Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Sunday Brunch Meme – A Day Late

Sunday Brunch meme site

1) What is your birthday, what time were you born, what astrological sign are you, and what city and state were you born in? October 18, I was born on a Sunday morning, not sure of the exact time. (You know, being a Sunday baby makes me an angel!). I’m a Libra, and a textbook one – justice, equality, symmetry, balance, all totally me. I was born in Jackson, MS.

2) Are there any famous events or famous people that share your special day? I have no idea. I could Google it I guess, but I won’t.

3) What did you do to celebrate your last birthday? Tim took me to the mountains, which was very close to what I had been wanting for a year to do when I turned 40 (I wanted to go to Vermont or New Hampshire to do the bed and breakfast and leaf peeping thing, but we went to Gatlinburg instead, still an amazing, wonderful time for both of us).

4) What is your best birthday celebration that you can remember? Going to the mountains last year with Tim is the best birthday I can ever remember having.

5) What is the best birthday present you have ever received? See #4 above 😀 After that, it would probably be the TRUCK Tim bought me the year before, for my birthday! 😛

  1. Gail Said,

    1) What is your birthday, what time were you born, what astrological sign are you, and what city and state were you born in?
    February 17, have no idea what time, I think sign is Aquarius but I don’t do that kind of stuff and I was born in Hattiesburg, MS.
    2) Are there any famous events or famous people that share your special day? I have no idea!
    3) What did you do to celebrate your last birthday?
    I think absolutely nothing! Got a present from Stacy, Daddy and my mother in law early and nothing else I think so had nothing to open on the day! Just a day I guess!
    4) What is your best birthday celebration that you can remember?
    Well, can’t think of anything for this specifically….maybe being with the kids and Don but that doesn’t happen much any more.
    5) What is the best birthday present you have ever received? I can’t think of anything for this either! Surely there must be something memorable but I’m drawing a blank at the moment!

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