“I think I can…” “I think I can…” “I think I can…”
That’s what Tim says when I ask him if he can fix everything. I’m not sure how many of you noticed, but this blog, my Project365 blog, my sisters blogs, our main website (hambones.org) and everything associated with it, has been down most of the day. We’ve had a big meltdown here with some very important hard drives.
We’re sort of back up and running, but it’s only temporary. We have a patch in place, but it’s just a short-term fix. We’ve purchased one hard drive and may need another one. We might have to order some updated software. I’m not really sure what all is going to be required. The main thing is that to get things back to the way they were before the meltdown will require quite a bit of work on my hubby’s part. This, in addition to his regular, full-time computer geek job he does. We’ll have some more down time, but I can’t say when, as we don’t know right now. Oh, and most of my email is down too, so if you’ve emailed me and haven’t gotten a reply, that would be why. Sorry, but I can’t get my mail right now either
So, the moral of the story is, if you try to visit here, one of the other blogs, or our main site and can’t get to it, that’s the reason why. I’m not taking a bloggy break on purpose, but I won’t have much choice when things are down or being worked on!
Hope everyone else is having a good week. When I can get access to a computer for any length of time, I’ll try to stop by and visit some of your blogs soon