Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Weekend Recap

Two really busy weekends in a row. So busy, I didn’t have time on either weekend to blog about the day or what had happened. So, I’m having to come back a day or so later and blog about what we did… since my blog is ‘exceedingly mundane’, read ahead at your own risk (Long, but with pics)!

I blogged about Friday, running errands, everyone coming over to grill out and having a belated birthday celebration for Jeremy, then going to the airport to meet Trent, Shanna and the kids. I didn’t get a chance to blog about Saturday – graduation day. Elizabeth graduated Summa Cum Laude from Mississippi College, congratulations Liz! We were very restrained and didn’t yell (redneck style) for you – I hope you understand that this was hard for us, and we had to forcibly restrain Uncle Tim from “hooting and hollering”. 😀 Graduation was indoors at the coliseum, a first for us. Both Trent’s and Kathryn’s graduations had been outdoors at the football stadium, so this was a nice change of pace. Graduation lasted about two hours, give or take. We all met up outside and took some pictures with Liz and the rest of the Barger clan. The party then moved to Archestratus Grill on Springridge, where they had reserved a room for Liz, Chris and several of their group of friends (nice parents they all have, to spring for that!). There was a buffet, good food (red beans and rice, fried chicken, grilled catfish which I had and was really good, lots of veggies, salad, rolls and desserts). We got to visit some there before everyone had to fly off to separate destinations. Gail and Don took Trent, Shanna and the kids back to the airport for a mid-afternoon flight back to Texas. We drove Jeremy and Kathryn to Canton to meet Jeremy’s dad – they were able to go see Jeremy’s mom for Mother’s Day and got to spend some time with his family in Philadelphia. Liz and David went to destinations unknown – probably each to his apt (Liz in Clinton and David in Memphis) for the summer. Gail and Don were probably completely exhausted and headed home to Indianola.

Here’s one outside, with lots of people squinting in the bright sunshine!

Barger Siblings, Spouses, Children

And one with Mom and Dad also!

Barger Family at Liz's Graduation

Hope to get the rest of the pics added to the Photo Gallery on Hambones soon… check later today or tomorrow! 🙂

Tim and I came home and rested a bit after we dropped off the Cole’s in Canton. Then, Tim very sweetly offered to go to Walmart with me, rather than stay home and mow the grass and do yard work. What a sweetie pie! We bought a few things, and stopped at Backyard Burgers on the way home. Good food. We watched some TV shows we had taped from the week before before finally crashing about 11 PM.

Sunday morning, we were up again bright and early, to head to Linda’s. We got there about 10:35 and dropped off her surprise at the house before going to church. We came back to the house after church and showed her the present Tim had been working on for her for several months. A cedar, glass-fronted cabinet to hold her collectible spoons. We think it turned out really nice, plain, but very functional and certainly made with a lot of thought and love. Tim spent many many hours working on all the details, designing and constructing it. We’re both very proud of it and hope she really enjoys displaying all of the spoons she collects. 🙂 Here’s a couple of pictures of the cabinet, and more will be posted soon in the Photo Gallery on Hambones.org.

Spoon Cabinet opened

Linda with her cedar spoon cabinet

  1. Gail Said,

    Nice work Tim!

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