Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Belated Birthday Party

I went shopping and running errands all afternoon, and stopped back by the house around 4:30 to check and see if Daddy was here, which he was. I was going to run to Kroger or Walmart to get some stuff to make pizza dip, but Gail, Don, Kathryn and Jeremy were about to get here, so I decided to stay put. 🙂 We were so happy to see everyone! Kathryn and Jeremy went and picked up Margaret and Wilson, and then Liz, Chris and David came, so we had a pretty decent crowd.

Don and Tim grilled burgers, hot dogs and bratwurst. I think that Don needs to share the title of “Grillmaster” with Tim, so I have now deemed them each a co-Grillmaster. It was all really good, and we got to sing “Happy Birthday” to Jeremy and wish him a belated Happy Birthday. :mrgreen: Happy Birthday Jeremy!

We went to meet Trent, Shanna, Grayson and Ava Clair at the airport. Grayson had a big time with Don, running around in the parking garage, and playing. Ava Clair was fine, happy as a little clam, till Mean Uncle Tim stuck his face near hers and made her cry! I wish we could have gone to the hotel to visit with everyone, but Papa Fred was getting tired, and I’m sure all the fliers were too, so we came home and cleaned up. Looking forward to graduation tomorrow. Liz and Chris’s big day graduating from MC! 🙂

I’ll wait till tomorrow, Sunday or Monday to post pictures. Took some tonight, and Gail did too, so maybe between the two of us, we got some good ones! :mrgreen:


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