Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

No Blogging Today

Well, I’m not in any mood to blog today. I have done a bunch of private blogging, but no one can see that but ME! Nananah-boo-boo. 😈 I even checked a couple of memes that I like to do, but those aren’t very good this time around either.

I do need to enter a couple of movie (Ocean’s Twelve and Spanglish) reviews on the Reviews section of Hambones. We watched them almost two weeks ago and I have yet to enter a review. No one reads them anyway. I also finished another book last night, after struggling with it for far too long. It just was not my kind of book. I may not try this author again (“Blue Shoe” by Anne Lamott). Thankfully, I have a very light, entertaining book to read next, another Shopaholic book by Sophie Kinsella. I think I will take a long break and read some on that book.

Yep, that’s the ticket. Decided then. The reviews, and everything else, can wait. I’m going to go read. Au Revoir.

  1. Gail Said,

    I read the reviews! There are nice to have for when we want to watch a movie.

  2. Shanna Said,

    i read them also!

  3. Amanda Said,

    We read them too! Just haven’t beem posted them. We’re just lucky to have time to watch a movie.

  4. Suzanne Said,

    I do read the movie reviews!!

  5. Kurt Said,

    “Private Blogging”? Isn’t that an oxymoron? 😯

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