Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

Posted by Stace

It’s About Ready to Bloom

My clematis is late blooming this year. I looked back at digital pictures I took of it the last couple of years, and it’s usually blooming by mid-April. It didn’t bloom hardly at all last year because we forgot to cut it back to the ground in the fall. But, I remembered this past fall and it has come back good, but just hasn’t opened up and bloomed.

There are six huge blooms on it, and I’m more than ready for them to start popping open. This afternoon, I went outside and got my wish:


Click more to see another picture and also one of my visitor yesterday afternoon, our friendly neighborhood black cat. He/she only seems to show up if there’s a rat about (Tim saw one Saturday evening run under the deck)

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Posted by Stace

Geosynchronous Orbit

OK, if anyone out there watches “24”, can you tell me if this was used last night on the show? The phrase “geosynchronous orbit”, maybe when they were talking about the satellites. I woke up this morning, almost chanting this to myself. I had actually forgotten about it, till just now, when it popped in my head again.

I think I have a brain defect. Some memory chips are not seated properly or some kind of wiring is loose. 😀

Posted by Stace

Mindless Thought for the Day

Found this while blog surfing… I’m sure there are a lot of these kind of “aha” things, but of course, I can’t think of any right now. If you think of some, post them… and I’ll do the same.

This one is true for me though:

“Why did I call conditioner, “cream rinse” as a child? Did everyone? Why did we stop?”

Growing up, I have a vague memory of having to stand on a stool and having my mom wash my hair at the kitchen sink. I remember conditioner being called “cream rinse” back then. I also remember that I had to use something on my hair called “no more tangles”. My hair is awful, always has been. I envy women/girls with smooth shiny silky hair. Mine has always been dry and very frizzy, and it gets soooo tangled. I always begged for this stuff to be sprayed on my hair (or the equivalent oh those many years ago), so that it wouldn’t hurt so bad. My mom would brush my hair and just pull tangles until it felt like she was scalping me. I hated it.

Posted by Stace

Three Things Meme

Name three foods or meals that you loved as a ten year old – and that you still love.

Post your answers in a comment – I’m going to go post mine now! 🙂

Posted by Stace

Unconscious Mutterings


I say … and you think … ?

Android:: Data (from Star Trek:Next Generation)
Revenge:: of the Sith!
Knight:: Knights of the Round Table
Stranded:: Lost
Weakness:: flaw
Greed:: money
Walter:: Drake
Dense:: fog
Sheep:: shearing
Propane:: tank

Posted by Stace

Sunday Brunch Meme – A Day Late

Sunday Brunch meme site

1) What is your birthday, what time were you born, what astrological sign are you, and what city and state were you born in? October 18, I was born on a Sunday morning, not sure of the exact time. (You know, being a Sunday baby makes me an angel!). I’m a Libra, and a textbook one – justice, equality, symmetry, balance, all totally me. I was born in Jackson, MS.

2) Are there any famous events or famous people that share your special day? I have no idea. I could Google it I guess, but I won’t.

3) What did you do to celebrate your last birthday? Tim took me to the mountains, which was very close to what I had been wanting for a year to do when I turned 40 (I wanted to go to Vermont or New Hampshire to do the bed and breakfast and leaf peeping thing, but we went to Gatlinburg instead, still an amazing, wonderful time for both of us).

4) What is your best birthday celebration that you can remember? Going to the mountains last year with Tim is the best birthday I can ever remember having.

5) What is the best birthday present you have ever received? See #4 above 😀 After that, it would probably be the TRUCK Tim bought me the year before, for my birthday! 😛

Posted by Stace

This Stuff is Good!!

OK, catching back up on my blogging, had to do the recap of the weekend, and load a bunch of pictures onto the Photo Gallery on Hambones. Now that I’m sort of caught up on that, time for the “exceedingly mundane” parts of my day.

1. I had zero caffeine yesterday, no coffee, no tea, no colas. I’m sorry to report that as a result, I had a vicious headache all afternoon, all evening and even woke up with one this morning. So, after Tim left for Dallas this morning, I decided to splurge and make myself a small pot of coffee – using this:

Ghiradelli Double Chocolate Coffee

Let me just say right now – this stuff is GOOO-WOOOD! Ghiradelli Double Chocolate Coffee, with splenda and low-fat French Vanilla creamer, thank you :mrgreen:

2. Since Tim is gone to Dallas till tomorrow night late, I decided to not be so meticulous in my normal Monday routine. I did, however, do 3 loads of laundry, catch up on reading the last 4 days of newspapers, watch Oprah (she has no deep dark secret about a daughter, it’s her dog for goodness sake, and a shameless plug for ratings during Sweeps month!), do some surfing on the PC, some talking on the phone, and lots of IM’ing on the computer. I did not, however, do any cleaning, housework or ironing. (GASP) Maybe tonight or tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow. After all, tomorrow is another day (must be channeling Scarlett O’Hara) 🙂

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Posted by Stace

Weekend Recap

Two really busy weekends in a row. So busy, I didn’t have time on either weekend to blog about the day or what had happened. So, I’m having to come back a day or so later and blog about what we did… since my blog is ‘exceedingly mundane’, read ahead at your own risk (Long, but with pics)!

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Posted by Stace

Mother’s Day

We are headed out to see Tim’s mom (Linda) in a few minutes. Yesterday was really busy, but fun, and so great to see everyone. We ran some errands and did things around here when we got back and I didn’t take the time to stop and blog about it. Today will probably be more of the same. Maybe tomorrow I can catch up!

Posted by Stace

Belated Birthday Party

I went shopping and running errands all afternoon, and stopped back by the house around 4:30 to check and see if Daddy was here, which he was. I was going to run to Kroger or Walmart to get some stuff to make pizza dip, but Gail, Don, Kathryn and Jeremy were about to get here, so I decided to stay put. 🙂 We were so happy to see everyone! Kathryn and Jeremy went and picked up Margaret and Wilson, and then Liz, Chris and David came, so we had a pretty decent crowd.

Don and Tim grilled burgers, hot dogs and bratwurst. I think that Don needs to share the title of “Grillmaster” with Tim, so I have now deemed them each a co-Grillmaster. It was all really good, and we got to sing “Happy Birthday” to Jeremy and wish him a belated Happy Birthday. :mrgreen: Happy Birthday Jeremy!

We went to meet Trent, Shanna, Grayson and Ava Clair at the airport. Grayson had a big time with Don, running around in the parking garage, and playing. Ava Clair was fine, happy as a little clam, till Mean Uncle Tim stuck his face near hers and made her cry! I wish we could have gone to the hotel to visit with everyone, but Papa Fred was getting tired, and I’m sure all the fliers were too, so we came home and cleaned up. Looking forward to graduation tomorrow. Liz and Chris’s big day graduating from MC! 🙂

I’ll wait till tomorrow, Sunday or Monday to post pictures. Took some tonight, and Gail did too, so maybe between the two of us, we got some good ones! :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Another busy weekend looming, got lots of family coming in on planes and automobiles, but alas, no trains. Oh well, I used the phrase anyway!

Gail called this morning to let us know that Kathryn and Jeremy missed their flight in Charlotte, and are on the next flight, so they’ll be getting in later than we thought. Trent, Shanna and the kids fly in tonight. Gail and Don are driving down, as well as Papa Fred who is coming up from Hattiesburg and will be staying with us tonight. Everyone should be here later, at our house. We’re going to grill out burgers and stuff and hang out. Not sure if I will have a chance to blog again until tomorrow after graduation is over. Maybe I’ll have some pictures to post then! 🙂

Posted by Stace

No Blogging Today

Well, I’m not in any mood to blog today. I have done a bunch of private blogging, but no one can see that but ME! Nananah-boo-boo. 😈 I even checked a couple of memes that I like to do, but those aren’t very good this time around either.

I do need to enter a couple of movie (Ocean’s Twelve and Spanglish) reviews on the Reviews section of Hambones. We watched them almost two weeks ago and I have yet to enter a review. No one reads them anyway. I also finished another book last night, after struggling with it for far too long. It just was not my kind of book. I may not try this author again (“Blue Shoe” by Anne Lamott). Thankfully, I have a very light, entertaining book to read next, another Shopaholic book by Sophie Kinsella. I think I will take a long break and read some on that book.

Yep, that’s the ticket. Decided then. The reviews, and everything else, can wait. I’m going to go read. Au Revoir.

Posted by Stace

Pedometer Study

I was reading in the Jackson paper yesterday where they quoted this article from the Washington Post entitled “Women Wearing Pedometers Walk More”.

I know it’s true for me. I find that if I wear my pedometer during the day, it’s a physical reminder there on my hip (usually clipped to my pants or shorts), that I need to get up, move around, walk around while I’m talking on the phone, etc and not sit so much during the day and be sedentary. I shoot for 10,000 steps a day, and always easily reach my goal if I 1) go shopping or 2) go for 1 or 2 walks a day with Tim. Our 2 mile trek around the subdivision is usually good for a ballpark step count of about 4,900 steps. So that’s half my daily goal right there. I hit a new all-time high two days ago, when we walked twice (4 miles) and I did the weekly shopping. I logged over 20,000 steps that day, and I was very proud. 🙂

Anyway, just a reminder – get up out of the computer chair and move! :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

Unconscious Mutterings


I say … and you think … ?

Texas:: Shanna!
Scholarship:: money
Runner-up:: second-place
Mustang Sally:: song
Jones:: keeping up with the …
Hard to get:: playing
Jewish:: rye bread
Crew:: J Crew
Cable:: TV
Assistant:: secretary

Posted by Stace

Chick Chat

From this site.. I’m a bit late!

Questions For May 3rd

1. Do You Eat The Bread Brought Out Before Your Meal?: Oh my yes. I am a total carb loader, and fresh bread is next to impossible for me to turn down. No self-control, whatsoever.

2. Pretzels or Cheez-Its?: Hmmm, not big on either of those, but I can and would certainly eat both! No preference though

3. Do You Add Crackers To Your Soup?: I usually only have crackers with chili, for some reason. Sometimes I add them to the soup, but most of the time I just have them with it. For most other soups, I’d rather have homemade bread.

4. Turkey Sandwich: On A Wrap /or/ On Bread?: If I’m eating out, I’d rather have a wrap. If I’m fixing at home, more than likely I would just do bread (always have that on hand and rarely have tortillas or pita or flatbread on hand)

5. White /or/ Wheat?: Wheat

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