Today’s Question of the Day is a bit different from the others I have asked in the past. Today, I’d like to give you a hypothetical situation and see what you would do.
Let’s say that someone you’re close to, a family member or friend, gives you a gift of a scented toiletry item. For example, a bottle of perfume, some scented body wash or body lotion. You’re thrilled because you love this type of stuff! But, after you use it a couple of times, you realize you don’t like the scent. What do you do?
Do you keep it and use it anyway? Do you use it and then once you realize you don’t like it, do you … throw it away? Put it away in a cabinet or drawer and forget about it? Do you give it to another friend for her to try? What would you do?
Leave me a comment and let me know!
Hope everyone has a great weekend! We’re going to be busy. It’s beautiful outside and we have some stuff to do – pruning, weeding, cleaning up, etc. I also have a really long list of things that need to be worked on and fixed on my new laptop. Then, there’s housework. Who knows how much of which will get done!