More tired from the exertion than from lack of sleep. Our legs hurt so much, we both came back to the hotel and just crashed for hours.

Main Course
If you could have dinner with any one fictional character from a book or movie, who would it be?
Oh wow, a real “thinker” question! I don’t know if I’ve had enough coffee yet to come up with a good answer. The first one that comes to mind is Father Tim in the Mitford books.

Fill in the blank: One day, I hope to see _______________.
London, Edinburgh and Glasgow. Paris, Vienna and Rome would be on there too.

  1. annie Said,

    We have the same main course!
    I enjoyed your feast!
    Easter Blessings~
    ♥ Annie
    My Life as Annie!

  2. Selena Kitt Said,

    Ugh I hate all the stuff involved with flying, too! 😡


  3. Dawn Said,

    you know what else is tiring? trekking around Animal Kingdom for the day. i don’t know what it is about that park, but when i get home from there, i crash *so* hard.

    i hope you & Tim have a wonderful & blessed Easter, Stacy. =)

  4. Nancy, aka Bookfool Said,

    Hi Stacy!

    Thanks for visiting my blog and congrats on your Thinking Blogger nominations. 🙂 I hate all that mess involved in air travel, these days, too. It used to be so fun to fly, but now it’s a hassle. We have a swimmer who goes to a lot of meets within the state (MS), so we’ve seen a good bit more of our own home area, in the past two years. There’s a lot more to see than I realized, although we’re not natives and I probably curled up in my shell for quite a while, so it’s still new to me after 20 years in the state!

  5. rach Said,

    I hope you can visit all those lovely places you mentioned in the near future. Thanks for sharing your feast.

  6. Presentstorm Said,

    Hey you are the second person to mention Father Tim.. I may have to check these books out.

    I hope you have a very blessed Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

  7. Debi Said,

    Wonderful feast! I love a good road trip! (Though I have to admit I loved it a lot more when it’s just Rich and I.) I so hope we can get to DC some day very soon! There’s so much to do there…anything you’d recommend as an absolute MUST SEE?
    Hope Beau’s doing a bit better today (but he’s probably just as miserable as yesterday, huh?). And I hope you all have a wonderful Easter weekend!

  8. Susie Said,

    I have only read the first Mitford book (why I didn’t continue the series I have no idea, because I loved it), but yes, Father Tim would be a wonderful dinner companion. 🙂

    I loved reading your feast! Thanks for playing 😉

  9. Cam Said,

    I agree about air travel, and I used to love road trips with Philip. They were so fun. They wouldn’t be so fun now, though!

    I hope you do get to see all those places you listed.

  10. Lauren S. Said,

    Washington D.C. is certainly good for sightseeing and exercise! I have never read Mitford, but I plan to read the first book soon. I look forward to meeing Father Tim!

  11. amy Said,

    I have been told I needed to read the Mitford books. Great feast this week..We love to drive as well

  12. JennaG Said,

    Yes, you all need to read the Mitford books. I plan to re-read the whole series this summer! And referring to your comments at my blog: Yes, yes, yes, my hubby steals my covers too! I don’t guess I would have it any other way! Yes, B. is a pilot and has been for 17 years now! It use to scare me that he flew daily, but now, I hardly give it a second thought! I have flown, many times–even over the ocean to Hawaii. I just don’t like it very much at all! And, no, I wouldn’t really slap Scarlet–I would probably hug her instead, and tell her everything was going to be all right! Have a great weekend!

  13. Carrie Said,

    Heck yeah, DC will wear ya out. I lived right there for about 4 years and just the fast paced lifestyle was enough to wear me ragged, LOL!

    How’s the doggy doing being fenceless today?

  14. Bethany Said,

    I really enjoyed the Mitford books as well!

    I’ve been to all of the places you listed- what awesome memories 🙂

    I enjoyed your feast! 🙂

  15. kaliblue Said,

    Great feast:-). Love the places you would like to visit someday.
    I hope ya’ll have a wonderful Easter.

    P.S. The covered bridge is in Sevierville/Pigeon Forge. Just off of Old State Highway 35 near U.S. 411.

    Gatlinburg is about 45 mins from my house:-). I hope ya’ll have a great time when you come in May.

  16. Southern Girl Said,

    Oh, Father Tim is a great choice! That would probably be my mom’s, too.

    When you’re off seeing all those ciites, you need to swing by Spain and visit a few there! 😉

  17. Heidi Said,

    Ooo! I would love to meet “Father Tim” too.

  18. paperback writer Said,

    I would have dinner with Hercule Poirot. I love him and his “little grey cells!”

  19. Becca Said,

    I love your feast today! Great answers!

  20. Shawna Said,

    We would fly but usually it’s way too expensive. We always drove on vacations growing up and have just continued the habit!

  21. Jackie Said,

    Great Feast answers! I enjoy reading your stuff.
    A bit late but mine’s up today 🙂

  22. Trista Said,

    I almost bought some of the Mitford series books at a thrift shop the other day. They must have been enjoyable if you want to meet one of the characters.

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