Stolen from Sadie. Thanks Sadie!
1.When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? Ugh, I’ve put on a lot of weight since Christmas 
2.How much cash do you have on you? I’d have to go look, but probably about 24 dollars. I rarely keep over 25 or 30 cash in my wallet.
3.What’s a word that rhymes with DOOR? More, Core, Lore, Store
4.Do you label yourself? Yes, it’s that low self-esteem thing I have going on
5.Bright or Dark Room? Bright during the day, I like the blinds and curtains open. At night, I tend to close them, and turn on some lights, so mostly I like light. The only time I really like to sit in a dark room is when we’re watching a movie or I’m sleeping!
6.Why is there always a missing question? Huh? What question? Where did it go?
7.What does your watch look like? gold and silver, slim, Seiko
8.What were you doing at midnight last night? Sleeping!
9.Where is your nearest 7-11? Not a 7-11, but there’s a gas station with a convenience store about 1 block from our house
10.What’s a word that you say a lot? No! {to Beau, if he’s jumping or digging or generally being a bad dog}
11.Who told you he/she loved you last? Tim
12.Last furry thing you touched? Beau, the wonder dog!
13.How many rolls of film do you need developed? None, but don’t even ask me how many YEARS behind I am on printing out digital pics
14.Favorite age you have been so far? I have no idea! Each year with Tim is wonderful and a blessing for me. I spent far too much of my life without him, so I enjoy every single day we have together
15.Your worst enemy? Any chocolate hiding in the house, calling my name!
16.What is your current desktop picture? one that came with XP, blue water, island with palm trees
17.What was the last thing you said to someone? “do you want some more coffee” to Tim as I walked past him into the kitchen
18.The last song you listened to? “Every Mile a Memory” by Dierks Bentley
19.What time of day were you born? I think around noon, on a Sunday. I think I was born when my grandmother was in church, but I’d have to look it up to be sure
20.What do you do when vending machines steal your money? Get upset 
21.Do you consider yourself kind? I hope so, I try very hard to be kind and considerate
22.What’s your life motto? Ah, that a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, or what’s a Heaven for. Or the one that Tim and I use on our website – “Choose to Be Happy!”
23.Name three things you have on you at all times. When I leave the house, I always have my keys, my cell phone and my wallet. Inside the house, I probably don’t have anything on me at all times except my wedding band and some form of clothing, hehehe!
24.Can you change the oil on a car? No, but I can keep track of it on our chart and tell Tim when it’s time for him to change it 
25.When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper and mailed it? Hmmm, a real letter and not a card, thank you note or something? I have no idea, it’s been a long time!
I won’t tag anyone specifically, but I’d love it if anyone out there would like to play along. Be sure to leave me a note and I’ll stop by and check out your answers to this silly meme!