Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


Spring has sprung here! We’re really loving being out in the warm weather and seeing all of our shrubs flowering in the backyard. It’s been raining some this week and a bit overcast, but it’s still so nice to look out and see stuff blooming. Tim has been working on and off for the last few days, pressure washing the deck, patio furniture, house and fence, and getting ready to apply our annual coat of water sealer to all of the wood. Things look really good in our back yard right now, thanks to the stuff blooming and Tim’s hard work 🙂

Here’s our Indian Hawthorne shrubs in the backyard:

And our yellow Lady Banks climbing rose that is growing on our fence:

Lady Banks Climbing Rose

Lady Banks Climbing Rose

Have a great day 🙂

  1. Gail Said,

    Warm weather? Apparently I missed all that here! It was pretty cold when I was in Charlotte and it’s been pretty cool since I’ve been home…don’t think it got above 49 or 50 yesterday and they say it will be warmer today but it’s going to rain and it’s so cloudy I’m not sure it’ll feel warm!
    I noticed the indian hawthornes here under my breakfast room window are blooming some but not as much as yours! They might need more sun or pruning or something…..should check and see if the ones on the other side of the house are blooming. That rose looks good too. 🙂

  2. Debi Said,

    Oh sure Stacy, just rub it in! 🙂
    No, they truly are gorgeous! And spring will arrive here someday…

  3. mamichelle Said,

    I think it has sprung here too, only a little different (see my post).

    Perty flowers you have!!

  4. Karen Said,

    I love seeing all the bushes and flowers blooming on all the blogs. It will be at least another month or so before Spring arrives in Colorado. We have some daffodils that are up, but that’s about it. The lawns are just starting to green up. The temperatures can fool us — we’ll be in the high 60s one day and the 30s the next. But everything is still so brown! I want GREEN!

  5. Fresh Girl Said,

    Beautiful photos!! Everything is blooming here, too…I just can’t go out and take pictures of it because IT WON’T STOP RAINING! Please, somebody send me some sunshine. 😉

  6. jen Said,

    Scott is off starting Saturday thru next Thursday. We will be working in the yard non stop. He has already ordered some new shrubs and trees….your blooms look great.

  7. Susanne Said,

    Just gorgeous! We don’t have any spring flowers yet, though we’ve had a beautiful week of weather.

  8. marianne Said,

    oh, how goregous! I love that yellow rose! I know you’re enjoying all that new prettiness. 🙂

  9. Desert Songbird Said,

    Very nice. I’m sure Beau is loving the warmer weather, too.

  10. Coach Jenny Said,

    We have Indian Hawthornes in the front yard, and I haven’t even looked at them in my hurried state of leaving the house. How sad!!
    I do know our Jasmine is loaded, and the bees are having a field day with it! And so are my sinuses. Which is maybe why I’m not looking at the blooming things. My head hurts!

  11. Dianne Said,

    I was just a wee bit envious until I noticed this morning that my daffodils are starting to bloom. I’m breathing okay again – thanks!! I love those Indian Hawthornes, wonder how they’d do in my neck of the woods?

  12. BPD in OKC Said,

    I’m so jealous of those flowers. I have one – yes just one – flower in my yard right now.

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