Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

This Stuff is Good!!

OK, catching back up on my blogging, had to do the recap of the weekend, and load a bunch of pictures onto the Photo Gallery on Hambones. Now that I’m sort of caught up on that, time for the “exceedingly mundane” parts of my day.

1. I had zero caffeine yesterday, no coffee, no tea, no colas. I’m sorry to report that as a result, I had a vicious headache all afternoon, all evening and even woke up with one this morning. So, after Tim left for Dallas this morning, I decided to splurge and make myself a small pot of coffee – using this:

Ghiradelli Double Chocolate Coffee

Let me just say right now – this stuff is GOOO-WOOOD! Ghiradelli Double Chocolate Coffee, with splenda and low-fat French Vanilla creamer, thank you :mrgreen:

2. Since Tim is gone to Dallas till tomorrow night late, I decided to not be so meticulous in my normal Monday routine. I did, however, do 3 loads of laundry, catch up on reading the last 4 days of newspapers, watch Oprah (she has no deep dark secret about a daughter, it’s her dog for goodness sake, and a shameless plug for ratings during Sweeps month!), do some surfing on the PC, some talking on the phone, and lots of IM’ing on the computer. I did not, however, do any cleaning, housework or ironing. (GASP) Maybe tonight or tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow. After all, tomorrow is another day (must be channeling Scarlett O’Hara) 🙂

3. Tonight I will have leftover Chinese food from last night. Fried Rice, Shrimp with Broccoli. I devoured the egg roll last night, so if I get industrious, I might take one out of the freezer and pop it in the toaster oven. Easy to fix, even easier clean-up.

4. Tonight I will watch 7th Heaven and 24. Gotta see what Jack Bauer can do next to save the world. And now that former President Palmer is back, we can make decisions and execute them! :D. After that, I will curl up in my favorite chair and read my mindless chick-lit book (Shopaholic & Sister). Gotta finish it up before it’s due back at the library on Friday.

5. I will do my best to not miss Tim, although I think it’s a foregone conclusion that that ain’t gonna happen.

OK, off to do a mindless, but fun, meme or two! 😛

  1. Gail Said,

    Well then, you should share some!

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