Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

Posted by Stace


Wow, I am totally speechless, completely stunned and otherwise, just tickled pink! We have been gone all day, and I arrived home this evening and as per usual, I thought I would check my email and see if I had any new blog comments. Then, I spied a comment from Heidi, saying that did I know I had been nominated for the Share the Love” blog awards? Heavens no, I had no idea, and again, I’m totally and incredibly shocked and stunned! :mrgreen:

Thank you to whoever nominated me, and in general, for all of you lovely ladies who come by to read my mundane little blog. I love blogging, and even though I started this as a project and a challenge to myself, and mostly, as a way to keep family and friends in the loop as to our lives — it has evolved into something much more. I truly feel that I have made so many blogging friends. Wonderful, sweet, incredibly gracious ladies who I know to be good friends of mine now, and who I know, that if we lived in the same part of the country, would be terrific IRL (in real life) friends as well.

Wow. I totally don’t know what to say. I truly am speechless, which if you knew me, you’d know is a feat in and of itself. 😀 I think I’ll go find some chocolate, and maybe make some hot cocoa, and celebrate!!!

Posted by Stace

New Food for Beau

Beau out front, January 2007

Beau started some new food today… hopefully, it will help alleviate some of his itching, ear infections, etc. Read all about it and see the picture of what he’s eating now, over at my photoblog. 🙂

P.S. Ain’t he purdy?!

Posted by Stace

Silly Meme

Stolen from Sadie. Thanks Sadie!


1.When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? Ugh, I’ve put on a lot of weight since Christmas 🙁

2.How much cash do you have on you? I’d have to go look, but probably about 24 dollars. I rarely keep over 25 or 30 cash in my wallet.

3.What’s a word that rhymes with DOOR? More, Core, Lore, Store

4.Do you label yourself? Yes, it’s that low self-esteem thing I have going on

5.Bright or Dark Room? Bright during the day, I like the blinds and curtains open. At night, I tend to close them, and turn on some lights, so mostly I like light. The only time I really like to sit in a dark room is when we’re watching a movie or I’m sleeping!

6.Why is there always a missing question? Huh? What question? Where did it go?

7.What does your watch look like? gold and silver, slim, Seiko

8.What were you doing at midnight last night? Sleeping!

9.Where is your nearest 7-11? Not a 7-11, but there’s a gas station with a convenience store about 1 block from our house

10.What’s a word that you say a lot? No! {to Beau, if he’s jumping or digging or generally being a bad dog}

11.Who told you he/she loved you last? Tim

12.Last furry thing you touched? Beau, the wonder dog!

13.How many rolls of film do you need developed? None, but don’t even ask me how many YEARS behind I am on printing out digital pics

14.Favorite age you have been so far? I have no idea! Each year with Tim is wonderful and a blessing for me. I spent far too much of my life without him, so I enjoy every single day we have together

15.Your worst enemy? Any chocolate hiding in the house, calling my name!

16.What is your current desktop picture? one that came with XP, blue water, island with palm trees

17.What was the last thing you said to someone? “do you want some more coffee” to Tim as I walked past him into the kitchen

18.The last song you listened to? “Every Mile a Memory” by Dierks Bentley

19.What time of day were you born? I think around noon, on a Sunday. I think I was born when my grandmother was in church, but I’d have to look it up to be sure

20.What do you do when vending machines steal your money? Get upset 🙂

21.Do you consider yourself kind? I hope so, I try very hard to be kind and considerate

22.What’s your life motto? Ah, that a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, or what’s a Heaven for. Or the one that Tim and I use on our website – “Choose to Be Happy!”

23.Name three things you have on you at all times. When I leave the house, I always have my keys, my cell phone and my wallet. Inside the house, I probably don’t have anything on me at all times except my wedding band and some form of clothing, hehehe!

24.Can you change the oil on a car? No, but I can keep track of it on our chart and tell Tim when it’s time for him to change it 🙄

25.When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper and mailed it? Hmmm, a real letter and not a card, thank you note or something? I have no idea, it’s been a long time!

I won’t tag anyone specifically, but I’d love it if anyone out there would like to play along. Be sure to leave me a note and I’ll stop by and check out your answers to this silly meme!

Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast Meme

Friday, January 26, 2007
Feast One Hundred & Twenty Eight

If you could take lessons to learn any musical instrument, which would you want to learn?
Toss-up between piano and guitar. I’d like to learn how to play both of those. Unfortunately, I am not musically inclined. I can’t carry a tune and I don’t know a thing about notes and how to read music. I love music though, and singing, and have always wanted to learn how to play something.

Have you ever mistaken a person for someone else?
Yes, but I don’t think I’ve ever gone up to someone and spoken to them, and been mistaken. I think I’ve just glanced at a distance and thought they were someone else.

On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how well do you keep secrets?
I’m sure a lot of people would disagree with me, but I think I do pretty well if the secret is important. Probably an 8 out of 10. Now, if it’s not important or something I feel like I can talk about, then I will definitely spill to either Tim or my sister. It just depends on what it is.

Main Course
What’s the closest you’ve ever been to a dangerous animal?
Not very close. Unless you count the zoo or the safari ride at Animal Kingdom in Disneyworld! 😀

When was the last time you lost your patience?
I couldn’t pin down the date or time, but {sigh} it does happen. I do get frustrated and upset and lose my patience more than I should. It’s a bad habit and one I’ve tried to work on. I think I’m a little better than I used to be, but I still have a long ways to go. Some things are just really ingrained in me 🙂

Posted by Stace

Shoes and a Question of the Day

ShoesI’ve been doing the Project 365 every day this year, and so far I really like it. Some days, it is really hard to come up with a photograph, and I am so totally going to steal some ideas from some of the other participants for future photos. 😀 But really, one of the best things about this project is all of the nice new bloggers I have met. There are some really nice ladies who are doing this project, and I enjoy visiting not only their Project365 photo blog, but also their “regular” blogs. One of these is Tiggerprrr’s blog. She posted a photo yesterday on her photo blog of her new shoes. See, she has plantar fascitis, and it really hurts to walk, especially inside her house on her hardwood floors. Her doctor recommended she get better shoes and wear them inside the house.

Believe it or not, this is something I was going to blog about (I’m trying to keep a list of ideas as I think of them, not when I sit down to blog and I’m drawing a total blank about anything worthwhile or interesting to say).

Anyway, I’m a total homebody and when I’m at home, I like to be really cozy and comfortable. I wear sloppy clothes, I don’t usually put on make-up if I’m going to be home all day, and I don’t wear shoes around the house. I think the “Flylady” always recommends that you get up and get dressed first thing every day, as part of your routine. Now, I get dressed (although some mornings, you can find me sitting way too long at the computer, still clad in my PJ’s), but I don’t put on shoes. I just don’t like wearing shoes around the house. In the summer, I go barefoot. In the winter I put on socks. On really cold days, I might put on TWO pair of socks, but I don’t put on shoes.

So, that’s today’s Question of the Day – when you’re going to be home for a long stretch of time, say all day, do you wear shoes around the house? Do you just wear socks or go barefoot? Do you wear slippers or houseshoes, or what? Inquiring minds want to know!

Posted by Stace

Booking Through Thursday

Booking Through Thursday Meme


How many unread books do you have in your house, right now? (Your own books, that is–not ones that belong to other family members–and not counting things like school books, if you have them.) Clearly, an estimate will do. OK, instead of an estimate, the OCD in me had to run into the den and my bedroom to look on the bookshelves and my nightstand. My quick eyeball count is about 35 books, but that does include all of the John Grishams we own in our collection, that I’m not sure I’ll get around to reading. That does include a few books I have borrowed from my mother-in-law and a friend, so the actual count is probably closer to 30, really. 🙄

To the best of your recollection, what is the OLDEST unread book in your collection? How long has it
been waiting?
That would be some of the hardback John Grishams that we own, but I have not gotten around to reading. Some of those are 3 or 4 years old. I buy them new for Tim when they come out, and because we like to own all of the Grisham books in first edition, hardback (since he’s a local boy, “done good” and we both like that genre of legal thriller). After that, the oldest is probably some of the ones I bought last summer at the bookstore and haven’t gotten around to reading yet.

Do your TBR books (that’s “To Be Read,” if you didn’t know) haunt you, make you feel guilty that you haven’t read them yet? Just a little, but not really. I like having books here on hand to read, when the mood strikes me. I usually get the majority of books I read from the library, but sometimes I like not having to go and get them and return them. But, I think the library really helps me. Checking out a book and knowing it is due back in 3 weeks really propels me to read a lot more, as opposed to knowing I own a book and it’s in my TBR pile and I can read it anytime. Something about a goal, or a deadline.

Oh, and library books don’t count . . . not unless you absolutely don’t have ANY other unread book except what you checked out last Tuesday.

Posted by Stace

Singing in the Car

Last week, I blogged about singing in the shower, and whether or not you actually got *in* the shower to clean it. I made a reference to the fact that I sing when I’m driving in my car. Usually only if I’m in there by myself, and sometimes, depending on the song, I get sort of loud and really start belting it out.

So, that is today’s Question of the Day – do you sing when you’re driving in your car?

Posted by Stace

Scattergories Meme

I saw this at Dawn’s and also at my sister Gail‘s blog. Thought I would play along… I won’t tag anyone specifically, but if you do play, please let me know so I can come check yours out. :mrgreen:

Rules: Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following…They must be REAL places, names, things…NOTHING made up! If you can’t think of anything, skip it. Try to use different answers if the person in front of you had the same 1st initial. You CAN’T use your name for the boy/girl name question.

Your name: Stacy

1. Famous Athlete: Steve Young, Steve Smith
2. 4 letter word: Surf, Snow
3. Street name: Sunflower Avenue, Saddlebrook Drive, State Street
4. Color: Sage green, Sky blue
5. Gifts/presents: Scrapbook supplies, Scrabble game
6. Vehicles: Saturn
7. Tropical Locations: Solomon Islands, South Seas, South Pacific
8. College Majors: Sociology, Special Ed
9. Dairy Products: Sour Cream
10. Things in a Souvenir Shop: Spoons, Snowglobes
11. Boy Name: Scott, Steve
12. Girl Name: Sandra, Susan
13. Movie Titles: Superman, Spiderman, Sleepless in Seattle
14. Alcohol: Scotch
15. Occupations: Seamstress, Science Teacher, Stewardess
16. Flowers: Sunflower, Snapdragons
17. Celebrities: Sandra Bullock, Suzanne Sommers, Sharon Stone
18. Magazines: Southern Living
19. U.S. Cities: Seattle, St. Louis
20. Pro Sports Teams: SAINTS!, San Francisco 49’ers
21. Something Found in a kitchen: Strainer, Skillet, Spatula
22. Reason for Being Late: Sleep late
23. Something You Throw Away: Single Socks
24. Things You Shout: Stop, Stay
25. Cartoon Character: Snoopy, Spongebob Squarepants

Posted by Stace

Chicago Pics

Believe it or not, I didn’t really take a lot of pictures while we were gone. We really only went for the Saints-Bears game and we didn’t get to do any sightseeing while we were there. We had two days of traveling and one day for the game and that was it. I hope we can go back another time and do all of the “touristy” things in Chicago. Neither of us have ever been there before, and it looked like a really nice city.

My overriding memory of Chicago in January will be of how cold it was! Tim, on the other hand, was fine and loved every single minute of it. But, I’m pretty cold natured, and even though I had on a lot of layers, I still got cold. We left for the game (2 PM game) at 11 AM and got to Soldier Field around noon, so we had two hours before the game even started. Then, it took a while to get back out, so we were out in the cold for about 6 hours or so all together. After about 3 hours, I started getting pretty cold. In the third quarter, my feet and hands started getting numb, so I felt cold all over. I think it would have really helped if the Saints had been winning, I would have been a lot warmer! LOL 🙂

I have a few pictures and will post them on the extended page. I discovered that it’s a hassle to store your camera in its case under your coat, or in the pocket of your sweatshirt, under a few layers of coats, gloves and scarves. It takes a while to get to it, and then to put it back in its warm spot. So, I didn’t take a whole lot of pictures at the game since it took some much effort to get my camera in and out! 🙂

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted by Stace

Home Sweet Home

It’s always so good to get back home, at least to me! We’re back from our trip to Chicago, snow and a sad loss at Soldier Field and all. 🙂 I still have to unpack and do a bunch of other things, but I’ll try to come back and blog soon, and also load a few pictures over on my photoblog soon. Not sure if it will be tonight (there’s Jack that I have to watch!) or tomorrow. But I hope soon! I missed my computer and my doggie while we were gone :mrgreen:

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast Meme

Friday, January 19, 2007
Feast One Hundred & Twenty Seven

Which television shows do you just refuse to miss?
I have a really long list of shows that we watch, but some of them I’m ok with missing an episode or two. I won’t miss any of 24, Lost, Survivor or Battlestar Galactica.

Who did you last speak to on the telephone?
Our nephew Zack 🙂

How many pillows do you keep on your bed?
2 for sleeping, and a whopping 7 on there for looks. The 7 get tossed in the corner at night, only to be put back the next morning 🙄

Main Course
Name one addition to your computer (software, hardware, etc.) that you’d love to have.
A nice big external hard drive to store lots of photos on

What is your favorite foreign food?
probably Chinese

Posted by Stace

Singing in the Shower

Singing in the ShowerI’ve got to scrub down our shower today. I try to do this once a week, and I hate doing it. I really have to get in the shower to scrub it down good, but I hate getting in there {gasp, naked} with all of those chemicals. I’ve tried spraying and scrubbing the shower walls (and shower door) down while fully clothed and I always end up getting wet. Today it’s really cold again, so I just take a really hot shower and scrub down the shower walls before getting my shower.

Today’s Question of the Day is a two-fer: Do you actually get *in* your shower to scrub it? And the biggie – do you sing in the shower? Not when you’re cleaning it, but on a regular day. On any given day, do you sing while you’re in the shower?

I never do, it’s just something I have never done. Singing at the top of my lungs while I’m dusting or vacuuming, or while I’m driving in my car is a completely different story, so I’ll save that question for another day. Today, tell us if you or anyone in your family sings while they’re in the shower. Tim does, on rare occasions, if he’s in a really good mood and has just heard a song he likes and is still singing it. Oops, he probably wouldn’t have wanted me to put that here! 😳

Leave me a comment and let me know!

Posted by Stace

Bullet Updates

Running Around!

  • Thanks for all of the helpful comments about my surviving the Chicago cold. Tim is so excited and I’m so worried about freezing and leaving Beau behind for the first time that I can’t see the forest for the trees 🙂
  • My sister brought me a bunch of her ski clothes, so I think I’m set. Thanks Gail! Now I have the following ready to go for our trip to Soldier Field – hat, scarves, red ski gloves, ski glove liners, red ski jacket, sweatshirt, turtleneck, Cuddle Duds (mine, top and bottom), spare pair thermals (waffle weave, top and bottom), jeans, 2 pair boot socks and my nephew’s insulated hunting (camo) boots. Oh, and a neoprene face mask that they wear skiing that will cover my nose and mouth and the bottom half of my face. I probably won’t be able to walk or sit down, I’ll look like the Michelin Man, but hopefully I will be warm! Look for me, I’ll be wearing a red coat, red gloves and a striped hat 🙂
  • Gail and I have been shopping the last two days, all of my favorite places like Walmart and Target. Fun, fun!
  • Watched American Idol last night. Boy, I’m already tired of the bad singers and the nasty comments from the judges. How much more of this do we have before we get to the “real” singing? 🙂
  • It’s cold here and has sleeted some today. Thankfully, no real ice, no loss of power and sadly, no snow. Although, on the bright side, according to Tim, they are now calling for a chance of snow showers on Sunday, while we’re at Soldier Field. Heaven help me!
  • I probably won’t fit into my jeans for the trip. I’ve done nothing but eat lately. We had Mexican last weekend, then brats and then Frito Pie for the playoff games. Yesterday, we had Back Yard Burger for lunch, then picked up take-out Chinese for dinner last night. We went to an all-you-can-eat buffet within walking distance of our house today for lunch, with Gail and Don. (That’s today’s photo, over on my Project365 blog). Blech. I feel like a bloated pig!
  • Did you know the new Survivor and the new Amazing Race both start in February?! Yeah, I can’t wait. Pretty soon, we’ll be so busy with TV – Race, Survivor, 24, Idol, NCIS, Unit, Lost, CSI, Shark, Battlestar. I’m a total TV junkie 🙂
  • I haven’t visited any of my regular blogs I love to read, or any of the Project365 blogs in several days. I’m so behind, my Google Reader says 100+ every day. I hope to catch up soon, before we leave. If not, please forgive me 🙂
  • Tags:
    Posted by Stace

    The Big Game

    N.O. SaintsIf you’ve visited here much, you know we’re football fans and my husband Tim is the world’s biggest Saints fan. We watched the playoff game Saturday night, and were both experiencing heart palpitations throughout. I didn’t have a single nail left to bite before the end of the game.

    It shouldn’t surprise you then (although it does me!) to learn that yesterday we got tickets and airline reservations to Chicago for The Big Game this weekend!!!!!!!!!!

    We’re going to the Bears-Saints NFC Championship game at Soldier Field on Sunday. It’s going to be cold and I’m going to be colder (I get cold if it’s 50 degrees outside). Tim is beyond excited. The Saints in the NFC conference championship. He can’t believe it and he’s too pumped for words. :mrgreen: We’re also really excited about seeing my sister Suzanne, she lives in Illinois, so we’re going to get to see her while we’re there, which will be great.

    Ok, send me any and all tips about surviving the cold. This Southern Girl gets cold taking the garbage out to the curb when it’s 50 degrees. Seriously. I know about layers, but here’s the kicker – how do you layer what you don’t have in your closet?! 🙂

    And, if you have any experience being the visting team at a stadium full of rowdy fans, let us know!

    Posted by Stace

    Blog Talkers

    Blog TalkersOne of my favorite blogs to read is Karen’s, over at Write from Karen. I love her take on things, the witty articles, comics and fun things she posts, her book reviews, the little sneak peak we get into her family life, the questions she poses, and really, most everything she writes. Karen has a new blog going, called Blog Talkers, that is designed to get bloggers blogging. She asks a new question each week and you have the entire week to respond. That’s a great timetable for a procrastinator like myself, LOL!

    This week, during week 3, Karen offers this question:

    Do you consider yourself a high-maintenance, or a low- maintenance person? Why?

    No-brainer for me. I’m definitely high-maintenance. Ask anyone who knows me in “real life”. I think I’m difficult to get along with, and I do require a lot of attention from the people I love. If that doesn’t make me high-maintenance, I don’t know what does. I don’t particularly want to be this way, but I do accept that this is the way I’m wired, and have learned to live with it. I think I come by it honestly, I think my mom was high-maintenance, and I learned it from her (is that passing the buck, or what?!) Tim, thankfully, has learned to live with it too. He’s great when I go into high-maintenance mode. He’s very patient and understanding with me. Tim has the longest fuse of anyone I’ve ever met and puts up with so much from me. I often quote him one of my favorite lines from one of my favorite movies, “You’ve Got Mail”. Tom Hanks is on the treadmill, talking to his buddy about Meg Ryan (while she’s on TV, protesting his big chain bookstore). He says to his friend “She’s a PILL!”. I tell Tim that’s what I am. I’m so glad it’s a pill he’s able to swallow.:lol:

    Great question, Karen! Be sure to go check out her blog and her Blog Talkers blog too, good stuff!

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