Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

Posted by Stace


This is the time of year that I get the most cleaning out and decluttering done. I think it’s a combination of two things: a) post holiday, wanting to get pared down and back to normal and b) the weather dictates that I stay inside and the grey days lend themselves to cleaning out and purging.

I finally started today! Not a lot, but a good start. Tim took the day off to go deer hunting, but decided at the last minute not to go. So, we got up in the attic and cleaned out a large cache of boxes and stuff. I tend to “collect” empty boxes (say, from Amazon!) all through the year, so I will have empty boxes to use for birthdays and Christmas presents. I also have the tendency (being the packrat that I am), to keep boxes for certain kitchen items and other gifts that I receive. Today, we cleaned a lot of those out, and broke them down for the recycling bin. I also took a couple of big bags of stuff to the Goodwill store.

It feels good to get some stuff cleaned out! I still have a lot left to go. Receipts and paperwork are the worst for me. I still have some closets and drawers to go through,too. But at least it’s a start! 🙂

Have you cleaned out or decluttered anything since the holidays? Leave me a comment and let me know! 😀

Posted by Stace

Grocery Shopping

I normally go grocery shopping today (or the middle of the week, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday). But looking at the thermometer, it’s 29 degrees outside, with a wind chill of 19 degrees. Really too cold for a shivering girl like myself. I really think I’d much rather stay inside, all wrapped up, with some hot raspberry zinger tea, my Kindle or maybe a movie on TV. Doesn’t that sound better that schlepping groceries in below freezing weather?

Thankfully we never lost power over the weekend, nor did we get as much ice as I expected or they predicted (thank goodness!). I took some pictures, but lazy old me hasn’t loaded them yet. Probably not very scenic pictures. Snow photographs a lot prettier than ice!

So, I’ve about talked myself into staying inside today, and will procrastinate on going to the grocery store. Luckily, we went at 11 PM Saturday night (to stock up in case we lost power), so I’m not out of anything. I just hate to go on Friday or Saturday or Sunday, because it seems like everyone and his brother is out buying groceries.

Which leads to today’s Question of the Day: When do you do your grocery shopping?
[poll id=”20″]

I normally do mine during the middle of the week, across the middle of the day, to avoid the crowds and be able to get what I want and get in and out. A lot of times on the weekend or evenings, the shelves are missing something I want or need. I hate that! How about you, when do you grocery shop, why then, and do you even like to go grocery shopping? Leave me a comment and let me know 🙂

Posted by Stace

Ice, Ice, Baby?

We’re waiting to see what the weather will do today. It’s already started sleeting here, and they’re calling for a lot of ice, freezing rain, sleet (what’s the difference between those, anyway?!), and maybe even some snow. The snow is fine, the ice is not. Ice brings down limbs on power lines and then we have no power, no heat, no way to get warm, cook food, etc. I really hope we don’t lose power.

Yesterday was such an unhappy day here. The Saints played their playoff game against the Seahawks, and LOST. So sad that the season is over. Last year was so much better 🙂

Hope everyone is having a great day! 🙂

Posted by Stace

Old Christmas Cards?

What do you guys do with old Christmas cards? The ones you receive from others, whether they are the photo kind of kids or families, or just plain Christmas card greeting cards. Do you save them? Throw them out? Scrapbook them? Do something else with them?

I have been saving them, but I have a pretty big collection of them. I have several years worth in a couple of photo boxes. I am afraid I’m equally as bad with birthday cards, I tend to save those as well. I chalk it up to two things 1) I’m sentimental and 2) I’m a packrat. I think both stem from the fact that my mom was neither. She threw everything out. And I mean everything. Drawings I made for her as a child. Ornaments I made for her in Sunday School. Birthday and Christmas cards. Everything. She even threw out or gave away some old handmade quilts that were made by her mom and aunt. What I wouldn’t give to have those quilts!

Anyway, I’m trying to decide about tossing Christmas cards from years past, but apparently I’m looking for affirmation or back-up here, LOL! What do you do with your old cards you receive from others?

Thanks, and have a wonderful day!

Posted by Stace

Happy New Year!

So begins a new year! I am always amazed at the end of a year that it appeared to have “flown by”. 🙂 I must be getting old or something.

We had a busy end to the year, as always:

* Tim was off work the week of Christmas, but went back to work the week between Christmas and New Years (he works from home though, remember!).

* We got all of the packing up and putting up of lights, decorations, tree and Snow village, done (always a relief).

* We watched several old movies on Netflix streaming (Holiday, The Big Sleep and It Happened One Night).

* We had some of our nieces and nephews over for New Years Eve. Some really bad thunderstorms rolled through that night, and everyone was pretty soaked when they arrived. Tim grilled out steaks and we hung out for a while (although I didn’t make it till midnight here. I usually watch the ball drop on TV at Times Square and that’s good enough for me, LOL!)

* We watched football and worked our annual puzzle on New Years Day. This year, we did a panoramic puzzle (our first) of Niagara Falls. I think I like panoramics better – more straight edges pieces and a little easier, haha!

Now, it’s time to get this year going. I have to learn to write 2011 on checks and things. I have to start over on my reading lists (I read 57 books in 2010, way below my normal average, but good enough for me. Tinnitus has really affected my reading, although it’s gradually getting better). I always look forward to January and February. I like to clean out and declutter. I like being a homebody and being inside with the weather colder and drearier outside. I look forward to spending more time with Tim, because once it warms back up, he’ll be out on the golf course most every day. So, bring it on!

Posted by Stace

Tooting my Own Horn!

I’m so excited – I came in first in our family fantasy football league! I have been playing every year (this is the sixth season of our family league), and I have never even come close! 😀 I normally do just good enough to make the playoffs (and have missed them before), but this year, I was number 6 of 8 going into the playoffs, but won all my games, so I won the championship. I’m so excited!

Here’s what I saw at ESPN this morning when I went to check:


2010 League Champion!
Pigskin Posse
Owner(s): Stacy Hammons
Regular Season Record: 7-6

See, my regular season record was awful, I was in 6th place, so five people had better records than me, but STILL. I’m so excited!!!

Posted by Stace


Christmas has come and gone for another year. We had a really good Christmas, as always, but a busy one this year. We saw our first living nativity this year, the weekend before Christmas. It was very cold, but a great production by a church near our house (not our church though). I had been to a drive-by live nativity years ago, but never a big production like this. We both really enjoyed it 🙂

We went and got our teenaged niece and nephew (Brittany and Zack) a few days before Christmas, and they stayed a couple of days with us. We ate out (a LOT!). We watched The Karate Kid on DVD. We played the Wii. We went to see Tron: Legacy at the movie theater in 3-D. We went to Lifeway to get new devotionals for the new year. We had a great time with them, and hope they come back next summer!

Friday, Christmas Eve, went all loaded up and headed to Tim’s parents. We played games, for the first time, as a way to pick our gifts. We gave gifts to the parents and kids, but amongst the siblings and spouses, we played games for points and then did a form of dirty Santa (although with 3 guys and 3 girls, it wasn’t all that dirty!). I got a nice lighted snowman for my gift (I love snowmen!). Saturday, Christmas Day, we drove to my sister Gail’s house and spent the day with that side of the family. My nephew Trent, his wife Shanna and their 3 kids were here (first time we had seen them in over 2 years). We missed seeing Jeremy, Kathryn and their kids (and new puppy!), but saw everyone else. Gail treated us all to a non-traditional Christmas dinner (chicken spaghetti, bread and layered salad), which was wonderful and so nice to have for a change. Don’t get me wrong, I love turkey, but this was great for something different 🙂

Sunday, the day after Christmas, Tim and I finally had our little Christmas at home. He got the new Taylormade golf driver he had been wanting (and helped me order, and has been playing with for a couple of weeks, LOL), some clothes and things. I got new Snow Village pieces (fun, my first ones in like 10 years!), a hoodie, a Yankee candle and some truffles. Wonderful Christmas! While we were opening presents, it snowed some, nice flurries that didn’t stick, but still awesome. It never snows here around Christmas!

I also ran to Target the day after, for my annual run for paper, cards and bows. I never buy them before Christmas for full price, I always wait until afterwards and stock up for next year. I also bought some garland (half price) for our mantle, something we’ve been wanting for a while. We bought lights earlier for it, but never got the garland. So next year, it will be fun to pull all of that out and decorate with it 🙂

Oh, and the day after Christmas, in Target, they already had Valentines items in the dollar spot! LOL!

Hope you all had a joyful and blessed Christmas! We did, and I’m sure we’ll have a quiet New Years Eve and weekend. I’ll plan to take the tree and decorations down before New Years. My mom always thought it was “bad luck” to have it up on the new year. Personally, I think she just didn’t like to have it around any longer, and wanted the clutter and mess gone – and I’m sort of the same way, LOL!

Posted by Stace

Good and Bad

Today’s been a good and bad day.

Good in that we went over to my in-laws to pick up our niece Brittany (17) and nephew Zack (15) to come stay with us for a couple of days.

Bad in that I lost my prescription eyeglasses today. Gone. Lost. And I’m rather lost without them.

Hope everyone has a safe, joyous and blessed Christmas!

Posted by Stace


I don’t know why I’ve always walked by these in the grocery store every year, and never picked any up to try. This year, I rectified that and bought a bag of Cuties Clementines a week or so ago. And… I really like them!

I think it’s a nostalgia thing for me. I am pretty sure that Santa put an orange in my stocking every year, growing up. I remember thinking the oranges were O.K., but I wasn’t fond of the peel and all the seeds. Maybe later, Santa switched to tangerines. And those were better, but these little Clementines are good! They’re small, so a good size for portion control, and easy to get into.

So, how about you… is there a food that is really nostalgic for you this time of year? Something your mom or grandma always made, or put in your stocking, or you always got to have this time of year? Leave me a comment and let me know!

P.S. ALL of my presents are wrapped, I’m dancing a happy jig over here! 🙂

Posted by Stace

Weekend Update

Well, here we are on the second weekend in December. Wow, this year has alternately drug by and flown by. Some days during the summer, it seemed like summer would never end. Some days when
my tinnitus was so bad, I wasn’t sure I’d make it through a day. Then, at night I couldn’t sleep and wasn’t sure I was going to ever sleep again. But summer finally ended, with our hot temps, and I’m glad to say that my tinnitus is a bit better, too. It’s not gone — I’ve given up hope that it will just go away, and although I pray daily for that mercy, I’ve resigned myself that I will hear it every second, for the remainder of my life. But I have made many changes with diet, food and medicines, and either a combination of those or something *has* helped. I’m thinking the gingko biloba has made the biggest difference, but it might not be that. Either way, it is better and I’m learning to co-exist with the noises in my head.

Summer finally ended, and my favorite time of the year began – football season! The Saints are currently 9-3 today (game in an hour or so, so hopefully 10-3 soon, LOL!), and we are cautiously hopeful about the remainder of the season and their playoff chances. We’d obviously love to see them do well again, after so many years of being perennial losers.

OK, for an update of this weekend:

We’re a day shy of two weeks (yikes, typo, thanks Michelle!) days from Christmas. Wow, where has this year gone?

This is the second weekend that Tim is having to work a ton, for his big project at work. Last weekend was so bad. He worked three nights in a row, including one night where he didn’t go to bed until 7:40 AM. I cannot pull all-nighters any more. Just can’t. I feel so bad for him, but am so grateful that he has a job and works so hard to take care of us and provide for us.

I’ve gotten most of the Christmas presents wrapped. I have 3 or 4 left to go. I got the Christmas cards finished and mailed a few days ago. I’m seriously contemplating NOT doing any baking at all this year. My mother-in-law does a ton, and we just don’t need it around our house. I won’t have anything to take the neighbors and that’s my only drawback. I’ll have to think a bit more on that.

Yesterday was semi-warm (60’s) and today a front has blown through and it’s COLD. Current temp, 39, wind chill 29. Cold for us.

Yesterday, I planted pansies. In years gone by, I always had pansies planted by Halloween. I didn’t even want to plant them this year, I’m OVER planting annuals, but Tim talked me into it. And he helped 🙂 I hope they survive our overnight temps of 20’s for the next couple of days.

And yesterday, I ordered, for the first time ever, Amazon’s Deal of the Day! LOL! They had a stainless steel Breadmachine bread machine on special and I used some of my Swagbucks money to order me one 🙂 I hope it is a good one. My last bread machine (Sunbeam/Oster) has been going strong for 11 years, and while it still works, it doesn’t mix the ingredients as well, and it’s gotten really LOUD. Distracts everyone in the house while it’s running. So, Santa Stacy ordered herself a new one 🙂

Oh, and I’m still LOVING, absolutely loving, my Kindle! Tim got me the Wi-Fi one for my birthday and I just love it. I’ve gotten so many great free books from Amazon and I’ve downloaded a couple of Christmas books to read. I really love reading on it, it’s so light and easy to hold 😀

Posted by Stace

Long Overdue Update

You know what they say about the best of intentions? Yes, that was me a couple of months ago when I thought I was back into blogging. Oh well, I really have been meaning to update the old blog! I actually don’t know where to start 🙂

Since I blogged last, we’ve been busy! We have:

gone to our great-nephew Sam’s 3rd birthday party
Tim hurt his back and was out of commission for a short while
I’ve had a birthday (and got a Kindle!)
my sister Gail ran her second 5K
Had Halloween at our house and went trick or treating with small kids for the first time
my sister Suzanne came to visit from Florida
I went to my yearly doctor visit and found out my cholesterol is high (ugh)
I’ve been trying to cook and eat better (haha!)

and now… we’re about to have Thanksgiving and Tim’s birthday. A lot going on, and I’d like to record some of it to remember, but a lot of it is “old news” by now!

Let’s start here – I wrote this post a couple months ago about a prize I won online. I watch the Rachael Ray show pretty regularly, and try to enter most of the contests they offer online. I won a nice prize, a Shark Pocket Steam Mop, and it came in a couple of weeks after they notified me that I had won. It was very cool, because it was delivered the morning that I clean our floors in the kitchen and breakfast room. I already had the room empty, swept and ready to mop when the doorbell rang!

So, I gave it a good test and I have to say, I really like using an electric steam mop as opposed to a wet mop. It uses just water, so I no longer use chemicals on my floor. The pads are interchangeable (it has 3 sizes of “heads”, one regular, one extra large, and one triangular which is great in the bathrooms) and you can wash the microfiber covers. They’re white, so you can REALLY see what dirt is coming up off your floors. The best thing, hands down, about using this steam mop is how quickly the floor dries. It’s dry just a couple of minutes after I mop over it. I love it 🙂

I’ll try to update soon with a picture of my Kindle and the cute case I ordered for it, and blog about that soon. I might update with some photos of family events, but then again, I may just put them on Flickr.

Hope everyone is having a great day, week, and great fall! 😀

Posted by Stace


Once again, I don’t have anything earth-shattering to blog about. Just some random tidbits floating around in my head!

* The weather here is gorgeous! It finally feels like fall and not so much like summer. I’ve joked most of my life that we have two seasons here in the Deep South – really really hot and not quite as hot! Last week, it started cooling off some and was in the 80’s during the day and 50’s and 60’s at night. The last couple of days have been even better – 70’s during the day and 40’s at night. Awesome! I’ve had the windows open and been enjoying not only the cooler air, but hearing my birds at my bird feeder, the insects chirping and even occasionally my wind chimes singing 🙂

* Once the weather starts feeling better, I start thinking about needing a few new pieces of clothing for fall and winter. I have mentioned before that I really don’t like to shop (not for clothes anyway, food and electronics shopping make me happy though!). I particularly dislike shopping for shoes. And purses. And underwear. Ugh. But, part of me wants some new boots this year. I have never owned a pair of cowboy boots and some part of me wants a pair. Maybe even a pair of short ones, I saw some in a store when I was at the beach with my sister and her family. So – if you buy boots this year, will they be tall or short ones and what style? Is there anything that’s really “in”, not that I’m much of an in-style kind of girl!

* We got our replacement coffee maker in the mail, finally. Our Cuisinart On-Demand coffee maker started having problems after about a year. It’s under warranty for 3 years, so we called them and set things up. We had to cut the cord from the old one and mail to them, and then they told us that our unit was on back-order. So we waited, and waited. It finally came in last week! Tim is happy and I’m pretty happy too. I had bought a cheap Mr Coffee at Walmart to use while we waited on the new one to come in. Now, I drag that one out every day from the garage to use for my decaf coffee. So, I’m back to drinking coffee some days 🙂 If you remember, I gave up caffeine to help with my tinnitus, but I do miss sweet tea in the summer and coffee in the winter. I am now enjoying the Decaf Moose Munch flavored coffee I bought at Harry & David last month!

* I’m still on the fence about getting a Kindle. My birthday is coming up, and I actually have enough credit at Amazon to get one (from doing the Swagbucks and MyPoints programs). I’ve been going back and forth between thinking I want an iPad to thinking I want a Kindle, to most days thinking, I love paper books, why on earth would I waste money on an e-Reader. Tim encouraged me to download something to my Mac and read it on there. Luckily, Amazon gives away a lot of really good free books and I’ve downloaded quite a few. I read one, “The Pawn” by Steven James on my Kindle for Mac app. I really enjoyed it, good book and it was easier to read on the laptop than I had anticipated. So now I’m swinging more that way than before!

* I’ve been doing better on the cooking front. I’m making menu plans more often and sticking to them, and I’ve also made a concerted effort to try some new recipes. I’ve got a few that have been deemed keepers, so I’ll try to post a link to those soon – in case anyone is interested! 🙂

Hope you’re all having a great day and week out there in blog-land!

Posted by Stace

I love Winning!

I love winning things in online contests! I haven’t won anything big in a while (well, big is relative, of course). I have won a few books lately (and believe me, I LOVE to win books!), but nothing much “bigger” than that, money wise.

Just a few minutes ago, I got an email from the Rachael Ray Show’s website. I have watched (recorded to DVR and watch at my leisure) the Rachael Ray daily one hour show for several years now. I signed up when they first launched their “Club Rachael Ray” which is where they offer give-aways. They give prizes to their studio audience pretty much every show, and many of those they offer online. I try to enter them regularly, and have never won anything.

Today, they emailed me that I had won a Shark Steam Pocket Mop! Now, for someone who likes to keep house and cook, this is a great thing to win! The email said to watch my mail in the coming weeks, so I imagine it will just show up on my doorstep one day in a few weeks. Which will mean I get excited all over again! I’m sure I’ll post again then, with a photo 🙂

I’m pretty excited! It will steam clean my tile floors, without using any chemicals. On the Target website, it’s listed at about $120 bucks, so a nice prize to win 😀

Posted by Stace


I’ve decided that my handwriting has slowly evolved over the years, and now it borders on…. atrocious. Yikes. I used to have really nice handwriting, in school and then college. I remember going to an orientation type day at the small private, Christian college I attended. The professor or office attendant looked at the form I was turning in, and she commented “You didn’t have to type this dear!”. And I was like, it’s not, that’s my handwriting 🙂

But, then I started work, with all men (first in electrical engineering and then in IT) — who do not really write very well or very legibly, as a general group. And I began working almost exclusively on computers. As the days and years rolled by, I used my hand and a pen and paper less and less to write things down. Post-it notes here, scribbles there, thank-you notes at birthdays and Christmas, but that was about it. And now, today, I’ve decided that my handwriting is truly truly bad. I mean, some days, I can barely read it myself!

What brought this on, you ask? (no, I know you didn’t ask that, but thought I’d throw a little lagniappe in). I’ve been watching the new cooking show “Mad Hungry” on Hallmark channel since it premiered last week. I don’t really enjoy Martha Stewart’s show, but I do like her food editor, Lucinda Scala Quinn. I’m really enjoying her new show, and have tried to look up several recipes online to save in my “to-try” file. But — a lot of the recipes are not online yet, as it’s a new show and new website. So, with my handy DVR, I thought to myself, I’ll just write them down!!! And now, I can barely read what I wrote. Hence, the blog post 😀

Posted by Stace

Husbands in Grocery Stores

This is what happens when you talk your husband into stopping at the grocery store, after church. You know, for necessities and healthy food (milk, orange juice, fruit, veggies). These just “jump” in the cart:

What you don’t see is the 6 or 7 bags of potato chips we already have at our house. Plus now we have 4 bags of Who Dat chips (which are “regular” flavored, not even a special flavor). Good grief. I try not to eat many of them, so Tim has some serious chip eating to do 😀

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