Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Pedometer Study

I was reading in the Jackson paper yesterday where they quoted this article from the Washington Post entitled “Women Wearing Pedometers Walk More”.

I know it’s true for me. I find that if I wear my pedometer during the day, it’s a physical reminder there on my hip (usually clipped to my pants or shorts), that I need to get up, move around, walk around while I’m talking on the phone, etc and not sit so much during the day and be sedentary. I shoot for 10,000 steps a day, and always easily reach my goal if I 1) go shopping or 2) go for 1 or 2 walks a day with Tim. Our 2 mile trek around the subdivision is usually good for a ballpark step count of about 4,900 steps. So that’s half my daily goal right there. I hit a new all-time high two days ago, when we walked twice (4 miles) and I did the weekly shopping. I logged over 20,000 steps that day, and I was very proud. 🙂

Anyway, just a reminder – get up out of the computer chair and move! :mrgreen:

  1. deb Said,

    Good idea! I think I’ll get one for myself now that I’m working my new job. I’m on my feet all day and it would be so cool to make that into some good exercise program! Any recommendation for a good pedometer?

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