Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast Meme

Friday, March 02, 2007
Feast One Hundred & Thirty Three

What does the color pink make you think of?
Sweet baby girls

Name something you thought you had lost, but later found.
Five pounds, LOL!

In 3 words, describe this past week.
Hard Drive Failure.

Main Course
What are you obsessed with?
Exceedingly Mundane things. Like blogging, watching my favorite TV shows, reading, playing with Beau. 😀

What kind of perfume or cologne do you like to wear?
Clinique Happy

  1. rach Said,

    Sweet baby girls … a lovely thought.

    Great soup! Congrats!

    Oh, sorry about your salad. Hope you were able to salvage all important files.

    Oh, yes, I love Clinique Happy too! Sadly, I ran of it already.

  2. Debi Said,

    Loved your soup…made me giggle!

  3. Susie Said,

    Your soup is hilarious.

    I’m glad your hard drive failure problems are behind you! I know it’s frustrating to not be able to get to your computer. Our power was out for a little while yesterday and I thought I was going to go crazy. It’s sad how much we depend on electricity and we don’t realize it until it’s not working!

    Happy Friday to you! 😀

  4. Becca Said,

    I like your answers today, hey were the five pounds remotely related to the banana shake from Sonic? 😉


  5. paperback writer Said,

    Hard drive failure?!?! Oh, my!

  6. kailani Said,

    I hope you backed up all your info! That must really suck!

  7. Becca Said,

    Stacy, I have a question on your lasagna recipe, the overnight one…do you precook the noodles? Or no? I am going to try this one this weekend and don’t want to screw this one up..


  8. Stacy Said,

    Your soup cracks me up! LOL!!!!

  9. Desert Songbird Said,

    Thank you so much for you care and concern regarding my recent hospitalization. Your warm wishes touched me deeply, and your comments brightened my day. I’m home now and feeling almost 100%.

    Thanks again for your good thoughts and for visiting The Ice Box!
    Desert Songbird
    The Ice Box
    Ice Box Project 365

  10. Desert Songbird Said,

    Oh, BTW – Clinique Happy is the ONLY fragrance I wear!

  11. Debi Said,

    Ooh, some fun answers! I love your soup – that’s a trip! And the main course sounds like some of my favorite things (only playing with my kitties). 🙂

  12. Rob Said,

    Hard drive failure? AAAAAAAAAGH!


  13. Cam Said,

    Oh, I LOVED your soup!! LOL!!!

  14. Judi Said,

    You are too funny. I had to really laugh at the soup. Sadly I can really relate to that!

  15. Becky Said,

    Your feast was very tasty! 😉 I used to wear Happy and still have a bit left of it! And, oh can I relate your soup answer! Only mine is a lot more than that! 🙂 Have a great weekend Stacy!!!

  16. shellsq Said,

    Hehe, love your soup, Stacy!! I’ve been there and done that a million times.

    I cannot believe how many books you’ve read either! Fantastic!

  17. Dawn Said,

    LOL @ your soup!

  18. Shawna Said,

    Very funny — 5 pounds!!!

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