Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Weekend Pics

This is an odd weekend for us – we’re actually staying around the house. Which is something we rarely do. Tim gets cabin fever after hanging around the house for a couple of hours on the weekends, so we inevitably end up going, going, going all weekend, every weekend. This weekend, though, he is working on a project at work and working at night, and on call for the rest of the time, so he’s rather forced into staying here. Me, I love it! It’s something we never do and something I wish we could do more.

Anyway, it makes for even more boring blogging than usual. 😛 We’re just hanging out, watching TV and movies, reading (me), hitting golf balls (Tim) and …. he cut the grass Friday PM. Nothing unusual about that, he cuts the grass once a week in the summer. However, this time was a bit different. One of our neighbors has a riding lawn mower and wanted Tim to borrow it and test it out. Now, if you’re familiar with our house, it’s small and our yard is even smaller. I bought this house expressly for those reasons – less to clean and heat/cool on the inside and less yard work to do on the outside. I used to cut the grass and weed-eat before I met Tim and the yard was a manageable size for me. Which means it’s a snap for Tim to keep up. Which also means, a riding mower is overkill.

If you want to see pictures of Tim on the riding mower, and also the hummingbirds that are swarming our feeder this afternoon, click on the extended entry. Hope everyone is having a great weekend! 🙂

Tim on our neighbor’s riding mower:
Tim on the Riding Mower

Tim on the Riding Mower

I was sitting outside on the deck Saturday afternoon, talking to Tim, and the hummingbirds were swooping in left and right to their feeder. I went and got my camera and snagged a couple of shots of them flying in:

Hummingbird in Flight

Hummingbird in Flight

Then, I went inside to my regular spot (aka, inside, in the AC) and snapped a few more of them eating:



  1. deb Said,

    Love your hummingbird pictures! They’re so hard to photograph…great job!

  2. Dianne Said,

    Yes, good pics. Darn, I never did get those feeders up this year. Oh well.

    I had about as uneventful day. But every so often, those are quite nice.

  3. Southern Girl Said,

    Aww, those hummingbirds are so sweet! I MUST get myself one of those feeders. I know my cat’ll like watching them. 😉

  4. Laura Said,

    Look how good your grass looks!! The riding mower is funny, though. 😀

  5. Suzanne Said,

    Did those hummingbirds bomb Tim??

  6. presentstorm Said,

    Lol that is histerical , hime riding that thing on that little bit of grass. We had a riding mower when we had almost an acre to mow. With this house it was way to hard to navigate…So Gup has a self propelled mower and loves it. I think he misses cruising on his toy though ..lol

  7. Tracie Said,

    I am always amazed that the great hummingbird pictures you get!

    Tim on the riding lawn mower–too funny!! I hope he didn’t get too tired mowing all that grass!

  8. Bev Said,

    Fantastic pictures. I don’t know which I like more. Tim on the lawn mower mowing that little bit of grass or the hummingbirds. Cheers.

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