Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


Wow, I am totally speechless, completely stunned and otherwise, just tickled pink! We have been gone all day, and I arrived home this evening and as per usual, I thought I would check my email and see if I had any new blog comments. Then, I spied a comment from Heidi, saying that did I know I had been nominated for the Share the Love” blog awards? Heavens no, I had no idea, and again, I’m totally and incredibly shocked and stunned! :mrgreen:

Thank you to whoever nominated me, and in general, for all of you lovely ladies who come by to read my mundane little blog. I love blogging, and even though I started this as a project and a challenge to myself, and mostly, as a way to keep family and friends in the loop as to our lives — it has evolved into something much more. I truly feel that I have made so many blogging friends. Wonderful, sweet, incredibly gracious ladies who I know to be good friends of mine now, and who I know, that if we lived in the same part of the country, would be terrific IRL (in real life) friends as well.

Wow. I totally don’t know what to say. I truly am speechless, which if you knew me, you’d know is a feat in and of itself. 😀 I think I’ll go find some chocolate, and maybe make some hot cocoa, and celebrate!!!

  1. deb Said,

    Cool! It’s well deserved, too, Stacy! Congratulations :))

  2. Susie Said,

    That is so awesome, but I am not a bit surprised. You deserve this kind of recognition and more. Congrats! 🙂

  3. Dianne Said,

    I’m so excited for you. Totally deserved. I am really bad about totally ignoring those award things but I will make it a point to get over there and cast my vote for you.

  4. Southern Girl Said,

    Congratulations, Stacy! It’s richly deserved! You make this a happy place to come every day. 🙂

  5. Suz anne Said,

    wow, that’s totally cool.
    How does this award thing-y work, is it sponsored, or where do you find and nominate??

  6. sherry Said,

    Totally deserved I say! Congrats to you! 🙂


  7. Susanne Said,


  8. Debi Said,

    That’s awesome!! Congrats!

  9. Stacy Said,

    Congrats! It’s very much deserved!!!

  10. Becky Said,

    That is so great! Congratulations on the nomination…it is well deserved!

  11. Barb Said,

    Your blog is anything but mundane, Stacy. And this well-deserved nomination is proof of that. Congratulations! Doesn’t it make you feel good all over to know you’re appreciated out here? You definitely are, my friend.

    OK, I’m so far behind it’s a joke. But let me say this. Get yourself a a cheap old used guitar somewhere, a how-to book and go for it. I’ve always wished I could play the guitar. And yes, your dog is purdy. Hope the new food helps him. Chelsea’s suddenly decided to get very persnickity about her food and we feed her the good IAMS stuff. I suspect all the “snacks” Cameron gives her may be the culprit. But I do hope all the itchiness and ear problems improve for your little buddy.

    And I hope you have a lovely new week. Congratulations again. I’m excited for you!

  12. rach Said,

    Congratulations Stacy. You truly deserve it. I’ll check out the site and give you my vote. It must be heartwarming to be appreciated this way. I hope it inspires you to continue spreading love and kindness around you. Take care!

  13. jen Said,

    Very well deserved…congrats…….I’m very happy for you.

  14. Shawna Said,

    Congratulations!! You’ll get my vote!

  15. Debi Said,

    How wonderful! Had no idea what the Share the Love blog awards were, so I went and took a quick peek. I so agree that you are incredibly deserving! Congratulations, Stacy!

  16. Gail Said,

    Wow! Cool!

  17. mamichelle Said,

    Just saw this, Stacy! How cool!!! You DO deserve it. Congrats to you !!

  18. local girl Said,

    Congratulations for being nominated! Such an honor! You definitely have my vote!

  19. Dawn Said,

    considering you are one of my favorite blogs, i agree that you absolutely should be nominated! =)

  20. Cam Said,

    No surprise! I’m definitely voting for you. This is one of the happiest sites I visit each day!

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