Tim and I have been tossing around several big ticket items to get for the house. New flooring, a new stove/range, and several other things are on the agenda. I also have been looking for a Wii to get for Tim, but haven’t been able to find one in stock anywhere. Another thing we talked about getting was a treadmill. I was really resisting that, because I didn’t want a “crutch” to keep us from taking Beau out on a walk. We haven’t walked much lately, between Tim hurting his knee, his work schedule, the weather, etc. The list is long, but basically, none of us were getting much exercise.
Tim woke up Saturday morning and decided we should go get a treadmill we had seen at Sam’s. So we did! It’s an early anniversary present, as our wedding anniversary is coming up in a couple of weeks.
The thing is a LOT bigger than I thought it was going to be. We really don’t have room for it in our tiny house. I had wanted to put it in our spare bedroom that serves as our office. But a) we don’t have room without a major cleaning and overhaul and b) Tim didn’t want me to be on it while he was working. He works from home almost every day, and he didn’t want me in there distracting him while he was trying to work. That left the den and the garage. We’re trying it out in the den for a while, but boy – it does NOT go with my idea of home furnishing and home decor It’s basically an eyesore, but we are enjoying it so far. I like having it in front of the TV, so I can catch up on stuff I’ve recorded or watch something on TV. The treadmill does have a plug for the iPod, so I can listen to music while I walk, instead of watching TV. Right now, I’m enjoying TV
We’ve only had it 3 days, but so far we’ve both used it every day. Tim is jogging some, and I’m just walking. Tim is convinced that we will keep up with it, but I’m worried that the newness will wear off sooner or later. Tim says if we start not using it as much, or it REALLY bothers me being in the middle of the den, that we can move it out to the garage. But, I keep telling him – I won’t use it in the garage in the summer. When it’s 100 degrees outside, I don’t plan to be in the garage, which is basically a sauna, on the treadmill.
Anyway, it’s a great new toy and so far we are really enjoying it! Tim has even gotten Beau on it twice! We watch a lot more of “The Dog Whisperer” since we got Beau, and we’ve seen Cesar putting dogs on the treadmill. After Beau’s first attempt, we decided that those dogs get in a lot of time on the treadmill before they put them on TV! Beau is going to take a few more times before he’s really comfortable on it
So, I’ll post a couple of “Questions of the Day” and a photo on the inside page. Click for more!
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