Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Geosynchronous Orbit

OK, if anyone out there watches “24”, can you tell me if this was used last night on the show? The phrase “geosynchronous orbit”, maybe when they were talking about the satellites. I woke up this morning, almost chanting this to myself. I had actually forgotten about it, till just now, when it popped in my head again.

I think I have a brain defect. Some memory chips are not seated properly or some kind of wiring is loose. 😀

  1. Gail Said,

    Don’t watch it this year, sorry.
    But, huh? What is that phrase! Or, maybe I don’t want to know if it’s complicated!

  2. Stacy Said,

    I have no idea, it sounds like something with a satellite or maybe planet. Whatever it was, I must have been dreaming heavily about it. I woke up about 6 AM, with that phrase going over and over in my head. Got up and made a pit stop and went back to bed for about 45 minutes, and when I woke up again, I still had that phrase running through my head. I had forgotten about it, then for whatever reason – it popped back into my head around lunchtime! I have NO IDEA! I was hoping it was something on 24 that I had watched. You know, my subconscious working overtime while I was sleeping, rehashing TV plots in my head!!!

  3. Stacy Said,

    Well, I at least looked up what a geosynchronous orbit is. Click here to read about it

    It’s a satellite that circles the earth once per day. 🙂

  4. Amanda Said,

    Yes, it was a phrase they threw out a couple times when they were trying to jam the transmission of the code to the warhead…. I wondered if it was a real term or just something they made up…I see above that you looked it up and it’s real.

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