Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Shoes and a Question of the Day

ShoesI’ve been doing the Project 365 every day this year, and so far I really like it. Some days, it is really hard to come up with a photograph, and I am so totally going to steal some ideas from some of the other participants for future photos. 😀 But really, one of the best things about this project is all of the nice new bloggers I have met. There are some really nice ladies who are doing this project, and I enjoy visiting not only their Project365 photo blog, but also their “regular” blogs. One of these is Tiggerprrr’s blog. She posted a photo yesterday on her photo blog of her new shoes. See, she has plantar fascitis, and it really hurts to walk, especially inside her house on her hardwood floors. Her doctor recommended she get better shoes and wear them inside the house.

Believe it or not, this is something I was going to blog about (I’m trying to keep a list of ideas as I think of them, not when I sit down to blog and I’m drawing a total blank about anything worthwhile or interesting to say).

Anyway, I’m a total homebody and when I’m at home, I like to be really cozy and comfortable. I wear sloppy clothes, I don’t usually put on make-up if I’m going to be home all day, and I don’t wear shoes around the house. I think the “Flylady” always recommends that you get up and get dressed first thing every day, as part of your routine. Now, I get dressed (although some mornings, you can find me sitting way too long at the computer, still clad in my PJ’s), but I don’t put on shoes. I just don’t like wearing shoes around the house. In the summer, I go barefoot. In the winter I put on socks. On really cold days, I might put on TWO pair of socks, but I don’t put on shoes.

So, that’s today’s Question of the Day – when you’re going to be home for a long stretch of time, say all day, do you wear shoes around the house? Do you just wear socks or go barefoot? Do you wear slippers or houseshoes, or what? Inquiring minds want to know!

  1. paperback writer Said,

    It depends on the weather outside.

    Douglas Manor is drafty on the first floor. So, on a day like today – cold and snowy, you better believe I have thick heavy socks on! Most days I like to go barefoot. Except when I’m cooking. I like to have flip flops on.

  2. Lynne Said,

    I hate to wear shoes. So I’m usually barefoot, or in the winter I’ll wear socks. But since I also have plantar fasciitis, I know I’m going to suffer if I go too long without shoes. When my feet start hurting, I’ll usually put on a pair of Birks for a couple of days until the pain subsides, then go back to the feet-unhealthy barefoot stage.

  3. rach Said,

    I wear my bedroom slippers when I’m inside the house. It’s soft and very comfortable. I have a different pair of slippers when I go outside of the house like the garden or front yard.

    I only wear shoes when I go somewhere else. But I’m very fond of my sandals and flip flops so I often wear them outside.

  4. Southern Girl Said,

    You know, the love some women have for shoes is just a mystery to me. I’ve never understood it. This probably stems from the fact that for most of my life, at any one time, I’ve only owned ONE PAIR of shoes. 😀 Yes, that’s right, ONE. I wear a brace on my right leg which has to attach to my shoe, so if I want to stand up or walk, I always have to have the brace on, and consequently the shoe. However, I walk better if my other foot is bare! So the first thing I do upon coming home from somewhere is yank that left shoe off. If it’s really really cold, I’ll wear a sock on that foot or a house shoe, but usually I like to feel the hardwood floor underneath my foot.

    As for why only one pair of shoes — the ones I have to have cost nearly $300 a pair, which is way too steep to have a pair to go with every outfit. *g* So I have a nice black pair that’ll go with most everything, and that’s plenty for me. Consequently, when some women are drooling over shoes, I’m sitting over here yawning and wondering what the big deal is. 😉

  5. Simply Dawn Said,

    I can’t stand wearing shoes!!! They are the last thing I put on as I’m running out the door and the first thing to come off when I get home from work, but I do have a furry pair of pink house slippers I wear non stop.

    Hope you’re having a good day 🙂

  6. Cam Said,

    I’m just like you. I never wear shoes in the house. I hate wearing shoes; all of us do, and they’re the first thing we take off when we step in the door. Mostly it’s a comfort & preference thing, but I also don’t like shoes dirtying up my floors. I get so agitated when we have company and I see their shoes on my carpet! LOL. I’m not so bad that I ask them to remove their shoes, though.

    I wear socks when it’s cold, and bare feet when it’s warm, just like you. Philip does the same, and so does G. The first time G wore shoes was when he finally started walking (over a year old); he had to have a pair to wear outside. I had one of the only babies I knew who didn’t wear shoes for fashion’s sake!

  7. Shawna Said,

    I used to go around in sock feet, but I, too, have plantar fasciitis. I have to wear shoes to relieve some of the pain. I either wear my tennis shoes with special inserts or slip on sandals with good support (with my socks, of course) when I first wake up.

  8. Debi Said,

    Usually a socks or barefoot kind of gal. But the last couple weeks it’s just gotten tooooo cold in here. We only have our thermostat at 62 degrees, and it’s even colder in the basement. And I spend a lot of time down there, as that’s where the laundry area is, and our “classroom”, and my scraproom (not that I ever get to spend any time in there). Anyway, the last 2 weeks I’ve been forced to don shoes.

  9. mamichelle Said,

    Ok, great question!!! I hate shoes, love sandals or barefeet. Well….I have plantar facsitis (sp?) also. I also have inner metatarsal (sp) neuroma on the same foot. I have been suffering lately which means I put my shoes on when I get out of bed. I have heel cups in my shoes. It drives me right out of my mind to walk around with shoes on but it hurts so bad without.

    I normally kick my shoes off in the garage and walk into the house and don’t put them back on unless I have to go out. If it’s really cold out, I put on clog slippers so that I can kick them off during hot flashes!! grrrr…so many issues 🙂

  10. Laura Said,

    My mom has plantar fasciitis. She loves Skechers. 😉

    I never wear shoes inside the house, but I have to remind my husband to take off his shoes when he comes home. (Again with the LIGHT beige carpet…)

    (As a side note, I absolutely love shoes. I am a shoe loving girl.)

    I almost always wear socks, as it’s pretty cold in our house. Too cold for bare tootsies!

  11. tiggerprr Said,

    Skechers are exactly what the Dr. reccommended I get. The kind that are like mules so you can slip them on and off easily. I got them, and they feel great! I’m still hurting, but not anywhere as bad as a few days ago. I would prefer to be totally barefoot, but since I can’t be, I’ll be in shoes from now on. 🙁

  12. local girl Said,

    Being part Japanese and living in Hawaii, we don’t wear shoes in the house. NEVER! If your house is carpeted, then it’s barefeet. If it’s hardwood floors, then you use house slippers.

  13. Gail Said,

    Well, since we’re related, I’m like you! Ha! I don’t wear shoes at the house usually either. But I too have plantar fascitis and should wear them, I bought Birkenstocks to help with mine but have quit wearing them. My foot is better but maybe I’ll check this other brand out.

  14. Becky Said,

    In the winter you can usually find something on my feet…socks, houseshoes, tennis shoes. In the summer, though, I am usually wearing flip flops or nothing at all! (on my feet that is) 🙂 On a sidenote: did I scare you away or something? Sorry if I did!

  15. Stacy Said,

    I’m not totally strong either way, but if I don’t have anything to do I will run around all day barefoot or just in my socks. If I was out doing something though, I take my shoes off whenever…I don’t kick them off right as I come in the door. Just depends on my mood at the moment.

  16. Dianne Said,

    Interesting post. I guess I’m the odd man out here; I can’t stand to be without shoes. or slippers but only my moccasin-style Hush Puppies will do. I have some very comfortable Eastlands or Clarks. I’m not sure where this comes from – one, I think I have ugly feet so in the summer I hate to go with even skimpy sandals. In the winter I think it’s warmer with socks and shoes on!

  17. kathy m Said,

    I used to go barefoot all of the time, but we have cold wood and stone floors and my back hurts if I stand too long on the hard floors. I just bought some ugg slippers after Christmas and now I wear those.

  18. Christine Said,

    I wear Sketchers from start to finish. When the kids are in bed, I kick them off,and put my slippers on. In the summertime I wear mostly flip-flops. Great question.

  19. Suzanne Said,

    I wear socks in winter and summer. I have house slippers, and wear them sometimes, usually outside and it ruins them !! I am NOT a shoes horse. But I now own more shoes now than I ever have, I have two colors for work, mostly. Black and Blue. But now I have branched out to a nice brown loafer !! yoo hoo !!

  20. Judi Said,

    I have to admit some days (more often than I admit to) I don’t get out of my pjs. I mean what is the point? And I ALWAYS take my daughter to school in my PJS. Just to clarify, they are pajama pants and t-shirt or sweat shirt. 🙂 As for shoes…….if I could always be bare foot I would be!

  21. deb Said,

    I wear socks around the house. I have two sock drawers…one for my white sport socks and one for my dress socks. I do have slippers but I’m always losing one. I have two pair of slipper socks that are purple and I wear them when I remember that I have them lol. I have foot pain, too, and plan to find some gel inserts this weekend to wear with some shoes I wear to work.

  22. southernfriedgirl Said,

    Barefoot all the way. I have to be really chilly to put socks on. I’d rather turn up the heat. LOLOLOL.

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