Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Three Things Meme

Name three foods or meals that you loved as a ten year old – and that you still love.

Post your answers in a comment – I’m going to go post mine now! 🙂

  1. Stacy Said,

    1. Macaroni and cheese
    2. Pigs in a blanket
    3. Chocolate Candy bars (Hershey’s, Three Musketeers, Butterfinger, etc)

  2. Gail Said,

    Oh my gosh, I have no idea what I liked as a ten year old!
    Well, I think I did like pigs in a blanket, now that I see your comment Stacy!
    And I think I remember that Presh used to make sweet potatoes for me and I still love them now.
    And for a third, hmm, not sure……..since I can’t think of anything else, I will pick Three Musketeers as well!

  3. Kurt Said,

    1) Fried Chicken
    2) Tacos
    3) Bagels

    I still get bagels for the family once a week.

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