Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Starting off Your Day

CerealI haven’t been blogging a lot lately. Life seems to get in the way sometimes, huh? But, today, I wanted to ask a question of the day. I always love reading everyone’s answers! Today’s question is all about how you start your day. Do you eat breakfast in the morning? I know a lot of people don’t, and that’s ok too, but it’s just not us.

We’re breakfast people in our house. We were both raised by moms who thought we should start the day off right. Tim’s mom used to get up every single morning and fix them a big breakfast before they got on the bus. Breakfast was big in my house too, and to this day, it’s one of my favorite kinds of food. I have fond memories of my dad fixing pancakes on an old Presto electric griddle we used to have. We eat breakfast every morning here, and we often have breakfast foods for dinner. At least once a week, sometimes more. In fact, I love breakfast food so much, that one year for my birthday, I asked Tim to take me out to eat breakfast rather than dinner. 😀

On an average weekday, we have coffee, juice and a bowl of cereal. We keep two kinds of cereal in the house lately. Tim is on a Raisin Bran Crunch kick, and I’m on a Yogurt Cheerios kick, although I love the Raisin Bran crunch too. On the weekends, we either have cereal or maybe eggs, sausage and grits or even pancakes or waffles.

So, that’s today’s Question of the Day: Do you eat breakfast? Does everyone in your house eat something different? Do you eat at home, in the car, at your desk at work, or not at all? Do you eat the same thing every day or something different every day? Do you eat a big breakfast on the weekends? Do you just skip breakfast all together and wait for lunch?! Inquiring minds want to know 😀

  1. Law Girl Said,

    Coffee. Just coffee. If I could figure out how to tap a vein and inject it directly in my blood stream it would save a lot of time. Until then, I just drink coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.

  2. paperback writer Said,

    I don’t usually eat breakfast until I get to work. Then it’s juice or water with yogurt or a grapefruit. Today, though, I had oatmeal. MMmm…oatmeal. If I could figure out how to inject caffeine into my blood stream I would do it too.

  3. Stacy Said,

    M – F I eat a bowl of oatmeal at my desk at work. Sat & Sun I eat a bowl of cherrios at home. Jeff never eats breakfast at breakfast. He usually eats once a day, sometimes that is breakfast food, but rarely 🙂 You know us…strange people!

  4. deb Said,

    Before I started doing Weight Watchers, I never ate breakfast except on Sunday mornings. I’m definitely a breakfast-eater nowadays…I even bring my breakfast to work with me each morning (fruit & yogurt).

    Have a great Tuesday, Stacy!

  5. heather Said,

    we all eat breakfast of some sort. jason and i love breakfast however catherine is not a big fan of it. jason always makes himself a very ellorborate breakfast (eggs, toast and some sort of meat) me on the other hand when I am watching what i eat usually a granola bar, bowl or cereal or a yogurt. catherine eats just not typical breakfast foods: usually a granola bar (not bad) then off to fruit snacks and gold fish. however lately we really are pushing the raisin bran b/c that helps her on her other end!

  6. Cam Said,

    I always eat breakfast. I don’t think I’ve gone a day in my life without it; I can’t function if I don’t eat immediately when I get up. It’s always just cereal. Lately that’s been Cinnamon Life, but I go through phases. G always eats breakfast, too, and he always has Cheerios followed by fruit (grapes or cantelope). Philip hates eating breakfast, but he usually begrudgingly has a cup of cereal (no milk b/c he hates milk), to make me happy.

  7. rach Said,

    I rarely eat breakfast on weekdays. My husband goes to work and is out of house early so I’m not too keen of having breakfast without him.

    I love Sundays because my husband makes breakfast. Our typical Sunday breakfast is composed of pancakes, bacon or ham, sunny side-up eggs, hash browns and bread.

    Last sunday he made quesadillas for a change.

  8. mamichelle Said,

    I have coffee until around 10 when I eat breakfast at work. It’s usually a piece of ww bread with peanut butter or sb cereal. On weekends, my dh cooks breakfast at least one day (scrambled eggs with cheese, bacon or sausages, home fries; or sunny side up eggs with all of the above, or pancakes instead of eggs (if I’m not dieting)). We only eat together on weekends.

    My mom eats oatmeal EVERY day in the winter and cheerios EVERY day in the summer. I can’t understand how you can eat the same thing day in and day out. DH varies with oatmeal or toast or cereal.

    Good question!

  9. Write From Karen Said,

    Stacy, we could be twins. Truly. I ADORE breakfast foods. I would much rather go out to “breakfast” than to dinner – MUCH rather.

    In fact, we’re having breakfast for dinner tonight. We’re having omelettes (I had to look up how to spell that word – how dumb an I??), hash browns, and bacon. Breakfast is definitely our favorite meal.

    However, I don’t eat breakfast. I simply don’t have an appetite in the mornings – never have. I do drink a (huge) cup of coffee though and mid-morning I eat a protein bar, but I don’t generally get hungry until about 11:30 (as I sit here and type this while slurping soup). The kids eat the requisite cereal and the hubs always eats waffles and bacon but me? Nope. I just down the coffee and bump into walls from the caffeine high. *grin*

  10. Heidi Said,

    Yes, I do eat breakfast. I usually have a big bowl of cereal like Cheerios or Shredded Wheat (frosted) or something like that. We keep several kinds of cereal on hand. On weekends, I like to make pancakes or waffles if we have time.

    If I didn’t eat breakfast, I would not be able to function properly.

    My husband doesn’t eat breakfast most days. He is always in a hurry to get to work in the morning to beat traffic, and is usually gone before I get up.

  11. Simply Dawn Said,

    I love breakfast foods! It is my favorite and I think I’d eat it non stop if I could…hehe

    I was raised with mom cooking for us every morning and I loved it. Right now since it’s just Patt and myself, I’m running too fast to get out of the house. When I get to the office it’s a breakfast bar and coffee. The weekends it depends. Our favorite thing to do is have breakfast for dinner 🙂

    Great question, I’m thinking eggs and pancakes for dinner tonight now 🙂

  12. Debi Said,

    I really, really love breakfast foods, too! And it’s not unusual for us to have “breakfast for supper”. And I try to cook the family a big breakfast once a week (during the weekend). But during the week, it’s just cereal and milk for the kids (usually Dino Eggs instant oatmeal, but sometimes cold cereal). Rich usually makes himself a sandwich for breakfast, or else eats a Nutrigrain bar and a piece of fruit. As for me, I occasionally fix myself some regular old-fashioned oatmeal once the boys are off to school, but usually just skip it altogether.

  13. Jen Said,

    I love breakfast too! I love it so much that I eat it twice a day. 🙁 I usually have cereal in the morning and as a late night snack. My favorites right now are Smart Start, Oatmeal Crisp, Weight Watcher’s Berry or Frosted Mini-wheats. I will sometimes have Oatmeal with brown sugar and raisins mixed in. On the weekends I try to make eggs or pancakes, but it doesn’t always happen. My kids stick mainly with cereal or waffles. My husband skips breakfast altogether unless he makes time to stop for fast food (YUCK).

  14. Laura Said,

    Love all the answers here. Apparently I’m in the minority… I almost never eat breakfast. My mother made breakfast for me every single day of my life until I graduated high school, and after that I stopped cold. Never been a fan of breakfast foods or beverages. I guess I’m just spoiled… my metabolism is lightning fast whether I eat 5 meals a day or 2. And I’ve never, ever been hungry in the morning.

    K likes breakfast, but I can’t imagine him dragging his butt out of bed any earlier than necessary to get to work within 30 minutes of when he’s supposed to be there.

    This week I am drinking a “Light n Fit” yogurt smoothie in the morning. I guess at least it’s a little protein/carbs for breakfast, although not much, and some active cultures which make my UT happy. 😀

    Oh and we will often eat cereal, oatmeal, toast, raisin toast, etc. for dinner. 🙂

  15. Suzanne Said,

    Cheerios SEVEN DAYS A WEEK !
    PMW is not a big breakfast eater, never eggs, so unless we have company I eat cereal every day. Unless we eat out and get yummy pancakes !
    And coffee.
    Today I had to fast to do blood work and I missed my Cheerios !

  16. Claire Said,

    I usually have yogurt and fruit. I take it with me to class and eat it during the second hour…unless class starts later than normal. I LOVE breakfast food and like to eat eggs for dinner. It is a comfort food for me.

  17. Shayna Said,

    I am a breakfast lover!! I love cereal, pancakes, waffles, french toast, and scrambled eggs. My boys love breakfast too. And my hubby is a late comer to breaskfast. We do cereal most of the time, and pancakes and eggs once a week.

  18. jen Said,

    Love question of the day……okay….Madison has either egg/bacon/cheese/mayo sandwich in the morning or cereal….sometimes French toast sticks…..Miller and I eat that also but an hour later…Madison eats at 7am…we eat at 8am….after she is on the bus. Miller loves French toast sticks with a banana in the morning. Scott takes a pop tart stick to go and an energy bar for around 10am….on weekends…I will sometimes do French toast casserole or breakfast casseroles…cinnamon rolls….I love breakfast…I do Bsquits and Gravy at night too alot.

  19. Gail Said,

    We eat breakfast, every day for Don and I eat it every day except Sunday mornings. Then I take a big mug of coffee to sunday school with me for breakfast! We usually eat cereal or oatmeal but I’m slowly getting back into other things b/c Don wants more than cereal or oatmeal….so some days we have waffles and some days he has egg mcmuffin with his oatmeal!
    But, I think you knew all that!

  20. Southern Girl Said,

    I almost always eat breakfast, especially I started trying to lose weight a year ago. That’s SO important. Of course, being a night owl and one who sleeps late sometimes, my first meal of the day is occasionally at lunch time. *g*

    Generally my breakfasts consist of Quaker maple and brown sugar instant oatmeal with a few raisins, walnuts and cinnamon throw in. Once in a while I’ll have scrambled Egg Beaters and a piece of double fiber toast or scrambled Egg Beaters in a whole wheat tortilla with salsa.

    Yesterday I had two pancakes for the first time in over a year. They were gooooood. 😉

  21. Debi Said,

    Sadly I don’t usually eat breakfast. Once in a while I’ll get cini-minis at Burger King or an egg mcmuffin at McDonalds. Generally my breakfast consists of coffee.
    Jono eats breakfast, whether he eats a toaster scramble at home or grabs something on the way to work. I don’t even do breakfast on the weekends. Quite sad!

  22. Jenny A. Said,

    I have to eat something in the mornings. I like to have something different every day, so I keep a variety of stuff on hand: cereal (Cranberry Almond Crunch is a fave right now), biscuits with cheese or butter or jelly, bananas, grits, waffles, granola bars. What I eat depends on how much time I have. I also love breakfast for dinner. I like to cook a breakfast casserole or omlettes or french toast if I have a lot of time. BUT the best thing I have with breakfast Every day is a Coca-Cola! I know it’s bad, but I try to make it my only caffeinated beverage of the day. Try. On hard days after work, I get one more! 😉
    Fun question!

  23. SnoopMurph Said,

    Great blog to get us all talking! I always eat breakfast or the crankiness sets in about 9am. Normally, I eat All Bran Yogurt Bites, occasionally trade off with Special K with strawberries or Cheerios plain. I drink water or a cup of vanilla chai tea, depending on how crazy the morning is.

    My boys love the cinnamon toaster sticks and also the nutrigrain blueberry waffles. They love pancakes on Sunday (we all do). They will eat Cheerios too, my older son only likes the “Bumblebee” Cheerios aka Honey Nut for cereal, but for snacks he likes only the plain ones. My younger son will eat anything that does not eat him first. Seriously.

    My husband has to eat breakfast too, usually cereal. Cheerios, Raisin Bran or Cocoa Puffs. He also likes the toaster sticks on the go.

    I enjoyed the posts, I have some new ideas for my next travel down the cereal aisle! Thanks!

  24. Lynne Said,

    I love breakfast foods at any time of the day. I’ll usually have cereal or scrambled eggs in the morning with a glass of V-8. Shelby doesn’t give herself enough time on a school day to eat, so she takes a couple of Special K bars to eat on the bus. Dom goes out in the mornings, usually McD’s or Chic-Fil-A for his free senior coffee and a biscuit.

  25. Dianne Said,

    Fun and interesting question. I am taking a few vac. hours this morning so I have time to answer.

    Breakfast – I can take it or leave it. On the weekends, I can totally forget about it. For a while there (like 8 mos.) I was making Mike and me hot cereal every morning, mostly oatmeal (the old fashioned kind), in an effort to get his cholesterol down. I’ve kind of fallen off the wagon lately and been giving him a packet of Kashi oatmeal to make at work. Sometimes I’ll make myself some oatmeal when I get to work.

    I do enjoy breakfast foods occasionally for dinner. I’m not a huge egg fan though and when I eat them, for some reason, I have to have orange juice with them or they gag me. Never been a big pancake or french toast fan. I like omelettes with spinach in them, and really crisp homefries. Ad far as cereal goes, I like Life or Special K. I was on a yogurt/granola kick for a while but that’s a summer thing for me. I should love breakfast more, I know. I just dont!

  26. Judi Said,

    We eat breakfast here. Except for the hubby. I usually eat All Bran Yogurt Bites. Miss O eats peanut butter and jelly. 🙂

  27. Becca Said,

    During the week, I eat oatmeal with dried fruit, or eggbeaters with salsa and fat free sour cream. Mitch eats whatever he eats at work, I have no idea. On the weekend, we raid your recipe folders for good ideas, like the waffles!


  28. Dawn Said,

    i almost always eat breakfast. when i get up in the morning on weekdays, i like to ease into my day so i usually pour a glass of juice — cranberry or Plum Smart — to drink while i check my email & my usual morning websites. then i eat my actual breakfats when i get into work — usually a yogurt & a granola bar or a piece of fruit. on the weekends, i will either have whole wheat cinnamon toast with my juice or a bowl of cereal. almost always Special K Red Berries, although i’ve been known to change it up every now & then. the funny thing is that if i don’t eat breakfast, i can go almost all day without ever really feeling hungry. but when i do, it’s as if i kickstart my stomach & then i’m hungry all day long.

  29. Sparky Duck Said,

    My stomach can only handle coffee in the morning. If I eat I either feel queasy or sleepy. Though i do love the fruit snacks, you know the ones ya give to kiddies in there lunch box

  30. Shawna Said,

    I have to eat breakfast!! I generally eay a bowl of high fiber cereal, sometimes with a banana on top, almost every morning for breakfast. Scamp eats cereal or a plain waffle. When I was working, I would take cereal and milk in a cup in the car with me. Sometimes on Saturdays, Beef cooks us French toast or pancakes.

    I do love breakfast foods and eat them at other times, too. Beef and I both have a bowl of cereal (he always puts his in a cup) before bed. I often request a breakfast dinner for special occassions, too. Mmm. I’m hungry!

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