Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

Posted by Stace

New Movie

Tim needed to run get a couple of things for the woodworking project he is busy working on, so we jumped in the truck when he got home last night (new toolbox and all!) and ran to Walmart. He got his stuff, and I talked him into buying a movie. We got this and I’m so excited! I want to watch the movie again soon, and we are both excited that the book might have some cool facts and trivia, that we can use in the trivia forum on Hambones.

Watch out all of you that play trivia at our website, there might be a lot of history questions coming up soon!!! :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

It’s Like a Trunk for my Truck

Tim came home yesterday and surprised me – he had finally found the kind of toolbox he wanted for his truck and he went and had it installed yesterday afternoon. He didn’t call on the way home (which he usually does, it’s a ritual I look forward to every afternoon), because he said he wanted to surprise me! πŸ˜€

He had been wanting a toolbox for a while, and he finally found the kind he wanted. It’s sort of low-profile, but not completely recessed in the truck bed. It’s also really deep, and black; he didn’t want a silver one. We had actually seen one like this in a truck in the Lowe’s parking lot a few weeks ago, then he got online and started getting info on this company (CDI) and where he could get one of their toolboxes. He got this one through Big 10 in Pearl (according to the receipt he gave me when he got in :D)

I asked him yesterday if he is going to use this for tools, or is it more to stow his hunting stuff in? He gave me this quizzical look and said “it’s like a trunk for my truck”. Then, on further consideration, he muttered something about “you know, I might need to get more tools to carry around in here”. As to that, I threw my hands over my ears and started chanting Gregorian chants at the top of my lungs, interspersed with “I Can’t Hear You… I Can’t Hear You”. :mrgreen:

I took a few pictures of the new acquisition, and they are in the Photo Section of Hambones. But, here’s one of Tim (like a kid at Christmas) with his new toolbox:


Posted by Stace

Pass-Along Plants

Last night on our walk, we were nearly home and saw one of our older neighbors out in her yard. Her name is Miss Jean and she flagged us down, and wanted us to come look in her backyard, as she had been working in her yard all day and wanted to show off all her hard work. πŸ™‚ She pointed out several plants she had planted yesterday afternoon, some perennials that had come back, some really great birdfeeders she had, things like that. Then, she showed me a “stick in the ground” that she had planted, and said it was a “Confederate Rose”. She said it was part of the hibiscus family, and wouldn’t I like a cutting? πŸ™‚ Well, I’m not one to turn down anything free, let alone plants to put in my yard and try to get to grow, so I kindly accepted. I thanked her, and I was promptly told that for pass-along plants, you never say “Thank You”. You say “I appreciate it”, but never thank you! Apparently, it’s sort of a “break a leg” kind of line of thinking! πŸ˜†

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Posted by Stace

Still Behind

Well, I’m still sort of behind on things. I feel like I’m running around, like the proverbial “chicken with its head cut off”, spinning my wheels and not really getting anything done.

Monday (yesterday) is normally my busiest day of the week. Yesterday was no exception. I tried to catch up with my blogging from the weekend, tried to catch up on laundry, tried to catch up on housework and went to Walmart to do the weekly grocery shopping. I really only succeeded with the blogging and shopping. I’m still working on laundry and housework. I’ve tried to catch up today, and as a result, my blogging and computer time have been put to the side. πŸ˜₯

Tim and I walked twice yesterday, once in the morning and once when he got in, 2 miles each time, so we logged 4 miles for the day. We did our stretching and exercises (situps for both, pushups for Tim and leg lifts for me), and our walking, and I was completely wiped out by about 9 PM last night. I didn’t finish cleaning up the kitchen till 24 was almost over, at 9 PM. I wanted to read some on my book, but after trying to read for about 5 minutes, I realized I was going to fall asleep with my book open, sitting up in bed, so I gave up on that rather quickly and promptly fell asleep.

We got up this morning and got ready to go (yesterday it was 45ΒΊ when we left, today it was 51ΒΊ, still chilly), then did our stretching and exercises. We got outside and got about half way down the street and realized it was starting to sprinkle. We went back in, waited a few minutes and checked again, and it was still sprinkling really lightly. I didn’t want to walk 2 miles in a drizzle, since my throat is still a little sore, so we decided to go back to sleep. πŸ˜€

I’ve been doing more of the spinning in place all day today, trying to catch up, but I seem to end up with more on my to-do list, than I have scratched off. Argh. Oh well, there’s always tomorrow! πŸ˜€

Posted by Stace

Makes me Smile

Being home and seeing these blooming out on my deck makes me smile today:

Moss Rose blooming

Posted by Stace

M-Braves Part Deux

Well, as I quickly blogged yesterday, we went to our first M-Braves game yesterday. The weather was picture perfect, warm in the sun, and just a little chilly in the shade once the sun moved over our part of the stadium. Who would have thought I should have taken a jacket to a baseball game in May, in mid-Mississippi!

We got there about a half hour before the game and paid $4 to park and got this in return. πŸ˜† We didn’t have tickets, so we went to the ticket office and Tim asked for “best available”. Boy, we were surprised to get such great seats! Click here to see the tickets for yourself! We were on the first row, between home plate and third base. Right behind the net, at the edge of it, so we were pretty protected from fly balls. There were a couple that went up over the net and headed our way, but not close enough to land near us! Be sure to click on the -More- Link to see photos from the game, and you can see just how close we were!

We had great seats, ate some really good footlong hot dogs, and enjoyed the game and being together. We both thoroughly enjoyed it and plan to go back. Of course, we dropped a lot of money, but it was worth it. The food was good (ice cream and peanuts too!!), the game was fun, even though they lost, and we were excited to find that one of the players – Michael Rosamond – is from Madison, MS. They have a great scoreboard and lots going on before the game and between innings. And, in case you hadn’t figured it out so far – we had a blast!!!!

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Posted by Stace

Birthday Party

Since Suzie decided a month or so ago to fly home for Dad’s birthday, we felt it was only right and proper to plan a birthday cookout for him. The weather cooperated, except that it was unseasonably cool on Saturday, and no one ended up eating outside on the deck. The wind was just too chilly! Tim, however, really enjoyed the cool breeze as he stood over the grill for an hour or more grilling sausage, chicken, and ribs. Which, I might add, were all good, but especially the ribs. Man, can he cook ribs!

(UPDATED to add that I just got the pictures I took at the party Saturday uploaded to the website. If you’re a registered user, be sure to check out the Photo Gallery on Hambones.org. If Gail will send me her pictures, I will have more, I didn’t get any of the cake or very many pictures at all!!)

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Posted by Stace


Well, we’re headed out in a few minutes to go see the M-Braves play at the new Trustmark Park. Maybe tonight or tomorrow I will have a chance to blog about the party yesterday, and the game today. Maybe. πŸ˜€

Posted by Stace

Having a Party

Wow, today was soooo busy! Had the birthday party for my dad, lots of family here to visit, lots of food here to eat, lots of good times (hopefully) had by all. Will try to blog tomorrow about it, and catch up!

Posted by Stace

Running Around

Well, today was as busy as I thought it would be. Suzie slept late this morning, so I had some quiet time on the computer to blog here and also do some blog-surfing. πŸ™‚ We thought Dad would be here in time for lunch, but he didn’t make it so we ate without him (Suzie likes my Friday lunch splurge – veggie corn dogs) πŸ˜€ Dad got here a little before 2:00 and we visited, then headed out on errands. Suzie needed to stop and pick up something she forgot to pack at McRae’s, then we all headed to Sam’s. We had originally planned on having steaks for the birthday bbq tomorrow, but those plans changed. We checked on getting a whole ribeye in Sam’s, but they were $125.00 for the whole thing and I just couldn’t see paying that. So we opted for ribs and chicken instead. We also got some salad mix, a vegetable tray, 2 big tubs of potato salad, some french bread, a big container of M&M cookies and a huge Happy Birthday cake. I hope it’s all good and everyone enjoys it!

After the shopping spree, we hung out till Tim got home. Dad decided to run get some crawfish and got back a few minutes before Tim got in. We had crawfish as an appetizer before going out to eat supper. :mrgreen: Suzie wanted to eat some Chinese, so we all went to King Buffet and promptly pigged out way too much. Now, we’re all sitting in the den feeling stuffed and full of MSG. πŸ™‚ I think we’re going to watch Numbers on tv then probably head off and get some sleep. Have quite a few things to do in the morning before the rest of the troops arrive for the bbq. We’re really looking forward to seeing everyone, especially Liz, Chris and David. πŸ˜›

Posted by Stace

Friday Fun Meme

Friday Fun

Friday Fun meme, from this site:

1. Do have bird feeders at your home? Yes, two, which I very much enjoy watching of late! πŸ™‚

2. What kinds of birds live in your area? Sparrows, finches, chickadees, cardinals, black birds, blue jays, doves

3. Have you ever had a close encounter with a bird (been dive-bombed, etc.!)? Not really, but we have scared a many of them by opening the back door!

4. If you had to pick a favorite bird, what would it be? Cardinals

Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast

Which keys do you have on your key chain?
House, car, Tim’s truck

What is the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?
I don’t do anything spontaneously, unless Tim forces me to!

Who is the best cook in your family?
Me, I think, but then I’m a bit conceited about it, I think I cook pretty well πŸ™‚

Main Course
If you were to write a “how-to” book, what would the title be?
Hmm, tough one, I’m not creative at all and I have no idea.

Name a recent fad you’ve tried.
Blogging. Loving it so far! πŸ™‚

Posted by Stace

Friday Fiver Meme

Friday Fiver Meme

Name your favorite brands for the following products:

1. Cola: Dr Pepper or Vanilla Coke

2. Sneakers: Asics

3. Hair care: Pantene

4. Small electronics: hmm, we have all kinds of brands, all sizes. Mitsubishi for TV’s, Motorola for cell phones, I like Sony products

5. Automobile: Ford

Posted by Stace

Suzie is here!

Just a quick update… Suzie’s flight was right on time and we picked her up last night at the airport. We all watched Survivor when we got back and settled. Sorry to see Stephanie go. We have two other shows we taped (CSI and Without a Trace) that we’ll have to watch Sunday or next week. Too much else going on!

Today is going to be busy. Dad should be here soon, and we need to go get all of the food for the cookout tomorrow. We won’t be taking my car though. πŸ™ Please note – never buy a Pontiac. Another window “went out” on us last night. The driver’s window was rolled down over a year ago and the whole mechanism broke and had to be replaced. The part alone is like $350 bucks (something about a regulator, Tim says). Luckily, Tim is a great mechanic and can do the work himself, so that saves us another 3-400 on labor. He took the door panel off last night and we just have to get the part and find time for him to install it. In the mean time, I don’t want to drive around with the window down, and especially if it looks like rain. So, when Fred gets here, I’m going to ask if we can use his car for all of our errands today.

Not sure if I’ll have time to blog any more today, but I might do a meme or two really quick. πŸ˜€ We’ll be gone most of the afternoon, then probably all go out to eat supper tonight. I have been hungry for crawfish and I think Suzie would like some shrimp, so I’m thinking we may head to Sal and Phil’s for dinner tonight. :mrgreen: Yum-ola!!!

Posted by Stace

Email: To all the Kids Who Survived

I’ve gotten this before, but thought it was worth posting when I got it again, so here we go:

TO ALL THE KIDS WHO SURVIVED the 1930’s 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and 70’s !!

First, we survived being born to mothers who smoked and/or drank while they carried us.

They took aspirin, ate blue cheese dressing and didn’t get tested for diabetes.

Then after that trauma, our baby cribs were covered with bright colored lead-based paints.

We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, doors or cabinets and when we rode our bikes, we had no helmets, not to mention, the risks we took hitchhiking.

As children, we would ride in cars with no seat belts or air bags.

Riding in the back of a pick up on a warm day was always a special treat.

We drank water from the garden hose and NOT from a bottle.

We shared one soft drink with four friends, from one bottle and NO ONE actually died from this.

We ate cupcakes, bread and butter and drank soda pop with sugar in it, but we weren’t overweight because WE WERE ALWAYS OUTSIDE PLAYING!

We would leave home in the morning and play all day, as long as we were back when the streetlights came on.

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