Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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In case you haven’t checked my Project365 blog in the last day or so, you might want to check out today’s photo here.

Then you can see a pitiful picture of my awesome new laptop! We are getting our anniversary presents a little early this year. Tim is getting a new set of irons (golf clubs) and I just got this incredible new laptop. I’m in the very beginning phase of trying to move all of my data and programs over from my old desktop to the new laptop. I don’t think anyone ever realizes how much they have on their computer that they use until it’s time to restore or move it over! 🙂 The only problem I’m having is that some of my programs don’t work quite right under Windows Vista, and I’ve learned that moving iTunes and the music from your iPod is quite an involved task 🙄

On the bright side, it’s a really cool computer. It’s got a great 17″ screen and tons of extra geeky things that we are going to have a blast playing with. Like a webcam, which is new for us, and a TV tuner too. It even came with 2 different remote controls that we can use on all of the media options. Tim is really looking forward to playing with the tuner, once I get most everything else setup.

In the mean time, I’ll be spending every spare minute trying to get my “stuff” moved over and setup. Maybe in a week or two, huh?! I’m going to get further behind in all of my blogging and visiting my favorite blogs.

Hope everyone has a great week!

  1. Southern Girl Said,

    Ooo, how exciting! I know I was a great big bundle of joy when I got my laptop — you’re going to love it! My last desktop had a 17″ monitor — those are awesome.

    Hope all the transferring and moving of stuff goes well. It’s a pain, I know, but it’ll feel good once it’s all finished. 🙂

  2. Gail Said,

    Sounds like fun!

  3. kailani Said,

    I am so jealous! What a cool laptop. You lucky girl!

  4. Heidi Said,

    New computers are exciting! But it is time consuming to move all those files.
    Have fun!

  5. Heidi Said,

    P.S. I made the Crispy Ginger Ale waffles yesterday for breakfast and they were a hit! The crispy outside was really different than other waffle recipes and the hint of ginger was yummy.

  6. Becky Said,

    Oh, Yeah!!! I’m so jealous. I really want a laptop. It is on my wish list and will stay there until it becomes a reality! 🙂 Have fun moving all your stuff! Yikes…it’s going to be time consuming, huh? Have a great week!!!

  7. Dawn Said,

    i know what you mean about it being time consuming. i just had my hard drive wiped clean & windows reinstalled. getting all my programs reinstalled & restoring all my photos… is it ever going to end??

  8. mamichelle Said,

    Wooohoo, Stacy! Looks like a fantastic one! Hope you can get all of your programs working right. It’s tough breaking in a new machine. Good luck!!

  9. marianne Said,

    uh, sounds like an awful ordeal! makes me appreciate hubby more, who does all that stuff. good luck with it!

  10. Shawna Said,

    I saw the picture of your laptop! Way cool! Beef just installed Windows Vista on our home computer and is having to reset up a lot of things. It seems to have some neat options though.

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