Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Singing in the Car

Last week, I blogged about singing in the shower, and whether or not you actually got *in* the shower to clean it. I made a reference to the fact that I sing when I’m driving in my car. Usually only if I’m in there by myself, and sometimes, depending on the song, I get sort of loud and really start belting it out.

So, that is today’s Question of the Day – do you sing when you’re driving in your car?

  1. Susie Said,

    Occasionally, I’ll let ‘er rip and sing out loud while I’m driving. Not often, but when a great song is on, I will.

    This reminds me. Something really cool (well, I thought so, anyway) happened to me last year. Our local country station has “Church Night” every Wednesday from 5:00pm to 6:00pm, and they play several good hymns during that hour. I had decided to go shopping that evening, so I was on my way to the mall. They were playing “Victory in Jesus” – the Trace Adkins version – and I was singing it loudly, with all my heart. While at a red light near the mall, I looked up in my rear view mirror, and the girl in the car behind me was singing the same song. I got all choked up because I thought that was so neat! I wanted to get out of my car and go hug her, but I figured that would freak her out. So I just smiled and thanked God for that little moment. 🙂

  2. Cam Said,

    Absolutely! All the time. I sing when I’m alone and also when G and/or Philip are with me. I belt it out. I sing awful, so it sounds bad, but I just can’t resist. 🙂
    G sings right along with me, if it’s a song he knows.

  3. Heidi Said,

    Yes, but usually I’m singing to my Certain Little Boy. Although, I must admit that I sang in the car when it was just me too!

  4. Dawn Said,

    most of the time. as long as i am alone. 😉 i won’t subject anyone to listening to me “sing.”

  5. Lynne Said,

    I can’t carry a tune in a bucket, but that doesn’t stop me. My daughter Donna and I can really belt out the old Elvis songs, especially “I Was The One.” Of course, we always sing with the windows closed!

  6. Gail Said,

    Absolutely yes, sing in the car! Mostly, hopefully, when I’m alone!

  7. Stacy Said,

    OH YES! I sing in the car all the time. And Jeff & I love it when something 80s comes on the radio because that involves singing and dancing in the car. We love to freak out the traffic around us with our involvement 🙂

  8. Laura Said,


  9. jen Said,

    Yes….of course I do….I can sing any song…and I get pretty loud.

  10. Karla Said,

    I do! Whether I am singing along to a Veggie Tales cd when my daughter is in the car…or to ABBA when I am alone! It makes the time go by quickly and makes the “stress” of driving in a lot of traffic not so bad. :o)

  11. Debi Said,

    I’ll often sing along to whatever music I happen to be listening to. I have a long commute so must amuse myself somehow. 🙂

  12. southernfriedgirl Said,

    Girl, I am Alicia Keyes when I drive. boooyah.

  13. Claire Said,

    YES, YES, YES! THe funny thing is, I usually listen to sports radio, so I’m singing with sports radio in the background. Per last week’s question…I usually don’t sing in the shower unless I’m getting ready to sing in church or something like that.

  14. tiggerprr Said,

    I totally sing in the car! 🙂

  15. Southern Girl Said,

    Well, I don’t drive, and if I try and sing when I’m riding, my mother gives me the evil eye. *g*

  16. ZuphChic Said,

    I don’t even start driving until I find a good song on the radio or put in a cd. My husband bought me a car adapter for my iPod for Christmas so now I’m never without my music! So the answer is yes, yes, YES! I sing LOUD…and PROUD!

  17. Debi Said,

    Definitely! And the kids are not always happy about it.

  18. mamichelle Said,

    That is the only place I sing out loud!!! But I stop when I get to a light where someone beside me might see me!! LOL

  19. Becky Said,

    I know I’m late on this one, but I totally sing in the car! Every single day! I usually don’t even stop singing when I know people are looking! Most of them do it, too! 😉
    Oh, and you can find the recipe for the shipwreck dinner on my blog or at kraftfoods.com. We actually had that tonight and it was pretty good. Not a favorite and a non-stick pan/pot is a must. I made the mistake of not cooking it in a non-stick and, well, it stuck!

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