Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Blah, Blah, Blah & Pictures

Hello out there! Long time, no blog 🙂 I don’t seem to be able to think of anything to blog about. Not a whole lot going on around here. We’ve had a lot of company, my sister and then my niece, here visiting. Tim and I had a busy, but fun weekend. We were really bad and ate out all weekend. We also went to see the movie “Vantage Point” and that was good. We watched a couple of movies from Netflix too. A newer one, “Dan in Real Life” and a classic, “The Maltese Falcon”. I’m not cooking a lot this week, so I didn’t post a menu. I didn’t particularly like the topic on today’s Ten on Tuesday (10 places you’d take a tourist to see in your home town). I don’t live in a touristy kind of place 🙂

So, instead, I thought I’d post a few pictures that we’ve taken lately. Tim actually came and got the camera one day a week or two ago. He saw one of our two woodpeckers up in the tree and got some good pictures of him. Here’s the red-bellied woodpecker in our tree:

Red-Bellied Woodpecker in our tree

More pictures on the extended page…

Now, what’s a girl to do with leftover, stale bread? Why, feed it to the birds, of course! Except, I offered it to Beau first and he turned up his nose at it. He normally likes bread, but he didn’t want anything to do with it, inside the kitchen. But, once I took it outside and laid it on our deck railing for the birds, he decided he’d go out and jump up and eat every single bite:

Eating bread from the deck railing

In the last 5 or 6 days, my ornamental pear tree in the back yard (a Bradford Pear) has started blooming:

Bradford pear blooming

Bradford pear blooming

And lastly, here’s a slice of our daily life. Beau spends a lot of time at the back door, waiting very stealthily to see his favorite thing:

Beau at the Back Door

Squirrel on the Fence

  1. Desert Songbird Said,

    Great photos. I’m amazed at the woodpecker, and the pear tree looks lovely. And Beau? Well, he’s cute as usual. Give him a scratch for me!

  2. Dianne Said,

    I love this story in pictures. Glad you posted the picture of the squirrel and didn’t make me guess (think fat neighbors in their underwear or something!)

  3. Lynne Said,

    Sweet Beau! Our Bradford pear is blooming too, but it’s still small and doesn’t have a lot of blooms. But it’s starting to look pretty.

  4. Lynne Said,

    Sweet Beau! Our Bradford pear is blooming too, but it’s still small and doesn’t have a lot of blooms. But it’s starting to look pretty.

    10 places I’d take a tourist to see in my home town? Let’s see – the big shopping center with Target, Wal-Mart, Lowe’s and Home Depot (that’s exciting!), the constant road construction, and … that’s about it!

  5. Debi Said,

    Catchy title there, Stacy! Beautiful photos! I guess they shouldn’t have, but your blossoming trees caught me totally off guard…our ground is still covered with snow. And thank Beau for the laugh…too cute that he wouldn’t eat the bread in the kitchen but decided it looked a lot more appetizing if you were offering it to someone else 🙂

  6. Kim Said,

    Hi Stacey–
    Your dog cracks me up! Squirrels, stray cats and birds are the nemisis’s of my cats. They spend a lot of time gazing out the window also!!
    Your pictures are lovely and I am always amazed at how pretty your birds are down there. Like I have said here before, we have ugly (with a capital U) birds here. My ornamental plum tree is beginning to bloom and when it does, it will seem mighty springy. We always take Easter morning pictures of the kids out in the garden area where that tree is and it always blooming and full with leaves–not so, this year with Easter being so early!
    I am hoping to see Dan in Real Life this weekend–we saw it in the theater and enjoyed it-he is a pretty funny actor.

  7. Susanne Said,

    Loved your picture story! I too have not posted for a few days. A bit of aase of “overwhelmed” in my case.

  8. Dawn P Said,

    Love the pictures and Beau just gets more and more cute in every photo 🙂

  9. deb Said,

    Beau is quite the entertainer isn’t he?!?
    Your pear tree is so pretty! And you’re right….they do smell horrible lol 🙂

  10. Dawn Said,

    Silly pup! =)

    That’s an awesome shot Tim got!

    I saw Vantage Point myself the weekend before last. It was good, but I felt like the repitition was getting to me. I know they added a little more each time, but it was so hard to watch the President get shot & the explosion over & over like that. (I feel safe mentioning that since it was in the previews that those things happened.) I did like the surprise twist it took, and a couple of other story lines, but I didn’t like that we never learned the purpose of the plot. Instead of leaving the movie wondering “what happened next??” (like I usually do), I walked away wondering “but why did they do that??”

  11. Amy Said,

    What a beautiful picture of the woodpecker. Love it! And I’m so jealous that your trees are blooming and looking all Spring like. We have a muddy, rainy mess around here. I guess we do need it, but I still like to gripe about it anyway!

    And Beau. Always makes me laugh. Does he catch the squirrels and eat them? My dog thinks anything and everything living is her friend. She kisses anything that walks by!

  12. sandra Said,

    Loved all the pictures.

    Hope you’re having a great day 🙂

  13. Maria Said,

    Great photos! I didn’t like the Ten on Tuesday topic either this week. I’ll probably be doing a Tuesday Gratitudes post instead.

  14. Gail Said,

    Good bird pic, I think I was there when Tim took it! It did turn out good. And you commented when I was there that your Bradford pear hadn’t bloomed yet but look what a difference a few days makes! I’ve noticed that the ones here all look like that too, I almost snapped a picture yesterday to post but guess I’m too late to do it now!

  15. mamichelle Said,

    Wow, Stacy, your photos are great! That Beau is just so cute. I can’t believe he ate the bread! LOL

    I can’t wait until we have warm enough weather for flowers! It’s snowing today. 🙁

  16. Rach (Heart of Rachel) Said,

    Hi Stacy. Hope you’re doing well. I love these photos. Such beautiful flowers. I love the photo of Beau. He looks like he was smelling the flowers. So nice!

  17. Kara Said,

    I so miss the south and the spring blooming things! We’re still in winter mode here…not a bud on a tree as far as the eye can see!

  18. Lauren@Baseballs&Bows Said,

    Great photos! I am sure the squirrel is thankful for the door that separates him from his “friend.”

  19. Stacy aka Vaders Mom Said,

    Beau photos!! Yippee!!!

  20. jen Said,

    I just watched the Dan movie with Steve Carrell with some gal pals last week. Hilarious…I love this man. He is just fantastic…..great pictures by the way.

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