Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

It’s About Ready to Bloom

My clematis is late blooming this year. I looked back at digital pictures I took of it the last couple of years, and it’s usually blooming by mid-April. It didn’t bloom hardly at all last year because we forgot to cut it back to the ground in the fall. But, I remembered this past fall and it has come back good, but just hasn’t opened up and bloomed.

There are six huge blooms on it, and I’m more than ready for them to start popping open. This afternoon, I went outside and got my wish:


Click more to see another picture and also one of my visitor yesterday afternoon, our friendly neighborhood black cat. He/she only seems to show up if there’s a rat about (Tim saw one Saturday evening run under the deck)

Another view of the clematis, there’s 3 large blooms on top too:

Clematis about to Bloom

And the cat, my friend as long as she’s hunting rats:

Black Cat

  1. Amanda Said,

    I like your little black cat. You should learn to like it too, since it obviously likes your house. Do you HATE cats. I am more fond of dogs, but will pet the occasional cat at my grandmother’s house. They are usually really soft and will sometimes sit in your lap and enjoy any attention that you give them. Although cats seem to be VERY tempermental as pets. Might be nice for the occasional visitor, but not my idea of a good pet.

  2. Gail Said,

    But they do keep those mice and rats away!

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