Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


Not that it’s anything important, but here’s a few things that are bouncing around in my head. Mostly, just a good excuse to use bullets. I luvs me some bullets in my blog posts, LOL!

  • I lost about 2 hours of sleep last night, tossing and turning and worrying my little head off. See, our next door neighbor is going to have his fence torn down and a new one put up. This fence is also part of our fence that we share on his side. Which means, that Beau won’t be able to go out in the backyard and run around. Or go out to take care of his business on his own. Or chase birds and squirrels and lizards to his heart’s content. It means I have to be a responsible dog parent and get dressed, shoes and all, and take him out on a leash every time he wants to go out. Which doesn’t sound like a big deal, but the dog has gotten in the habit of going out every 20 minutes. Seriously. It wasn’t too bad of a proposition when our neighbor first told us what he was going to do. Three days, he said (which seemed long to me, ours was up in 2). Still, we can hack it for 3 days. Then, he comes over last night (and I missed half of American Idol, wah!) and says they won’t start till Thursday and so that means they won’t come back to finish until Monday. Bummer. Over the Easter holiday too, which messes up some plans we had. It’s going to be a long 5 days folks. I might not post it here, but I will be mumbling and grumbling here, because Beau will not be a happy dog.
  • Today’s photo over on my Project365 blog is of two flavors of creamer in my refrigerator. Riveting photos here lately, eh?! The reason I posted this is because I was going to blog about it here. Currently, I have Coffeemate special edition Pralines N Cream, along with International Delights White Chocolate Macadamia Nut in the fridge. Both good. Both sweet. Both WHITE. Yesterday, while I was grocery shopping, I saw another new Coffee Mate special edition flavor – Blueberry Cobbler. Ewww. It grossed me out for whatever reason. I mean, it might taste good (and please let me know if you’ve tried it), but heck; the thought of pouring something blue in my coffee just unnerves me!
  • Speaking of the grocery store, has anyone else noticed how much things have been going up lately? I think I notice it a lot more now that I use my PDA to keep track of prices of the items I buy regularly at the grocery store and Sam’s. I know I had read in the newspaper that the price of meat (beef and poultry) was going up because of the feed prices. Seems so much of the corn now is in demand for the production of Ethanol (which I’m all for), that it is leading to higher prices for any corn or grain fed meat in this country. I’ve also noticed that milk is still going up. And onions too, what’s up with that? The price of a bag of yellow onions in my store went up a dollar. That’s a big jump. Has anyone else noticed, or do you just throw it in your buggy and keep going?
  • I’ve blogged a bunch lately about all of our electronic woes. First, it was my new laptop that Tim bought me for my anniversary (Vista is a pain people, do NOT upgrade and hold off on buying a new computer as long as you can!). Then, we’ve had trouble with our cable company and their conversion from TimeWarner to Comcast. We were down 2 days last week because of problems with our cable modem. Knock on wood, but so far this week, things are looking up. I hope we’re over the worst of it. The good news is that my laptop is running better (once I moved away from all things Microsoft, like their mail product that comes with Vista), and at least the programs that I’ve tried to setup on here now are working. Yesterday, I moved my email address from TimeWarner to Comcast. They had forwarded it for me last week (unbeknownst to me) while we were working on the other problems. I got it switched over yesterday and immediately received 112 new messages. So, if you’ve emailed me in the last 5 days and not heard from me, that’s why. I just now got your email! 🙂
  • We’ve been running the air conditioner here for the last week. It’s been in the 80’s every day. I’m very happy to say that I’m sitting here right now, with the windows open, and I can feel a cool breeze coming in and I hear the birds chirping. It’s supposed to be a little cooler through Easter here, so I’m hoping that helps us keep the AC off a while longer.
  • The book that I’m currently reading (and I love this series!) has a recipe in it for an easy cherry cheesecake. I thought I’d include it here (on the extended page), in case anyone is interested.
  • TV has been ok, but uninspiring lately. Is it just me? I’m just “ok” with 24 and Lost, and even Idol, Dancing with the Stars and Survivor are not blowing me away. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still watching and have contestants that I really like (well, not Survivor). I’m just a little underwhelmed with some of these shows. I’m so aggravated that Sanjaya is still on Idol. I’m really not fond of Heather Mills on DWTS, but she keeps getting high marks. And I just can’t find anyone to root for on Survivor. Which is like Amazing Race. Once Rob and Amber were eliminated, we gave up on that one.

    Click for the recipe…

    From “On a Wing and a Prayer” by Katherine Valentine:

    Easy Cherry Cheesecake

    Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Empty one package of yellow cake mix in a large bowl, reserving 1 cup. Add 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil and 1 egg, slightly beaten, and press the crust evenly along the bottom and 3/4 up the side of a greased 9×12 ” pan (Stacy’s note, surely this is a 9×13 and not 9×12). Mix with an electric mixer: 2 – 8 oz packages of cream cheese, 1/2 cup sugar and 3 eggs until smooth. Add 3 tablespoons lemon juice, 3 teaspoons vanilla extract, 1 1/2 cup milk and the reserved 1 cup of cake mix. Beat until smooth. Pour into the pan. Bake 40-50 minutes or until done. Cool. Top with 2 cans of cherry pie filling.

    Sounds good to me 🙂 I love books that have freebie recipes them, LOL!

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    1. Cam Said,

      Great update! I like reading bullet updates & thoughts. 🙂

      Sorry about the fence situation. 🙁

      The weather has cooled here, too, for the next few days.

      I’ve noticed lots of prices increases at the grocery store. It’s so depressing to me! I always keep track of prices. I don’t have any electronic devices, but I just remember everything in my head. Anyway…*sigh* The prices make it hard for people like us who are barely getting by as it is!

    2. Sparky Duck Said,

      Berries or at least the imitation taste of berries is becoming very or berry berry popular these days. I have to find the cobbler one now.

      I noticed the prices on meat have gone crazy the other day. But we at least get sick of having pasta all the time! But, avocados are still cheap! 🙂

      did you hear about the windows patch, because Vista has a huge security hole?

    3. Lauren S. Said,

      I am with you on the AC! However, I wish it wasn’t cooling down quite so much. My five year old has opening day for baseball on Saturday! I am so impressed that you keep up with all the prices! I have noticed it, but I don’t have an official tracking method. Have a great day!

    4. Susie Said,

      I love bulleted posts! They’re fun to read and to write!

      Sorry you lost some sleep last night; I think I would have, too. I don’t like changes to my routine and I’m sure doggies don’t, either. 🙁 Hope it all works out somehow!

    5. rach Said,

      Sorry about the fence thing and hope those 5 days will pass by quickly. Hope Beau won’t find it hard to adjust to his temporary loss of freedom.

      Blueberry Cobbler … sounds delectable!

      Same here, we’ve been running the airconditioner lately to cool off and escape from the hot weather. I’m psyching myself for a sudden increase in electricity bills.

      Thanks for sharing this cool recipe.

      Take care Stacy!

    6. Laura Said,

      We’ve managed to not uncover our A/C unit yet. I’m hoping to hold out until May but I seriously doubt it.

    7. Carrie Said,

      I shop at the commissary on base and things aren’t going up to much there these days. Still higher than a few years ago but since there’s nothing I can do about it …. I just whine about it to my husband, LOL!

      Isn’t this whole Sanjaya thing out of control. Ugh! He just turns my tummy!

      And … YEP! Heather Mills rubs me the wrong way. I just don’t like her!

    8. Gail Said,

      I’ve been so busy this week I haven’t checked in here and you are just running over with stuff!
      * I LOVE the white chocolate macadamia creamer, yum! not so sure on blueberry
      * It’s a HUGE story in our area about how most farmers are planting corn now instead of cotton, for more reasons than one. Don says it’s why he’s been so busy so early in the season, cotton hasn’t been planted yet but the amount of cotton to be planted is way, way down. I noticed onions but don’t always keep track of all prices.
      * Some of those 112 messages were probably from me!
      * AC is running upstairs, but I should cut it off now that it’s cooler this weekend.
      * Yummy recipe, thanks!
      * TV, don’t get me started! I love those shows but not finding anyone that just bowls me over and I root for to win. Still lovin Race though! I like Apolo, Joey, Ian on DWTS. Didn’t have anything against Shandi, she wasn’t a favorite though….however her partner drove me NUTS for some reason! I thought he seemed obsessed with looking at the camera instead of her anytime they did interviews with the hosts. I noticed when others were interviewed, the pro dancer would look at the star when the star was talking but not that Brian guy, he seemed to always look at the camera I thought! Now I watched me some mighty fine tv drama Monday night, The Bachelor! Cheesy good fun! And some of those girls, DRAMA central! I think they must pick them b/c they know they’ll cause a scene! The bachelor kept talking a/b how all the girls were so intelligent and then they’d show someone falling down drunk or doing some kind of dance crawl on the floor or singing him the National anthem and I was thinking, “he thinks this is smart?!!” No wonder he’s THAT good looking and turning 30 and isn’t married yet! I thought he was smart though b/c he’s a navy doc, but who knows. It was FUN!
      * Sanjaya, HAS. GOT. TO. GO! stop voting for him people, whoever they are….I can’t imagine why anyone votes for him, it’s sad really. But I called it in the auditions in Memphis, Melinda can SING and should win! I stand by that now! She’s my girl and has flat got it in my opinion!

    9. Debi Said,

      Oh no. I totally understand how you must feel about the fence! I would go absolutely crazy if I couldn’t just open up the back door and let Baker out. Absolutely crazy!
      Air conditioning. Huh. Snow here for the next 5 days.
      And as for this blueberry cobbler creamer. Ewww. Now I’d love some real blueberry cobbler with a cup of coffee…but not blueberry cobbler flavor IN my coffee. I don’t know, somehow that just doesn’t sit right with me.
      Sorry your shows haven’t been living up to your expectations. I hate it when a show I love starts letting me down. Maybe they’ll perk back up for you…hope so anyway! I’ve been enjoying 24 for the most part, but a few things have bugged me because they just don’t seem believable. My two most favorite shows (Jericho and Criminal Minds) are on tonight…hooray!
      Enjoy the rest of your week! And good luck with poor Beau!

    10. Southern Girl Said,

      Oh, that recipe looks great! I think I’m going to have to copy it so my mom can try it out. She gave a friend of hers a Christmas gift of a dessert a month, so this looks like a good one for one of the months.

    11. Lynne Said,

      If I had to get dressed and take Maggie and Teddy for walks every time they wanted to go out instead of just leaving them out in the fenced yard, I’d go crazy. Especially when Teddy decides at 3:00 am that he just can’t hold it a second longer – then he goes out, tinkles about 10 drops, then sits by the door waiting to come in. In fact, when we bought this house, we had the fence put up before we moved in.

      You’re really running through those books! Glad you’re enjoying them. I’m going to start the new Maeve Binchy book today. I’ll let you know how I like it.

    12. deb Said,

      I haven’t tried any of those creamers but that blueberry one? Yuck!
      I’m not blown away by Idol either although I do like Melinda and Jordin very much.
      Good luck with Beau! I know what you mean about the “every 20 minutes” thing…one of ours is in and out in and out in and out all the time, too 🙂
      Have a good Thursday!

    13. Shawna Said,

      Oh no, Beau can’t roam free! I’m sure he’ll enjoy the walks, but it’s just not the same:)

      The weather here turned really cold. We’re back in winter clothes today! I was freezing last night in bed!!

      I haven’t been too into Survivor this time (or last time) either. We still watch though, out of habit! Everything else has been in reruns. Beef and I have been watching the 1st season of X Files on DVD. I’ve never seen the 1st several seasons.

    14. Shayna Said,

      Tv has not interested me at all lately either, I can’t stand Sanjaya, so I can’t watch Idol. Blueberry CREAMER??? EEEEEWWWW all kinds of GROSS! I am not a fan of fruit in my coffee.
      I think that recipe sounds great, may have to give it a try!

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