Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Snip, Snip

HaircutI am going this morning to the salon to get my hair cut. And colored, but shhhh, we’re not going to talk about that very much. Suffice it to say that I had grey hair in high school. They had to airbrush it out of my senior portrait. By the time I got married, I had huge streaks of grey all through my hair. Not long after we were married, Tim told me that he thought I should color it, since he thought I looked a lot older than I really was. Needless to say, I’ve been coloring my hair ever since. I am calmly and patiently waiting for the day when Tim has a head full of grey hair. Then, I’ll stop coloring mine and we’ll be grey together. 🙄

Anyway, I go regularly to get my hair cut. Every 5-6 weeks. I have horrible hair and I have trouble styling it. I wish I had great hair. I wish I had “wash and go” kind of hair, but I don’t. It won’t do what I want it to. It’s incredibly frizzy. It flips one way and then another, never the same thing twice or the same way on that part of my head. It’s a struggle every day between me and my hair. A common phrase in my house is that I’m having a “bad hair day”. 😀

So, that’s today’s Question of the Day – Do you go to the salon to get your hair cut? How often? Do you get your hair highlighted or colored? Would you say you have more “good hair days” or “bad hair days”. 😀 Inquiring minds want to know!

  1. Lynne Said,

    I’m having a hair-cut dilemma right now. I had posted a few weeks ago about a bad haircut and stated I wouldn’t go back to my regular stylist. Well, my hair has grown and I now need another cut. And I don’t know who to trust! Donna doesn’t like the way her stylist cuts her hair, so she’s probably out. My hair is really thick and coarse and hard to cut. Brandie (my stylist) usually did a good job (up until this last time) plus I really like the way she colors my hair and does the highlights. So, do I suck it up and go back to her, but this time be even more specific about how I want it cut, or close my eyes and pick someone from the phone book? I’m going away in about 3 weeks, so I need to get it done LIKE YESTERDAY!

  2. Dawn Said,

    we have the same hair. no kidding. it is curly is some places & straight in others — and those places change from day to day! i think that’s why i have stuck with this style for so long. it works with my hair perfectly! even if it never looks the same twice, it accomodates my hair’s ever-evolving personality, and i better hair days much more often now. it really only gets bad when i am in need of a haircut.

    i have to go to the salon. and i have a very difficult time if i have to change stylists. that was one of the worst parts of moving. no one ever cuts my hair properly so even though i have since moved even within Florida, i willingly drive an hour each way to get my hair cut now that i have someone who can cut it. back in Connecticut, my stylist was awesome. he used to even compete at shows in NYC & come back with awards! i would sit in his chair & say “whatever you want to do, Joe!” and i always loved it. i was very spoiled.

    i go anywhere from 4-6 weeks, depending on if i have travel plans or a holiday & what my stylist’s availability is. and i do get highlights as well. i usually have them done every 3-4 months.

  3. Cam Said,

    Oh, have fun! I wish you that new-cut & new-color happiness today! 🙂
    I get mine cut at a salon, usually every 3 months because that’s how often I get highlights, too. My natural color is dark, dark blonde. I usually get it highlighted light blonde every 3 mos. But right now it’s been 7 months since I got highlights! I keep being pregnant and I don’t like coloring during the first trimester, so you better believe I have plans to go get new highlights REALLY soon. 😀
    I have very frizzy, thick, naturally wavy hair that I have to do a lot of work with. My best friend is my straightening/flat iron. If you don’t have one, I recommend getting a good one! (Not one from Walmart or Target, but from a salon or from somewhere like Sally’s).

  4. JennaG Said,

    I’m going today to get my hair cut as well! I go every 5-6 weeks and I have it highlighted every time. I have a very popular hair stylist and I have to make my appt’s six months in advance. I would say that my good days outnumber my bad days, but those bad days sure are “doosie’s”! Have a great day and a great cut!
    I also recommend a flat iron–Chi is the best, but is pricey! Can’t live without it.

  5. paperback writer Said,

    I get my haircut every six weeks. I like my cute little bob. Usually, if I don’t dry it straight, it’s very, very curly. The white hair is starting to come in, but I don’t mind currently. 🙂

  6. Southern Girl Said,

    I haven’t been to the salon to get my hair cut, or anything done to my hair, in YEARS. For several years, I just wasn’t physically able to get out and go, but now that I am, I don’t really know who to go to — don’t have a regular hair person. Not to mention, I’m adverse to paying an arm and a leg for it. 😉 Mostly I’ve had my mother trim it when I can’t stand it anymore, when I don’t take the scissors to it myself. (And this has me wanting to do that very thing right now. If I mess it up, I’m going to hold you responsible for putting the idea into my head. *g*) I’ve never had my hair colored, but that day is coming. Southern Brother took a picture of me last weekend and the gray strands sprouting out everywhere were very noticeable!

    Most of my hair days are bad, for the simple fact that I generally shove my hair into a ponytail and don’t do a thing with it!

  7. Carrie Said,

    Oh goodness. This is a touchy subject for me, LOL. I have baby fine ~ super thin hair. It does 2 things, hangs straight down or sits in a pony tail/bun. About 10 years ago, I had a REALLY bad cut. One that left me in tears. Since then, the salon scares me as much as the dentist. I go once a year to get my hair cut. I just let it grow until it drives me bonkers and I have to twist it 20 times, LOL, before putting it up in the bun thinger. I don’t color my hair or anything like that. I have natural golden highlights that are wonderful.

    My ex-husband had gray in his hair starting at about 14 years old. He’s almost 40 now and has the skunk stripe. He always wanted to coor it because he wants to stay *young*. I, however, always thought it was a cute look and he never cololed it.

    Have fun!

  8. Susie Said,

    I believe you read last week on my blog that I cut my own hair most of the time. I go get a “shape-up” trim about every 2 years. I have lots of not-too-awful hair days, maybe one out of 7 days will it be a good hair day. Now that I think about it, I had many more bad hair days when I was younger, but I realize now that I just don’t care as much as I did then. That’s probably not a good thing. 😉

  9. Laura Said,

    Here’s a good one for you. I’ve never had my hair cut professionally. I’m going to probably next month because I’m tired of it being so long with even ends.

    My husband has been balding since he was 18. He always asks me if he can borrow some of my hair.

  10. rach Said,

    I love going to the salon for a hair cut,hair color and eyebrow threading every 6 weeks or so. I’ve been going to the same salon since college. Like you, I’ve had white hair at a young age (something I got from my Dad) so I often have my hair colored (with highlights of somesort of burgundy). My hair is still black when you look at it but it has sutle highlights which you only notice when the sun is shining on my hair.

  11. Becca Said,

    I have the wash and go hair because my hair is very straight and very thick, so it does nothing. So I have a bob that is easy to take care of. Mitch is gray and was gray when we met. I used to color my hair, but decided that I didn’t want to do that anymore. I get my hair cut every 8 weeks or so. I am going gray but you know, I am ok with it. Or so I tell myself!

  12. Karla Said,

    I have a lot of gray (white) and have not colored my hair in 3 years. It is so hard to keep up with because my hair grows very quickly. I usually only cut my hair professionally 2 – 3 times a year because I hate spending money on it. I probably should care more about how it looks but it is pretty much like Becca described her’s…”wash and go”.

  13. Shayna Said,

    I am terrible about remembering to cut my hair regularly. I have I guess what you would call good hair, especially when I am pregnant. Its gloriously thick and shiny, although that could be because of the HAIR COLOR! I have colored my hair since I was in high school, and am not sure what my natural hair color even is! I spotted two gray hairs the other day, and then my hubby was kind enough to point them out to me! Isn’t he SWEET?? So they went BYE BYE and I am now Chocolate Brown!

  14. Debi Said,

    Just wash and go here. Don’t even own a blow dryer or anything like that. It’s straight and fairly thick. Wish I could afford to go to a salon, but that’s just an easy way to save money. Rich cuts it for me every couple years. I colored it about a month ago. Before that, it was about a year ago, and before that about 5 years ago. It definitely looks better colored…but I’m so lazy about actually doing it.

  15. Presentstorm Said,

    Lucky I pretty much do have wash and go hair. I have been blessed with thick healthy hair although it rarely is very “trendy” looking it does stay healthy and thick. It is easy to maintain but not always very easy to style and keep that way. My hair is very straight and hard to keep curl in. I hav eto face the fact I have straight hair and that is the way it is..lol

    I get my hair cut a few times a year at a salon.

  16. Trista Said,

    Boy am I a good candidate for a trip to the salon. I have not been since Dec 2005. My hair is getting long, and I am ready for a change. It is one of those things that gets put on the back burner for me, having a toddler around and one on the way. I have natural highlghts in my hair, and am pretty happy with that. I have had it colored/highlighted in the past, as a special treat. I would say that I am a wash and go gal, b/c most days my hair spends its time twisted up on the back of my head in a clip or ponytail.

  17. Susanne Said,

    I’ve always been a long hair wanna be but feel better in a short haircut, so I’m at the hairdresser’s every 5 – 6 weeks. Color though, I do do at home, though sometimes I wonder whatever possessed me to start that.

  18. Sparky Duck Said,

    yes, though I call it just the hair cut place, not a salon, ewww. once every 2 months or so. Coloring? Highlights? What???

  19. Gail Said,

    I go about every 5-7 weeks depending on how soon I need it and my schedule for fitting it in! It gets “color enhanced” or highlighted sometimes! And even though I don’t like paying for it, I’m very happy to do so! I’ve always been told I have “good” hair! The stylists love to cut and fool with mine, or so they say! I do have bad hair days but I think my good ones outweigh those most times.
    It’s all in the cut! You could get you a different cut and it might be easier to maintain! I think you have to get a cut that kinda corresponds to your hair type etc.

  20. mamichelle Said,

    I go every 4 weeks for a cut and every 8 weeks for a highlight. I don’t do a full color, just get pulled through the cap. My hair is still blonde but a very dark blonde so I choose to highlight instead of being called dishwater blonde! I hate that color/name.

  21. Shawna Said,

    I go to the salon about every 3 months to get my hair cut and highlighted. A lot of times I go longer without the highlight because it costs so much. I guess I could say I have pretty good hair–Ok, great if someone takes the time to style it, which I don’t always do. I let it air dry a lot in the summer since it takes such a long time to hair-dry it, but it looks tons better when I do blow dry it.

  22. Judi Said,

    I go to the salon about every 6 weeks. I MUST color my hair. I have lots of gray too. I didn’t really have enough to notice until the last couple of years. But now it’s coming in like you wouldn’t believe! I pretty much have that “wash and go” hair. It’s naturally curly so I can just let it be. I don’t have an awful lot of bad hair days thank goodness.

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