Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

QOTD – What Would You Do?

Today’s Question of the Day is a bit different from the others I have asked in the past. Today, I’d like to give you a hypothetical situation and see what you would do.

Let’s say that someone you’re close to, a family member or friend, gives you a gift of a scented toiletry item. For example, a bottle of perfume, some scented body wash or body lotion. You’re thrilled because you love this type of stuff! But, after you use it a couple of times, you realize you don’t like the scent. What do you do?

Do you keep it and use it anyway? Do you use it and then once you realize you don’t like it, do you … throw it away? Put it away in a cabinet or drawer and forget about it? Do you give it to another friend for her to try? What would you do?

Leave me a comment and let me know!

Hope everyone has a great weekend! We’re going to be busy. It’s beautiful outside and we have some stuff to do – pruning, weeding, cleaning up, etc. I also have a really long list of things that need to be worked on and fixed on my new laptop. Then, there’s housework. Who knows how much of which will get done! 🙂

  1. Shayna Said,

    Honestly?? I think it would get sent to the back of our cabinet in the bathroom, until my dh in one of his cleaning frenzies finds it, threatens to throw it out because I NEVER use it, at which point i would extol it to the heavens, how I just don’t like the way it smells, its barely even been used, and then SELL it at the next garage sale! Is that terrible?

  2. Gail Said,

    I would probably use it some then put it away in a cabinet or drawer. Eventually I might give it to someone, like a family member, or toss it! Or I might put it in a guest bathroom for someone to use when they visit!

  3. Heidi Said,

    I would try to give it away. I hate wasting stuff, and I have almost always been successful in giving away items I don’t like.

  4. Becca Said,

    Honestly? I would Freecycle it. I am going through this major, get rid of the clutter thing in my life. The clutter here is driving me crazy, and if it isn’t what I love or use on a regular basis, I would rather pass it on than have it collect dust.


  5. Stacy Said,

    I would love to be able to give it to someone else who would really like it and use it, but I honestly toss it in this bucket under the guest bath sink. It can be used by guests if they can find it, but we rarely have female guests here so years later I’ll toss it.

  6. Dianne Said,

    I probably wouldn’t open it if the scent didn’t appeal to me. And I’m not shy of regifting. If I have something opened, I will just force myself to use it up before I go on to the scents I like. I’m not much for clutter so if I really hated it, I’d probably trash it, or maybe take it on vacation and see if anyone else wanted to use it.

    Fun Q!

  7. AJ Said,

    I would see if a friend or family member wanted it and if not, then put it in a bag with the all other stuff I have get rid of (its always the case) and send it on its way to good will.

  8. Lynne Said,

    I like the idea of putting it in a guest bathroom. I would probably put it away in a cabinet for a while, then pull it out later and try it again. Sometimes it’s the mood you’re in at the time that makes the scent not appeal to you.

  9. kailani Said,

    I would see if anyone I know would like it. If not, then it’ll probably just end up in the back of my drawer until I throw it out.

  10. Laura Said,

    I wouldn’t use it if I didn’t like the scent. I might give it away, but it would probably just stay somewhere in the back of a cabinet until I feel like throwing it away.

  11. Dawn Said,

    thankfully, most of my close friends & my family know that i am a vanilla girl. there are a couple of other scents that i like too, so my guess is that the chances of getting a scent i don’t like are slim. i can usually tell just by smelling it if i like it or not, so if it didn’t pass the sniff test, i would exchange it for a scent i will use. if i can’t exchange it, i would share with someone who would use it.

  12. Cam Said,

    If I didn’t like it, I wouldn’t use it. I’d see if someone else I knew wanted it, and if not, I’d either put it in our box that periodically gets dumped at the Waterfront Mission thrift store, OR I’d post it on Freecycle. It would probably go really fast on Freecycle.

  13. rach Said,

    I would probably give it away. It’s a shame to waste it. But I don’t want to offend the person who gave it to me so I won’t tell her/him that I didn’t like the scent so I gave it to someone else.

  14. Jenny A. Said,

    Recently I bought something for myself, and I don’t like it. I am thinking I could let my daughter use it—and this would be acceptable for the hypothetical situation as well. I might give it to someone who isn’t in the same circle as the giver. No hurt feelings!

  15. Shawna Said,

    This has happened to me. My MIL bought me a bath set after I had Scamp. It had bath salts, lotion, body wash, and it smelled really good. I don’t use that type of stuff often, so I put it up and forgot about it for almost a year. I pulled it out last week and am using some lotion and bodywash 1-2 times a week.

    If I would not have liked the smell, I probably would have just left it put up or given it to someone else. I can’t stand to through new stuff away.

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