Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


Howdy! I’ve now officially taken the longest break ever from my blog (two whole weeks!), since I started blogging over 3 years ago. I must admit, I’m really enjoying the break and am still seriously considering giving up blogging all together. I’m still really on the fence about it. I think I don’t quite enjoy it as much as I used to, or maybe I’ve just run out of interesting things to say and post about. After all, I basically post about the same things over and over 🙂

In keeping with that “over and over” thing, I thought I’d post a couple of the photos I’ve taken recently in my backyard. I bought some really puny looking bedding plants and got them into some pots and planters last weekend. I’m not sure they are going to make it, so I don’t have any photos of those. Trust me, they don’t look too hot right now, but I’m hoping some water and Miracle-Gro will help them out over the long haul. It’s already really hot here. Supposed to be in the high 80’s or low 90’s here for the next 10 days, according to weather.com. Actually, it will be hot here from now until at least October 😀

I posted a photo of my clematis a little over a month ago (original post here, and mine is the one at the bottom that is not blooming yet). I’m happy to say that my white clematis is in full bloom now, and it looks so pretty. I love sitting on the deck and seeing it:

Clematis Blooming

We planted a couple of new lantana… one is doing well and the other is half dead already. Sigh. This is obviously the one still alive. Tiny, but alive.


I bought a vinca vine and planted in a pot last year, and then in the fall, tossed the vine out behind the fence. Tim discovered it a month or so ago and said it was coming back. I let it grow a bit, and then dug it out of the old flower pot and replanted it with a new geranium… let’s hope they both do well for the summer:


And last, a basil plant. I say every year that I want to grow herbs, but I never have any luck. One year I tried seeds, which went nowhere. One year I tried oregano and another year thyme, and nothing. This looked like a fairly healthy “sweet basil”, so I bought it. I also got a “Patio Tomato” plant and planted for Tim (I don’t eat tomatoes). We’ll see what happens with these. Question – can you make pesto from any kind of basil? I wonder if I bought the wrong kind…


Hope things are happy, sunshiney and blooming where you are 😀

  1. Claire Said,

    I’D think you could make it from any basil…hmmm! Hope all is going well.

  2. Gail Said,

    I think you could use it to make pesto! I grew basil one year in a small pot and it did pretty good….and I don’t have nearly as much of a green thumb as you. You can throw something behind your fence and it comes back! That’s impressive, I just kill it in the pot to start with. I want to have some tomatoes but don’t know what to get, or how to take care of them if they are in a pot out back. I need to get lantana for those front beds I was telling you about….where I usually put the coleus but have to buy it each year, if I had lantana maybe it would come back and I wouldn’t have to keep replanting every year!
    It’s hot here too.
    And don’t quit, then I might have to as well! Although I have enjoyed posting less often.
    You’ve just been busy, you might as well officially open a b&b!

  3. Madeleine Said,

    It looks like Sweet Basil; a good healthy one too. This variety is the one most commonly used to make pesto. If you pinch out the tops of the basil to stop it flowering it will get bushier and have more flavour. It’s nice just eaten with tomatoes and garlic. You’ll need quite a bit to make pesto. There’s a recipe here:

  4. Dawn Said,

    Oh I hope you & Gail don’t stop blogging! I would miss seeing photos of Beau & all those cute grandkids Gail has. If you do though, I hope you’ll still drop by from time to time. And of course Fantasy Football! I never would have played if it hadn’t been for discovering your blog!

    As for pesto, I think you can use any basil. I *love* the smell of basil. I could make a whole Summer meal out of your tomatoes & basil and a little Italian salad dressing!

  5. Susanne Said,

    It’s cold and raining and should be for the next 3 or 4 days. I was putting out bedding plants in the rain today. My clematis is only about a foot and a half high but as soon as the sun comes out you can almost literally watch that thing growing.

  6. Kim Said,

    So good to hear from you Stacy! Your clematis is gorgeous and if I had that growing in my yard I would love to sit and look at it too! I am ashamed to say that I haven’t even purchased any bedding plants yet–hard to get in the mood when the weather fluctuates every other day! Remember how I posted it was close to 90 degrees on Saturday here? Well today I think our high was 56-and rainy. Both my boys baseball games were canceled this week due to rain.
    I sure hope you don’t quit blogging–I enjoy reading what you write–you might think it’s not much, but I like hearing about your life so far away from mine–seeing pictures of Beau, recipes and the books you are reading!

  7. jen Said,

    Your plants and flowers are great. I loved them. I have missed you. I hope you are doing well from your bloggy break. We are working in the yard alot lately too….it’s that time of the year before it gets too hot.

  8. Debi Said,

    Oh, they are so gorgeous!!!! Our clematis is nowhere near that stage yet…gee, maybe because it’s currently 44 degrees and raining–yuck!

    Glad you enjoyed your break from blogging…but you were definitely missed! Even if you decide to give up blogging, maybe you can just make it an “almost” give up blogging and pop in every once in a great while just to let us know how you’re doing?

  9. Karen Said,

    I always enjoy coming over here and I love your QOTD! I hope you don’t quit:( I know how busy it can be, my posts seem to be few and far between these days. It’s May Madness at our house. It seems it’s been rather quiet all around in blog land these days. Maybe it’s the time of year.

    I bought four pots of flowers already planted this year and planted just one barrel on my own. I usually go to town, but just don’t have the time or inclination right now. But the ones I bough (at Costco) look great! The one barrel that I planted on my own has a vinca vine that spilled over one year and now it comes back every year, covering the ground around the barrel. I should take picture. I couldn’t have planned it better, it looks so pretty.

  10. Eileen Said,

    Funny, I had the same thoughts as you about a month ago, about maybe giving up blogging. I decided not to stop, and now I’m thinking I want to try to post *more* than I used to, not less. 🙂 I hope you stick around but if not I totally understand!

    Have a great day!

  11. Maria Said,

    Loved the photos of your garden and progress in it. I want to grow some veggies but never get around to it. Maybe next spring!

    I really hope you don’t stop blogging. I love reading your posts.

  12. mamichelle Said,

    Ooooh, pretty flowers! Mine are just starting to bloom. Wanna come and plant some for me? I hate gardening. I just like to look at them. LOL

    PLEASE don’t stop blogging!! I really enjoy reading your posts.

  13. Sadie Said,

    I know what you mean about blogging… I used to have so much fun with it, I always had blog ideas, I couldn’t wait to post… but now I just don’t really feel like I have much to say. Part of that has to do with exterior things, but in general, I just don’t love it like I used to.

    I did enjoy taking a break, though, and just reading other people’s for a while. Not that I’m really back to blogging at all, since I haven’t posted in over a week. 🙂

  14. Coach Jenny Said,

    I’ve enjoying my blogging break, too, and have wondered about giving it up altogether. But I decided that I wouldn’t do that, ’cause I have made some wonderful friends. I think the Bible is so right when it says to do things in moderation. That would definitely include blogging. Leave your blog open, then when that great something happens, you can tell us about it!

  15. Desert Songbird Said,

    I say post when you want to post, and don’t apologize for WHAT you post. It’s your blog – do with it what you will.

    And if you decide to make pesto, then I’m coming to dinner…*grin*

  16. Heidi Said,

    Wow, giving up blogging for good? Now that seems like a commitment to me–to really give it up. However, you should do whatever you want and feel like is best for you and your family.

  17. Brit' Gal Sarah Said,

    Hey Stacey, I missed ya and am glad you’re back 🙂 Love the piccies of the plants and yes that’s Basil you can make pesto from.

  18. Shawna Said,

    I decided to only stick with my rose bush and a potted plant this year instead of trying to do a flower garden. My rose bush survives every year, and I haven’t managed to kill it yet. This year it has went crazy, and I’ve been really trying to keep it pruned. I even bought myself some huge clippers today that my hubby isn’t so sure I should be using (especially when I’m angry).

  19. Suzanne Said,

    YOU give up blogging. Shock a roo.
    Your peeps will miss you…

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